Acquia CDP

2019 Release notes - Customer Data Platform

This webpage describes the updates Acquia made to CDP in 2019. For the latest updates, see Release notes.

1944 Release - 2019-11-14


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



The campaign history filter had a UI bug where instead of showing names, it was showing IDs after the campaign is saved and reopened. This is fixed now.



Previously, a bug was preventing multiple events from being output from the latest events content model. This bug is fixed now.

Platform: Google Customer Match


Google Customer Match connector is enhanced to tackle the case where multiple lists with same name exist on the Google side (for ex, if a list with same name as an AgilOne campaign is uploaded directly to Google outside of AgilOne processes)

Platform: Webtag


A bug could manifest in some cases if the client website loads AgilOne library after the browser on load event. This bug is now fixed.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1942 Release - 2019-10-31


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



A bug in the logic of how isEmpty operator is combined with other operators is fixed now.



A bug with favorites content model is fixed. Previously, in some cases, we were not returning all qualified products but that is fixed now.



The editor used in “”design”” tab of SendGrid campaigns in Actions is now upgraded.



Old/Unused/Test Destination Lists can now be deleted directly from the config UI without any OPS involvement. Deleted DLs are not shown in the hub UI in Actions. If you have any such DLs to be deleted, please raise it to helpdesk.



An additional attribute is in the output to distinguish multiple events output from the Latest Events content model.



You can explicitly specify the folder in the target environment under which the campaign output file should be created. As a result the ‘/’ character is now not allowed in campaign names.



For connectors that support aliasing, the corresponding destination lists show the original names and aliases in the hub actions UI.

Actions: Campaigns+


A bug that resulted in campaign+ campaign execution failure in a specific case is fixed. Previously if the campaign+ campaign has segmentation criteria of date and has segments created by specific dates, it used to fail.

Actions: Campaigns+


Segmentation operators in Campaign+ have been extensively enhanced. We now support all operators that are supported in audience criteria. Relative date comparators and String contains are notable additions.

Interactive Queries, Data Export


We fixed a bug where some of the recently NCOA’ed address records were not being surfaced in Interactive Queries or being exported via Data Export.



We added new entities and attributes for Payment Method integrations. We can now accept data for payment methods on each transaction. In the future, we will expose these attributes as dimensions in Metrics and as filters in Actions. Please reach out to your AgilOne CSM if you would like to take advantage of this integration.

Platform: Webtag


AgilOne JS loading will be now faster due to HTTP compression being enabled. Note that it only impacts the first time user loads a page with AgilOne JS.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1940 Release - 2019-10-17


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix

360 Profiles


Following up on work done in 1938, we have improved several display names that are surfaced in 360 Profiles so that they match Metrics and Actions. These include attributes on:

  • Household

  • Master Customer Group

  • Address

  • Product

This improvement project to Actions and 360 Profiles display names is now complete.



We fixed a bug in Actions Campaigns that could cause audience counts to be miscalculated.

Actions: Campaigns+


On occasion Campaigns+ could fail due to a user-input character that interrupted a downstream process. Therefore, we have added guardrails around what characters can be used in Campaigns+. You can no longer use a single-quote (’) in Campaigns+. We hope to improve this behavior in the future.

Actions: Campaigns+


In the Campaigns+ Content screen, if you are using variants, you can now ‘Refresh segment counts’ to see an estimate of how many audience members will fall into each variant.

Actions: Campaigns+

AGO-12327, AGO-12335

Additionally in the Campaigns+ Content page, you can now mark variants as ‘Do not send’ so that they are withheld from delivery to the downstream system. Variants that are marked as ‘Do not send’ are still delivered to Metrics for Cohort Analysis, so please make sure to name them appropriately.

AIF: SFMC Input Connector


We patched a bug with the SFMC input connector that was incorrectly mapping email bounce events to unsubscribe the email address in AgilOne. These unsubscriptions may have reduced the size of your AgilOne audiences, but did not lead to any unsubscriptions in SFMC.



We added tooltips on hover for long Look, Dashboard and Folder names in the Metrics listing page that were being clipped earlier.

Settings: User List


We have made a few user interface improvements to the Settings > User List page. If you are an executive or business sponsor of your AgilOne account, you can request access to see the User List page in Hub by emailing or your Client Success Manager.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1938 Release - 2019-10-01


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



We have fixed a very rare bug that could cause content within a recurring Actions campaign to mix.



In this release we are making available a new content model: Latest Events. This content model will enable you to output the last 10 events per customer, such as email send/open/click, web browse/search, or custom events like store visit. When using this content model please refine by the event’s Type and Event Timestamp.



For Campaigns+ users, you can now use the new ‘Were included in an AgilOne audience’ filter to include or exclude specific audiences, segments, and/or variants from your campaign.

