Acquia CDP

Google Analytics 4 - Overview


The following topics provide information about the Google Analytics 4 connector:


The current Google Analytics properties will no longer process data from July 1, 2023. For more information, see Universal Analytics. However, customers who have a Google Analytics 360 Premium subscription will receive a one-year extension, so that they can use Google Analytics properties until July 1, 2024. For documentation related to Google Analytics, see Google Analytics.

Standard reports

With the Google Analytics 4 integration, Customer Data Platform (CDP) can provide standard reports to help you better understand your marketing performances.

Google Analytics 4 integration

To get this integration:

  1. Allow CDP to access your account.
  2. Share the Google Property Id:
    • New customers: During implementation, provide the Property Id to CDP’s Professional Services team.
    • Existing customers: Post implementation, contact Acquia Support to request for any new connector, such as Google Analytics 4.
  3. CDP sets up the integration and starts pulling data from your Google Analytics.

    This typically takes 2 days. For information about the data that Acquia can pull from Google Analytics, see this article.

You can view the data in Reports and Metrics applications after the integration is complete.

Data pulled

For information about data that the Google Analytics API allows CDP to pull, see this article. Ensure that you have access to the Event Transactions data.


  • Google Analytics API does not provide individual sources for all customers, and it would not be very accurate if they did, given that it would be solely based on cookie-level information.

    The CDP Google Analytics connector uses the TransactionID to directly tie your campaigns to your customers’ transactions, allowing Acquia to have better accuracy through deduping in case some customers placed transactions under different cookies. For example, transactions placed through mobile vs desktop websites.

  • Google Analytics TransactionID must match the OrderNumber that you are sending in the CDP Standard Data Feed for this integration to work correctly.
  • The traffic source for visitors who did not place an order is not available through the Google Analytics API. Additionally, CDP cannot do re-attribution between multiple sources for an order. CDP can only pull what Google Analytics says is the last touch for an order.
  • From the moment CDP starts the integration, the connector pulls the previous 14 months of transactions by default. If you need CDP to start a project to pull more data, contact your Customer Value Manager. However, remember that the more data CDP pulls, the more time it takes to refresh the application the first time when the integration is turned on.
  • The data available through the Google Analytics API typically refreshes every 12 hours for regular-sized websites. Sometimes, it can take more than 24 hours depending on the number of events processed. Therefore, the data available for the Google Analytics report usually lags the actual events by 12-14 hours. For information about Google Analytics 4 Data freshness and Service Level Agreement constraints, see this article.


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