Acquia CDP

Event feed


This functionality applies only to specific tenants. Before implementing or developing any feed or API solution, review your use case with your Customer Data Platform (CDP) team to ensure that CDP can support your use case. Ensure that the platform is properly configured before you start pushing this data.

The following section lists the main attributes that you can send to CDP.

Feed description

Individual, atomic events linked to each customer. For example, email events (emailSend, emailOpen, and emailClick), web events (productBrowsed, checkout, and login), direct mail events (directmailSend) and custom events that are specific to your brand (storeVisit, yogaEvent, and warrantySignup.

Feed structure

Field nameImportanceData typeReferential integrityDescription
CookieRequired/Optional (depending on the use case)String The unique identifier of the person triggering the event. For web or app-related events, use an actual cookieID or mobiledeviceID of the visitor, prefixed with an indication of the source system. This attribute is used only for web or app-related events.

The type of the event.

  • Standard email event values for this attribute are:
    • emailSend
    • emailOpen
    • emailClick
    • emailBounce
    • emailSubscribe,
    • emailUnsubscribe
  • Standard web event values for this attribute are:
    • productBrowsed
    • categoryBrowsed
    • onsiteSearch
    • cartUpdated
    • checkout

The value must follow the camelCasing convention. You can also use custom event values. To configure them, contact your CDP team.. The following are some examples of custom event values:

  • smsSubscribe
  • smsOpen
  • smsClick
  • smsUnsubscribe
  • smsSend
  • smsDeliver
SubtypeOptionalString This feed stores the type of bounce for email bounce events. For example, hard or soft.
EventTimeStampRequiredDatetime The date and time at which the event occurred. This feed is stored as an epoch timestamp in milliseconds to maintain the best precision. EventTimeStamp must be sent as an epoch timestamp in milliseconds. To convert human-readable dates to epoch timestamp in milliseconds, see Epoch Converter.
SourceCustomerNumberRequired (see description)StringCustomer: SourceCustomerNumber

The unique identifier of the customer or visitor that triggered this event. You must provide one of the following two identifiers for CDP to load the events in the platform:

  • Email
  • SourceCustomerNumber
EmailRequired (see description)StringCustomer: Email

The email address of the customer or visitor that triggered this event. You must provide one of the following two identifiers for CDP to load the events in the platform:

  • Email
  • SourceCustomerNumber
RefererOptionalString This attribute stores the URL of the page that leads the visitor to the current page on which the event was triggered. This attribute is applicable to only web events.
URLOptionalString This attribute stores the URL of the current page where this event was triggered. This attribute is applicable to only web events.
SourceMessageNumberRecommendedStringMessage: SourceMessageNumber

The message which triggered this event for the customer or visitor.

  • For email events: This is the message that was sent, opened, clicked, or bounced that led to the subscription or unsubscription of the customer.
  • For other marketing campaigns, such as email and SMS, this is the message that was sent, or that was viewed by the customer and on which the event was triggered. This is important for reporting and tying events to the marketing efforts that triggered them.
SourceProductNumberRecommendedStringProduct:SourceProductNumberThe identifier of the product tied to the event. This attribute is applicable to web events. The identifier of the product targeted by productBrowsed, cartUpdated, and checkout events.
SourceProductCategoryNumberOptionalStringProduct: SourceProductCategoryNumber Category: SourceCategoryNumberThe identifier of the category tied to the event. This attribute is applicable to web events. The identifier of the category targeted by categoryBrowsed event.
SourceTransactionNumberRecommendedStringTransaction: SourceTransactionNumberThe identifier of the category tied to the event. This attribute is applicable to web events. The identifier of the transaction created by a checkout event.
SourceOrganizationNumberOptionalStringOrganization: SourceOrganizationNumberThe identifier of the organization tied to the event. This attribute is applicable to custom physical, in-store events, and customers who have multiple websites that they want to differentiate. For example, loyaltySignUp. Not applicable to email events.
SearchTermOptional (use only with Type = “onsiteSearch”)String The term used during an onsite search event.

This is the client used when the event was triggered. This is applicable for web-like events where differentiating between the website and a mobile application is relevant for marketing campaigns. This is automatically populated when you use the CDP JS SDK on your website. However, you must populate the value when using the Tracker API. The possible values are:

  • A for applications such as mobile applications
  • B for browser
  • U for unknown
DomainOptionalString The name of the domain on which the event was triggered. This is applicable for web events. This is automatically populated when you use the CDP JS SDK on your website. However, you must populate the value when using the Tracker API.

The type of device used to trigger the event. This is applicable for web events. CDP populates this by the JS SDK when you implement it on your website. You must populate it when using the Tracker API. CDP supports the following standard values:

  • COMPUTER for laptops and desktops
  • MOBILE for mobile phones. For example, iPhone, Galaxy Note
  • TABLET for Tablet. For example, iPad, Kindle Fire
  • GAME_CONSOLE for Game console. For example, Playstation 4 and Digital Media Receiver (DMR). For example, Roku, Google TV
  • WEARABLE for wearable devices

To add other values, contact your Implementation Consultant.

OperatingSystemOptionalString The operating system of the device on which the event was triggered. This is applicable for web events. This is automatically populated when you use the CDP JS SDK on your website. However, you must populate the value when using the Tracker API.
BrowserOptionalString The browser on which the event was triggered. This is applicable for web events. This is automatically populated when you use the CDP JS SDK on your website. However, you must populate the value when using the Tracker API.
Custom attributesOptionalAny (float, datetime, string, boolean) Custom attributes that you want to use inside the CDP application. To get this customization, contact your CDP CVM.

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