Actions & 360 Profiles


For Actions and 360 Profiles users, we have updated several display names for the following reasons:

  • To be more consistent with Metrics names

  • To be more concise when possible

  • To be more descriptive when necessary

Please read-on below to see what has changed.

Actions: Campaigns+


Campaigns+ has gotten much faster. Executing campaigns and segment counts should be quicker than before.

AIF: SFMC Output Connector

AGO-12477, AGO-12503

For clients that push audiences to Salesforce Marketing Cloud, you can now rename the data extension field that Actions pushes data to. For example, you can rename AgilOne’s default output column of ‘CUSTOMERSUMMARY_EMAIL’ to ‘EMAIL ADDRESS’.

AIF: Silverpop Output Connector


If you use Actions to push audiences to Silverpop, we have patched a bug that was preventing empty/null date times from being pushed as dates. Clients were working around this by pushing dates to Silverpop as the string/text data type. Now you can push AgilOne date times to Silverpop and keep them as date times.

Display Name Changes (Actions & 360 Profiles)

In this release we have updated several Actions & 360 Profiles display names:

Entity Name

Old Display Name

New Display Name

Customer (Summary)

Behavior based cluster ID one month ago

Behavior Cluster - 1 Month Ago

Customer (Summary)

Behavior based cluster ID two months ago

Behavior Cluster - 2 Months Ago

Customer (Summary)

Behavior-based cluster

Behavior Cluster - Today

Customer (Summary)

Behavior-based cluster as of this month

Behavior Cluster - This Month

Customer (Summary)

Brand-based cluster

Brand Cluster - Today

Customer (Summary)

Call campaigns opt-out

Call Opt-out

Customer (Summary)

Closest Store

Closest Store Name

Customer (Summary)

Date of First Web Visit

Web First Visit Date

Customer (Summary)

Date of Last Email Clicked

Email Last Click Date

Customer (Summary)

Date of Last Email Opened

Email Last Open Date

Customer (Summary)

Date of Last Email Sent

Email Last Send Date

Customer (Summary)

Date of Last Web Visit

Web Last Visit Date

Customer (Summary)

Date of Second to Last Transaction

Second to Last Transaction Date

Customer (Summary)

Direct mail campaigns opt-out

Direct Mail Opt-out

Customer (Summary)

Email campaigns opt-out

Email Opt-out

Customer (Summary)

Email Hash

Email Address - SHA256 Hash

Customer (Summary)

Is Buyer

Customer Status

Customer (Summary)

Likelihood to buy

Likelihood to Buy - Today

Customer (Summary)

Likelihood to buy as of this month

Likelihood to Buy - This Month

Customer (Summary)

Likelihood to buy one month ago

Likelihood to Buy - 1 Month Ago

Customer (Summary)

Likelihood to buy two months ago

Likelihood to Buy - 2 Months Ago

Customer (Summary)

Likelihood to convert

Likelihood to Convert - Today

Customer (Summary)

Months Since Last Transaction

Days Since Last Transaction

Customer (Summary)

Months Since Last Transaction - group

Days Since Last Transaction - Group

Customer (Summary)

Number of product categories purchased from

Product Category Count

Customer (Summary)

Number of products purchased

Product Count

Customer (Summary)

Number of products purchased - group

Product Count - Group

Customer (Summary)

Number of Transactions with Discount

Transaction Count with Discount

Customer (Summary)

Online Acquisition Promotion

First Transaction Last Touch ID - Online

Customer (Summary)

Online Acquisition Promotion Category

First Transaction Last Touch Category ID - Online

Customer (Summary)

Organization of First Transaction

First Transaction Sales Channel

Customer (Summary)

Organization of Last Transaction

Last Transaction Sales Channel

Customer (Summary)

Primary Organization

Primary Sales Channel

Customer (Summary)

Product based cluster as of this month

Product Cluster - This Month

Customer (Summary)

Product based cluster one month ago

Product Cluster - 1 Month Ago

Customer (Summary)

Product based cluster two months ago

Product Cluster - 2 Months Ago

Customer (Summary)

Product categories purchased from - group

Product Category Count - Group

Customer (Summary)

Product-based cluster

Product-based cluster

Customer (Summary)

Text campaigns opt-out

Text Opt-out

Customer (Summary)

Total Cost

Product Cost - Lifetime

Customer (Summary)

Total Cost between the Last 13 and 24 months

Product Cost - 13-24 Months

Customer (Summary)

Total Cost in the Last 12 months

Product Cost - Last 12 Months

Customer (Summary)

Total Discount

Discount - Lifetime

Customer (Summary)

Total List Price

List Price - Lifetime

Customer (Summary)

Total number of organizations bought from

Sales Channel Count

Customer (Summary)

