Acquia CDP

ESP - Acoustic Connect


This Email Service Provider (ESP) was formerly known as Silverpop.


  • Database: List of all subscribers representing one logical view
  • Queries: List of all subscribers representing a subset of a database
  • Contact List: List of all subscribers representing a subset of a database
  • Custom Fields: List of fields or attributes that Customer Data Platform (CDP) pushed to ESP other than the email address
  • Relational Table: Type of destination list that stores data pushed by CDP
  • Destination List: List structure representing data pushed by CDP


CDP pulls the following input data:

  • Full master contact list with the latest main subscription status

    CDP does not pull or take into account suppression lists. The Subscription flag from the contact list has to be up-to-date. The list must use email as a primary key. Otherwise, CDP randomly selects and merges different recipients with the same email ID.

  • Send, open, click, bounce, subscription, and unsubscription events
    • Daily: yes
    • Historical load: past 6 months of events


CDP does not update records in the Acoustic contact databases. CDP pushes the audiences and content to relational tables.

Acoustic has some limitations in terms of the maximum number of relational tables and rows across relational tables. For example, it supports only 10M rows across all relational tables in one account and 10 relational tables at most per account. For your current capacity, check with your Acoustic account manager.


The following are the requirements of the setup:

  • Provide CDP with a Acoustic Connect account with Org Admin rights.
  • Provide CDP with the FTP details and credentials (username, password).
  • Provide CDP with an API user (username, password).
  • Provide CDP with the list id(s) used in Acoustic/Silverpop for Database IDs and Contact lists, For example, 233201.
  • Verify that you have enough capacity left to accommodate for new relational tables.
  • Allowlist CDP’s IP. Confirm this with your Implementation Consultant.


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