Acquia CDP

Available attributes for Data Export

Attribute-naming Convention

  1. All “ID” attributes on each entity are unique identifiers for records that are assigned by Customer Data Platform (CDP)’s platform. Some of the examples are MasterCustomerID, ProductID, and ProductCategoryID.

  2. All “SourceXNumber” attributes on each entity are unique identifiers for records provided by the client. Some of the examples are SourceCustomerNumber, SourceProductNumber, and SourceProductCategoryNumber.


  1. MasterCustomerID (PK)

  2. FirstTransactionDate

  3. PreviousTransactionDate

  4. LastTransactionDate

  5. FirstTransactionRevenue

  6. TotalRevenue

  7. TotalRevenue_Last12Months

  8. TotalRevenue_Last13_24Months

  9. TotalRevenuedecile_Last12Months

  10. TotalRevenuedecile_Last13_24Months

  11. TotalTransactionCount

  12. TotalTransactionCount_Last12Months

  13. TotalTransactionCount_Last13_24Months

  14. TotalTransactionCountWithDiscount

  15. TotalListPrice

  16. TotalDiscount

  17. TotalProductcategoryCount

  18. TotalProductCount

  19. LastOpenDate

  20. LastSendDate

  21. LastClickDate

  22. FirstVisitDate

  23. LastVisitDate

  24. TotalVisitCountLast30Days

  25. TotalVisitCount31_60Days

  26. TotalClickCountLast30Days

  27. TotalClickCount31_60Days

  28. TotalOpenCount31_60Days

  29. TotalOpenCountLast30Days

  30. TotalSendCount31_60Days

  31. TotalSendCountLast30Days

  32. PrimaryBrand

  33. PrimaryOrganization

  34. Country

  35. State

  36. City

  37. ZipCode

  38. Gender

  39. FirstPromoID

  40. FirstPromoCategoryID

  41. aovgroup

  42. averagediscountrate

  43. categorymixgroup

  44. daysincefirstweblogin

  45. daysincefirstweblogingroup

  46. daysincelastweblogin

  47. daysincelastweblogingroup

  48. firsttransactionrevenuegroup

  49. lasttransactioninterval

  50. recencydaysgroup

  51. recencymonth

  52. frequency

  53. tenuredays

  54. tenuredaysgroup

  55. totalclickcount31_60daysgroup

  56. totalclickcountlast30daysgroup

  57. totalopencount31_60daysgroup

  58. totalopencountlast30daysgroup

  59. totalsendcount31_60daysgroup

  60. totalsendcountlast30daysgroup

  61. totalproductcountgroup

  62. totalrevenue_last13_24monthsgroup

  63. totalrevenue_last12monthsgroup

  64. totalrevenuegroup

  65. totalrevenuesegment_13_24months

  66. totalrevenuesegment_last12months

  67. totaltransactioncount_13_24monthsgroup

  68. totaltransactioncount_last12monthsgroup

  69. totaltransactioncountgroup

  70. totalvisitcount31_60daysgroup

  71. totalvisitcountlast30daysgroup

  72. zipconcat

  73. age

  74. birthmonth

  75. birthyear

  76. frequencygroup

  77. totalrevenuesegment_segmentationstatus

  78. lasttransactionintervalgroup

  79. emaildomain

  80. closeststore

  81. closeststoredistance

  82. closeststoredistancegroup

  83. totalorganizationcount

  84. firsttransactionorganization

  85. lasttransactionorganization

  86. primarystore

  87. email

  88. customerstatus

  89. Preferences

  90. BuyerIdentification

  91. FirstName

  92. MiddleName

  93. LastName

  94. Title

  95. Sal

  96. PrimaryPhone

  97. SecondaryPhone

  98. MobilePhone

  99. Address1

  100. Address2

  101. TotalCost

  102. TotalCost_Last12Months

  103. TotalCost_Last13_24Months

  104. PrimaryDeviceType

  105. recencydays

  106. PropensityToBuyDecile

  107. PropensityToEngageDecile

  108. PropensityToConvertDecile

  109. BehaviorBasedClusterID

  110. PurchaseClusterID

  111. BrowseClusterID

  112. ProductClusterID

  113. BrandClusterID

  114. EmailStatus

  115. AddressCertified

  116. Suite

