Acquia CDP

File formats

For each entity selected in a Data Export job, Customer Data Platform (CDP) exports flat-files in compressed CSV format to an Amazon S3 location.


CDP returns an error when you archive a file larger than 8GB.

Format of compressed files

Number of files exported

  • Each Data Export job can include attributes across multiple entities.

  • CDP exports at least one file per entity selected when setting up a Data Export job.

    To review the list of entities available for Data Export, see Available entities for Data Export.

  • More often than not, multiple files per entity are exported depending on the size of data. When the data being exported is reasonably sized, CDP breaks each entity into multiple files.

File-naming convention

The following convention is followed by the exported files:


  • [FileNamePrefix] is a configurable keyword you can choose.

  • [EntityName] is the name of the entity being exported.

  • [TimeStamp] is the time-stamp for when the export job was executed.

  • [X] is the piece # for the exported file per entity.

Example file name: AgilOneDemoDataExport_customersummary_20171025005013_piece_0.tar.gz

Compression format

  • CDP uses GZIP compression after archiving CSV files as .tar files.

  • The resulting file extension for all exported files is .tar.gz.

  • Compressing large data files saves Amazon S3 storage and transfer costs for clients.

Example files dropped on Amazon S3

Format of uncompressed files

File-naming convention

Extracting each .tar.gz file unarchives one CSV file.

The following convention is followed by the extracted CSV files:


  • [FileNamePrefix] is a configurable keyword you can choose.

  • [EntityName] is the name of the entity being exported.

Example file name: AgilOneDemoDataExport_customersummary.csv

File format

  • File extension: .csv

  • Column Delimiter: [comma] character (,)

  • Row Delimiter: {LF}

  • Encoding: UTF-8

  • Text qualifiers: [double quotes] character (“)

  • Headers in the first row

Example exported CSV file


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