This page provides instructions to configure WebTag Legacy using Google Tag Manager (GTM).
Use the following checklist to configure WebTag:
S.No. | Task | Description |
1 | Configure the Acquia Global tag (WebTag Legacy) | CDP - Global is a default essential tag for GTM. |
2 | Configure the Acquia Customer Object tag | CDP - Customer Object is a default essential tag for GTM. |
3 | Configure optional tags | The following are the default primary tags for GTM: |
CDP uses an encrypted layer with a bcrypt salted key. You must refresh this key daily to access and push payloads to the CDP API. Also, you must add the encrypted layer to the global tag so that it can auto-create the bcrypt key before getting fired daily, each time a customer engages on a webpage where GTM is added.
In HTML, create the Acquia encrypted layer script:
var hashes = {"date": "bcrypt", "date"}
var today = new Date().toISOstring().slice(0,10);
var $A1Config = {
key: hashes [today],
tenantId: ADD ID, host: "Acquia API URL"
In HTML, create the Acquia Customer Object script:
var visitor = {"id" : "{{GA - ClientID}}"};
If ("{{GA - Data Layer - User Email}}" != "unknown")
{ = "{{GA - Data Layer - User Email}}";
var $a1vis = $A1.Customer(visitor);
In HTML, create the Login script:
var $a1event = {type: "Login", customer: $a1vis};
In HTML, create the Logout script:
var $a1event = {type: "Logout", customer: $a1vis};
In HTML, create the PDP script:
var $a1prod = {productId: "{{PDP - Product SKU - JS}}"};
var $a1event = {type: "productBrowsed", customer: $a1vis, targets: $a1prod};
In HTML, create the PDP - Add to Cart script:
var $a1prod = {productId: "{{PDP - Product SKU - JS}}"};
var $a1event = $a1event({type: "cartUpdated", customer: $a1vis, targets: $a1prod});
In HTML, create the PLP script:
var $a1cat = {SourceProductCategoryNumber: "{{Page Path}}"};
var $a1event = {type: "categoryBrowsed", customer: $a1vis, targets: $a1cat};
In HTML, create the PLP - Add to Cart script:
var $a1prod = {productID: "{{PLP - Quick Shop Opened - Product SKU - JS}}"};
var $a1event = {type: "cartUpdated", customer: $a1vis, targets: $a1prod};
In HTML, create the CDP - Search script.
var $a1search = {terms: "{{Site Search Term}}"};
var $a1event = {type: "onsiteSearch", customer: "Login", customer: $a1vis, targets: $a1search};
In HTML, create the CDP - Checkout script.
var _ix = { };
_ix.order = dataLayer[0];
_ix.orderId = _ix.order.transactionId; = _ix.order.transactionSubtotal;
_ix.price = [ ];
_ix.skus = [ ];
_ix.quantity = [ ];
_ix.items = [ ];
for(var x in _ix.order.transactionProducts){
id: _ix.orderId + "-" + (x + 1),
type: "Purchase",
subType: "pending",
productId: _ix.order.transactionProducts [x].sku,
quantity _ix.order.transactionProducts[x].quantity,
saleRevenue: _ix.order.transactionProducts[x]. Price *
_ix.order.transactionProducts[x] . quantity,
discount: 0
var $tx = {id: _ix.orderId, type: "Purchase"};
var $a1event = {
type: "checkout",
customer: $a1vis,
transaction: $tx,
targets: _ix.items};
// $A1.Event($a1event).send();
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