Acquia CDP


Monetate is a personalization software for consumer-facing brands.

By stitching, cleansing, and deduping data across all digital and offline channels into a single customer view, and applying AI-driven insights to that profile, Customer Data Platform (CDP) creates a complete system of record that can feed into Monetate’s intelligent personalization engine. Leveraging CDP’s data, Monetate can more deeply segment customers for hyper-personalized experiences in order to increase customer delight and maximize lifetime value.

Benefits of integration with Monetate:

  • Deeper personalization based on a comprehensive omni-channel profile

  • Personalization that is orchestrated across Web and non-Web experiences. For example, personalized messaging that is consistent across web, email, social, advertising, in-store experiences, and call center.

  • Personalization based on machine learning. For example, targeting based on customers who are likely to buy, who are likely to be high value customers, and who are likely to churn.

Use cases

Online and offline customer insights

Gain a complete single view into your customer’s digital and in-store purchases and activities. CDP reconciles, cleanses, and de-dupes customer IDs from all online and offline sources into one system of record so you can understand customers across the entire journey, better attribute behaviors to purchases, and identify customer patterns you can leverage for personalized marketing.

Customer value analysis

Combine data captured in stores with digital activities to identify high value customers, and potential high-value customers. Understand key metrics such as lifetime value and AOV as they apply across channels.

Demographics and Geographical personalization

Leverage data appends demographic information that you can feed into CDP to align your website segmentation strategy with Monetate. Use geographical information or closest store information that you have in CDP for holidays delivery information or to show the opening hours of the closest or preferred store on your home page.

Integration overview

The following are the features of integration view:

  • CDP exports a CSV file containing contacts on a daily basis with the following fields:

    • Contact identifiers (MasterCustomerID, UUID, Cookie, EmailHash or Email)

    • Contact preferences (Primary Category, Primary Channel, Primary Store, Primary Brand, Closest Store, Language)

    • Marketability (DNE, Email Status)

    • Demographics (Age, Birthdate, Gender)

    • Purchasing behavior (Total Revenue Group, Frequency Group, Recency Group, Behavioral cluster, Product cluster, Propensity-to-Buy, Average Discount Rate)

    • Custom fields (Loyalty Tier, RFM score, Custom Segmentation)

  • This export goes out daily to Monetate’s sFTP. You can map it to a Monetate Dataset in Monetate.

  • You can leverage the CDP summaries in the Monetate dataset to personalize the customer experience.


  1. Provide CDP with your Monetate sFTP credentials. CDP creates the sFTP connection.

    host: (confirm)

    port: 22

    username: to be provided

    password: to be provided

  2. In Actions, create a campaign, add a filter to ensure that the customer identifier that you use is not empty (cookie, UUID, email, email hash). You can add custom filters as needed.

  3. Include the output fields that you want to send to Monetate

  4. Select the Monetate sFTP as the destination

  5. Schedule the campaign to go out daily.

  6. Run the campaign once and confirm that you can see the file in Monetate.

  7. Create or update your dataset in Monetate, using the same names as in the output file.

    You can refer to these how-to Monetate videos: “Upload Your First Dataset (Video)”, “Dataset Details Page”, “Data Onboarding: Automatic (SFTP) Updates (Video)” Monetate Knowledge Base.

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