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The Snowflake data share feature facilitates secure and seamless sharing between the CDP warehouse and external Snowflake warehouses used by customers or partners. It is the preferred method for external data sharing from CDP.
The following are the features of Snowflake data share:
Client-owned Snowflake: If you have a Snowflake account, you can use the data export features.
Data Share methods: Snowflake Private Listings is CDP's standard method for data transfer across any cloud or region. It enables scheduling updates by the minute, hour, or day and offers further customization with cron for flexibility. Most tables are updated post data pipeline refresh, while certain tables are updated multiple times daily.
CDP shared tables | Scheduling |
Audience History | Intra-day |
Address | Flexible |
Anonymous Event | Flexible |
Campaign | Flexible |
Customer | Flexible |
Customer Summary | Flexible |
Event | Intra-day |
Fiscal Calendar | Flexible |
Hour Summary | Flexible |
Household Summary | Flexible |
Master Customer | Flexible |
All Machine Learning Tables | Flexible |
Organization | Flexible |
Organization Summary | Flexible |
Product | Flexible |
Product Category Summary | Flexible |
Promotion Summary | Flexible |
Transaction | Flexible |
Transaction Items | Flexible |
Transaction Summary | Flexible |
CDP provides additional tables. To access the complete list of tables available for sharing, contact your AM or CVM.
Export data from the CDP Snowflake Data Warehouse to your own, whether it's hosted on the same cloud service and region or a different one.