This document provides instructions for marketers and data analysts on using the Multi-Touch Attribution feature to measure conversions, analyze campaign performance, and generate reports based on various attribution models.
To use the multi-touch attribution models:
In All Fields, expand Attribution.
Select Attribution Model.
In addition, you can use filters such as Attribution Event Type or Event Start Date to further refine the data in the report.
Select the operator.
For example, is.
Select a model from the following options:
For more information on the attribution models, see Attribution models.
The system populates the report based on the selected model.
To refine the data in the report, use the other available filters explained as follows:
Attribution Event Type - Attribution Event Type defines type(s) of event to which transactions are to be attributed. Select from available event types such as emailOpen or emailClick.
Attribution Window in Days - Attribution Window defines the period you set during which customer transactions can be credited to the associated campaign. The default value is [0:7], indicating that transactions occurring from 0 to 7 days after the event are considered within the attribution window. The lower and upper bounds of the attribution window can be set using the format [X:Y], where X is the lower bound and Y is the upper bound, both measured in days.
Event Date Range - Event Date Range specifies the time period over which events are included. The default value is the last 7 days.
CDP offers multiple dimensions and measures that you can use to generate multi-touch attribution reports. For more information on the standard multi-touch attribution dimensions and measures, see dimensions and measures.
In addition to customized multi-touch reports, CDP provides two Out-Of-The-Box (OOTB) dashboards.
To use the standard multi-touch reporting dashboards:
Select one of the following:
The system displays the corresponding report.
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Thu Feb 13 2025 22:48:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)