Acquia CDP

User management

This feature simplifies user management in Customer Data Platform (CDP) by streamlining user addition, removal, role assignment, and permission controls.


The following are the capabilities of user management for administrators:

  • User list: View user details, filter by status, count visible users, and keep important elements visible with a fixed scroll component. This is the only capability that is also available for non-administrator users.
  • Create new users: Create users with essential information and specific permissions. After user creation, the system automatically sends a welcome email to the user.
  • Delete users: Delete users that are no longer needed.
  • Update user information: Update user profiles including email and names, and modify permissions to reflect changes in responsibilities.
  • Resend welcome email: Resend welcome emails to users who did not receive the initial email.
  • Enable and disable user accounts: Disable user accounts to prevent access while preserving data, and reactivate accounts to restore user activities.
  • Reactivate users: Address user lockouts by reactivating accounts and sending an invitation link for password resets, allowing users to regain access with a new password after confirmation.

Use cases

The following are the use cases of user management:

  • Creating a new user: Create a new user by providing essential information such as email, first name, and last name with specific permissions for the following features that align with their responsibilities, so that they can access the relevant features:

    • Campaigns

    • Dashboards

    • Reports

    • 360 Profiles

    • Integrations

    • Data Erasure

    The system sends a welcome email automatically upon user creation.

  • Deleting a user: Delete a specific user account when the user leaves the organization or the account is no longer required.

  • Updating user information: Update user's profile information, adjust the permissions based on role changes, and resend welcome emails as needed. 

  • Enabling and disabling user accounts: Disable user accounts to restrict access while preserving their data and reactivate users as needed. When you reactivate an account, the system automatically sends an invite.

  • Reactivating users: Reactivate locked out users and reset their passwords.

Important considerations

The following are the important considerations:

  • Customers cannot edit pre-configured roles or permissions.
  • Customers cannot create new and custom roles.
  • Customers cannot manage users in bulk to deal with large user sets.
  • Customers cannot handle users and permissions for multiple tenants or environments, which may be necessary for organizations with multiple divisions or subsidiaries.
  • Customers cannot create or display service users, restricting the management of automated or background processes.
  • Customers cannot add or manage permissions related to specific features such as Interactive Queries and CDP Studio.
  • Customers cannot add an existing user to a new tenant as self-service. You must contact customer support for this process.

User access requests

To add a user to CDP, contact Acquia Support. You must have the following details in the Support ticket:

  • First name of the user
  • Last name of the user
  • Access to CDP components
  • IQ requested
  • Security gatekeeper’s approval for this request
  • Account or Tenant name

    This is applicable only if you have multiple tenants in CDP.

Sample request

Create a new account in CDP for the following user:

  • J Smith
  • Full Access
  • No IQ access
  • The security gatekeeper has approved this request and is .cc’d.

CDP components

For a user, you can enable Full access or granular access to specific components. With Full access, a user gets:

  • Write access to Campaigns and Metrics
  • Access to 360 Profiles

The following are the CDP components and their access rights:


With Full Access, you can create and edit the following Campaigns+.

With Read Only Access, you only have access to view campaigns. You cannot edit or save campaigns.


With Full Access, you can create and edit the following components:

  • Metrics

  • Template Reports

  • Legacy Dashboards

With Read Only Access, you only have access to view these features.

360 Profiles
With A360 role, you can only view 360 profiles.
UIAdminGrant Read Only Access to the CDP user account list in the hub. This is only for security gatekeepers.
Data ErasureUse this for compliance-related data erasure requests.

With Full Access , you can create and edit the following components:

  • Input Connectors

  • Instances

With Read Only Access, you only have access to view these above features.

ML StudioTo add ML Studio to your subscription, contact your CDP CVM. For more information, see ML Studio.
User Administration

With Full Access , you can create, edit, deactivate, activate and delete users.

With Read Only Access, you only have access to view the Users list.

Security gatekeeper

If your request is not initiated by your appointed security gatekeeper, Acquia Support adds the security gatekeeper to the .cc of your Support ticket and asks them to approve the ticket.

Interactive Query access

Interactive Query is an additional cost subscription feature.


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