Acquia CDP

Sign in and password reset

Signing in to CDP

To sign in to Customer Data Platform (CDP):

  1. From the following URLs, click the URL for your region to sign in to CDP:
  2. In the Email address field, enter your email address.

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the Password field, enter your password.

  5. Click Sign In.

Resetting your password

To reset the password for your CDP account:

  1. From the following URLs, click the URL for your region to access the Reset Password page:
  2. In the Email address field, enter your email address and click Reset Password.

    After few minutes, the system sends you the password reset email with the subject, “CDP | Password Reset Request”. If you do not see the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.

  3. Open the email and click Reset Password.

    The system displays the password reset link.

  4. Click the link and enter your new password twice, adhering to the following rules set by CDP's password policy:

    • The password must contain at least eight characters
    • The password must contain at least one upper case letter
    • The password must contain at least one lower case letter
    • The password must contain at least one number
    • The password must contain at least one special character from the following: $,@,#,!,%,*,?,&

    In addition to these rules, the password policy includes the following rules:

    • The password for your CDP account expires every 90 days.

      If you reset or change your password within 90 days, your current password becomes invalid and the new password stays valid for 90 days from the date you set it.

    • Users cannot reuse their old passwords.

      It prevents unauthorized access and protect against threats such as hacking and identity theft. Strong password policies are key to an organization's security.

  5. Click Update Password.
  6. Click Go back to login.
  7. Log in to CDP using your new password.

For more information about troubleshooting CDP password reset issues, see Troubleshooting common Customer Data Platform password reset issues.


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