  117. DpvConfirm

  118. DoNotEmail

  119. DoNotCall

  120. DoNotText

  121. DoNotMail

  122. BirthDate

  123. ZipExt

  124. NCOADateUpdate

  125. MoveType

  126. MoveDate

  127. ChannelMix

  128. ChannelMix_Last12Months

  129. ChannelMix_Last13_24Months


  1. ID (PK)

  2. MasterCustomerID

  3. CustomerID


  1. ID (PK)

  2. SourceCustomerNumber

  3. UUID

  4. SourceAccountNumber

  5. AccountID

  6. FirstName

  7. MiddleName

  8. LastName

  9. Title

  10. Sal

  11. Company

  12. Email

  13. PrimaryPhone

  14. SecondaryPhone

  15. Cookie

  16. State

  17. Preferences

  18. BirthYear

  19. BirthMonth

  20. BirthDay

  21. BirthDate

  22. Age

  23. DateCreated

  24. DateModified

  25. RowCreated

  26. RowModified

  27. EmailStatus

  28. Gender

  29. MobilePhone

  30. MobileAdvertisingId

  31. MobileDeviceId

  32. NameCodes

  33. DoNotEmail

  34. DoNotCall

  35. DoNotText

  36. DoNotMail


  1. ID (PK)

  2. SourceAddressNumber

  3. Address1

  4. Address2

  5. City

  6. Zip

  7. ZipExt

  8. State

  9. Country

  10. CountryCode

  11. Certified

  12. DpvConfirm

  13. DeliveryPointCode

  14. DateCertified

  15. Suite

  16. CarrierRoute

  17. CMRA

  18. DeliveryPointCheckDigit

  19. ErrorCode

  20. ErrorString

  21. LACS

  22. RBDI

  23. Latitude

  24. Longitude

  25. NCOADateModified

  26. NCOADateUpdate

  27. MoveType

  28. MoveDate

  29. MatchFlag

  30. RowCreated

  31. RowModified

  32. Name

  33. Type


  1. ID (PK)

  2. SourceAddressNumber

  3. AddressID

  4. SourceCustomerNumber

  5. CustomerID

  6. RowCreated

  7. RowModified


  1. ID (PK)

  2. SourceProductNumber

  3. Name

  4. Description

  5. ProductURL

  6. ImageURL

  7. ParentProductID

  8. ParentProductNumber

  9. Status

  10. BundleNumber

  11. BrandName

  12. SourceBrandNumber

  13. MSRP

  14. ListPrice

  15. SalePrice

  16. SaleCondition

  17. Availability

  18. AvailableQty

  19. Size

  20. Color

  21. Weight

  22. DateCreated

  23. DateModified

  24. RowCreated

  25. RowModified

  26. RecoStatus


  1. ID (PK)

  2. SourceCategoryNumber

  3. Name

  4. ParentCategoryID

  5. SourceParentCategoryNumber

  6. LevelName

  7. URL

  8. ImageURL

  9. RowCreated

  10. RowModified


  1. ID (PK)

  2. SourceProductNumber

  3. ProductID

  4. SourceProductCategoryNumber

  5. ProductCategoryID

  6. RowCreated

  7. RowModified


  1. ID (PK)

  2. SourceTransactionNumber

  3. SourceTransactionNumberAlt

  4. SourceCustomerNumber

  5. CustomerID

  6. SourceAccountNumber

  7. AccountID

  8. SourceOrganizationNumber

  9. OrganizationID

  10. Total

  11. Currency

  12. TransactionTimeStamp

  13. Type

  14. SourceEmployeeNumber

  15. EmployeeID

  16. Discount

  17. Tax

  18. DateCreated

  19. DateModified

  20. RowCreated

  21. RowModified

  22. ShippingRevenue


  1. ID (PK)

  2. SourceTransactionItemNumber

  3. TransactionID

  4. SourceTransactionNumber

  5. SourceOrganizationNumber

  6. OrganizationID

  7. SourceProductNumber

  8. ProductID

  9. Type

  10. Subtype

  11. ShipDate

  12. InvoiceDate

  13. Quantity

  14. Weight

  15. Volume

  16. ListPrice

  17. SaleRevenue

  18. Discount

  19. CostBasis

  20. Tax

  21. ShippingRevenue

  22. ShippingCost

  23. ShippingDiscount

  24. OtherRevenue

  25. OtherCost

  26. Currency

  27. UserClient

  28. BundleNumber

  29. SourceSubscriptionNumber

  30. SubscriptionID

  31. Gift

  32. DateCreated

  33. DateModified

  34. DeleteFlag

  35. RowCreated

  36. RowModified

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