Total Number of Transactions

Transaction Count - Lifetime

Customer (Summary)

Total Number of Transactions - group

Transaction Count - Lifetime - Group

Customer (Summary)

Total Revenue

Revenue - Lifetime

Customer (Summary)

Total Revenue - group

Revenue - Lifetime - Group

Customer (Summary)

Transaction Frequency (orders per year)

Average Annual Transactions

Customer (Summary)

Transaction Frequency (orders per year) - Group

Average Annual Transactions - Group

Customer (Summary)

Transactions between 13-24 months ago - group

Transaction Count - 13-24 Months - Group

Organization (Summary)

Organization Name


Organization (Summary)

Organization Status


Organization (Summary)

Organization Type


Organization (Summary)



Organization (Summary)



Product (Summary)

Product Description


Product (Summary)

Product Name


Product (Summary)

Product Status

Availability Status

Product (Summary)

Product URL


Product (Summary)


Recommendation Status

Transaction (Summary)


Product Cost

Transaction (Summary)


Transaction Date

Transaction (Summary)


Customer Transaction Sequence

Transaction (Summary)


Product Quantity

Transaction (Summary)


Line Subtype

Transaction (Summary)


Line Type

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1936 Release - 2019-09-18


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix

360 Profiles

AGO-12462, AGO-12424, AGO-12422, AGO-12452

We have made several improvements to the 360 Profiles user experience and consistency of the user interface.

AIF: Bronto Output Connector


For clients that push campaigns to Bronto, we have patched a bug that was causing records with an empty numerical value (e.g. integers, revenues, etc.) to be dropped. Now you can push empty numbers to Bronto without fear that the audience member will be accidentally dropped.



In Campaigns+, A/B Test and Limit By Quantity now function closer to expectations. Before, A/B Test variants may have been slightly smaller or larger than requested. For example, if you created variant A as 50% and B as 50%, then the result may have been something closer to 49% A and 51% B. For Limit By Quantity, before 1936 the variants created were not perfectly random. Two campaign executions could have resulted in the same distribution of audience members to variants. Now, Limit By Quantity is close to perfect in how it randomly assigns individuals to variants.



Campaigns+ will no longer fail when you add new content to a previously executed campaign.



Campaigns+ now performs much faster when you have complicated audience criteria.



If you are using the new Product Recommendations machine learning model, you can now use Actions to define audiences based on the product recommendations, and then communicate recommended products to customers.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1934 Release - 2019-09-05


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix

360 Profiles

AGO-12419, AGO-12281

For clients that use master customer groups, in 360 Profiles, AgilOne can now surface the multiple master customer identities that were de-duplicated into a single master customer group.

360 Profiles

AGO-12387, AGO-12388

For clients that use AgilOne’s new machine learning product recommendations engine, in 360 Profiles, AgilOne can now surface the list of recommended product for each master customer.

360 Profiles


In 360 Profiles, the headers at the top of each page are now configurable. If you would like to adjust the label of a particular section (e.g. Transactions), you now can.



We fixed a bug in Campaigns+ that was causing each execution of ‘refresh segment counts’ to show up in the Campaign execution history. Now in the campaign execution history you will only see actual executions of the campaign.



In Campaigns+ we have rolled out the greatly improved documentation, and provided links to the documentation from the application. Also, A/B Tests and Limit By Quantity are no longer in a beta program, they are available for general consumption.

Interactive Queries


We create and automatically populate a table within Interactive Queries called “”a1_status””. This table will hold the overall status of the last IQ execution including status of the job, start_time, end_time, etc. for your tenant. This table can be periodically queried by your IQ users (including Snowflake Data Sharing users) to learn when new data is available in IQ to schedule any downstream processes you may have.

Interactive Queries


We made some enhancements to the welcome email and login screen of Interactive Queries to clarify the login options for the user.

Metrics & Interactive Queries


We launched Cohort Analysis, a new analytics feature that allows you to build cohorts via Actions and analyze them in Metrics or IQ. Reach out to your AgilOne CSM to learn more about Cohort Analysis and start your free trial.



We fixed a bug in our genderization engine that was causing individuals with a first name of ‘and’ to get a gender of ‘ ‘. Now ‘and’ is properly matched to the ‘U’ (i.e. Unknown) gender.

1932 Release - 2019-08-20


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix

360 Profiles

AGO-6659, AGO-11835

When searching 360 Profiles we now return and surface the city for each mailing address.

360 Profiles


You can now search by mailing address in 360 Profiles! You cannot search across all mailing addresses loaded in AgilOne. Only the most recent mailing address per child customer profile is available for search.



We have fixed the ability to use product-based content models with the A1 Mailer (i.e. SendGrid) destination.



For users of the Actions ‘Favorite Products’ content model, we have fixed a bug that was causing duplicate data to be exported.



