Creating a data erasure request for multiple customers
To delete identities for multiple customers:
In the navigation pane, click Data Erasure.
Click Create Delete Request to start a data erasure request.
Search for one or more customer profiles by using filters.
Note that CDP uses the
operator for more than one filter. If you do not find the profiles you are looking for, adjust the filters.Select the checkbox next to each profile in your results, and click Add to Request.
As you select additional profiles, the number of total selected profiles is displayed at the top of the New Delete Request page. In addition, the selected profiles are disabled.
To add more profiles, repeat the preceding steps.
You cannot submit more than 200 identities at a time. For more information, see Unable to create a batch with more than 200 records in data erasure.
After you add all the profiles that you want to delete, click Review and Submit Request to review and complete the required fields.
CDP displays the Profile Delete Review page. You can view the total number of profiles and the identities in each profile. You can update the request to include or exclude specific profiles or identities. To update your request, do one of the following:
Clear the checkbox next to any customer profile or identity.
Click the Kebab menu icon next to a profile and remove all of the customer’s identities associated with that profile.
In Date of Customer Request, select the date when your customer requested for deletion of data.
Note that you cannot select a date older than one month.
In Reason for Request, do one of the following:
Select GDPR Compliance.
Select Other and specify the reason.
Click Submit to initiate the data erasure process. After you submit the request, CDP displays a message with a request ID, the number of identities that are registered for deletion, and the number of profiles that are skipped. Identities are skipped if they are already submitted earlier.
Access the status page to view the request in the Pending status. After all the records are deleted, the status is updated to Completed. The system removes all customer records from all data stores.
After the retention period:
GDPR status is removed from the GDPR request status list.
If a new request is received when a request with identical profiles or identities already exists, the new request is skipped.
If a new request is received after the completion of the earlier request, the new version of the record is created. The data erasure request store retains the last five versions of the records. However, only the latest data erasure request status is available to users.
Filtering data erasure requests
CDP allows you to leverage multiple filtering options to locate your data erasure requests.
To filter your results:
In the navigation pane, click Data Erasure.
In Request ID, specify the ID for your data erasure request.
In Customer ID, specify your customer ID.
In Created On, specify the date when the data erasure request is created.
In Expiration Date, specify the date by which the system fulfills the request.
By default, the expiration date is 30 days from the Created On date.
In Status, select one of the following:
Pending: The data erasure request is pending. A data erasure request can only be canceled or changed when it is in the Pending status. After a request is complete, you cannot restore the data.
In Progress: The data erasure request is currently in progress.
Completed: The data erasure request is complete and data is deleted.
Click Apply.
CDP displays the data erasure request according to the specified filter criteria. Note that CDP uses the
operator for more than one filter. If you do not find your request, adjust the filters.
Canceling a data erasure request
You can cancel a data erasure request when its status is Pending.
To cancel a request:
In the navigation pane, click Data Erasure.
Locate the data erasure request that you want to cancel.
Note that the status of the request must be Pending. You can also use filters to locate all the requests with Pending status. For more information, see Filtering data erasure requests.
Click the Kebab menu icon next to the data erasure request.
Click Cancel Request.
CDP displays a confirmation message.
Click Continue and Remove.
CDP cancels the request.
Viewing data erasure requests
To view data erasure requests created through the Data Erasure or 360 Profiles tab:
Sign in to the CDP user interface.
In the navigation pane, click Data Erasure.
Filter your results. For more information, see Filtering data erasure requests.
Based on your filter criteria, the system displays the relevant data erasure requests with the following information:
Request ID
Customer ID
Created On
Requested On
Expiration Date
Created By
Completed On
CDP cannot process bulk data erasure requests or bulk purges of user data.