If you have custom event’s that are store (i.e. organization) dependent (e.g. store visit, phone call, etc.) you can now refine by the store details in Actions event filters: ‘Performed an event’, ‘Performed a number of events’, and ‘Performed an event with product category’. For example, you can now filter out an audience who visited a specific store, or sign-up on a specific website.

Actions: Campaigns+


In this release we fixed a Campaigns+ bug that was preventing segment-specific echo content from being applied correctly. Since the last release, only the first segment’s content was being applied across all segments.

Actions: Campaigns+


In Campaigns+, you can now leave variant and/or segment-specific echo content empty. You no longer have to populate echo content for every segment/variant.



We introduced a (+) button on the Metrics Launchpad page so that you can create new Looks and Dashboards from any listing page in Metrics.

Platform: Salesforce Marketing Cloud output connector


We fixed a bug with our Salesforce Marketing Cloud output connector that was causing data extension records to be dropped due to an empty (i.e. NULL) integer or other numerical value.

Template Reports


Timestamps in Template Reports were previously displayed in the user’s browser timezone.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1930 Release - 2019-08-06


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



For Campaigns+ users, we patched a bug in the execution calendar that was preventing you from accessing the campaigns shown there.



Also for Campaigns+ users, we added a guardrail to prevent users from giving two variants the same name. This will ensure that you, and the AgilOne platform, can easily distinguish two separate variants downstream.



In Actions, we have added a guardrail to prevent users from being able to assign the same campaign two different execution schedules. Now when you schedule a campaign the application will check if a schedule already exists before allowing you to schedule.



We fixed a bug that was preventing the application from accurately calculating distance to store and closest store metrics when either a pop-up store switched zip codes, or a retail store closed.

Platform: Euromessage Input Connector


If your environment pulls data using AgilOne’s Euromessage Input Connector, we have implemented a performance improvement that reduces the number of API calls AgilOne fires when a campaign has zero events (e. g. send, open, click, etc.) to return. Previously we were attempting to pull all events for all campaigns, irregardless if the campaign had events to return or not.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1928 Release - 2019-07-30


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix

360 Profiles


We fixed a bug in 360 profiles that was causing product recommendations to only show up for one of the identities rather than for every identity.

Actions Campaigns+

AGO-12258, AGO-12285, AGO-12306, AGO-12345, AGO-12346, AGO-12347, AGO-12348, AGO-12366, AGO-12236, AGO-12288, AGO-12368, AGO-12372

Significant effort was spent this sprint to improve the performance of and clean up minor bugs in Campaigns+ Advanced Segmentation.

Cohort Analysis

AGO-12257, AGO-12259

With Campaigns+ you can now send variants to Cohort Analysis for performance reporting on different treatment or communication creatives.

Platform: Cheetahmail Input Connector


In this release we updated the CheetahMail input connector to allow the ingestion of triggered emailSend events.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1926 Release - 2019-07-15


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix

360 Profiles


In the 360 Profiles application you can now adjust how many transactions and/or events are returned for you to view. The previous limit was 40, but now you can adjust this to be 25, 50, 75, or 100.



We have significantly improved the performance of the Actions user interface by investigating and refactoring the largest performance bottleneck. We hope you enjoy the renewed Actions experience!



Actions users will be happy to hear that (nearly) all filters now have improved descriptions and names. Additionally, we have hidden several duplicate filters that were confusing users.

Platform: Cheetahmail Input Connector


For clients that use CheetahMail and have significant data volumes we have implemented an enhancement that will allow AgilOne to ingest this data. Previously we were exiting the data pull after an hour, but now we will attempt to pull data for at least 12 hours before we assume that the data pull is stuck and therefore can be killed.

Platform: Google Ads Offline Conversions Output Connector


We are no longer failing the Google Ads Offline Conversions Output Connector when a partial data failure is returned by the Google Ads API. We are now logging any records that result in a partial data failure, and allowing the rest of the process to succeed.

Settings: Users List


We have made a key security enhancement to the Settings Users listing page that will allow us to start providing access to super users. This page allows specific AgilOne users to review who has access to their AgilOne environment. There is an issue outstanding: disabled users are not currently identified as disabled. We hope to fix this soon, but in the meantime users might be confused by long-ago disabled users appearing to have access to their environment.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1924 Release - 2019-06-27


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix


AGO-11318, AGO-12203

In Actions campaigns you can now add multiple content models to a single campaign. Previously you were limited to just one content model per campaign. For example, you can now add both ‘Last Products Purchased’ and ‘Primary Store Details’ to the same campaign. However, there is a limitation, you are only allowed 1:n content model per campaign. For example, you cannot add both ‘Last Products Purchased’ and ‘Last Products Browsed’ to the same campaign because the result would be exponentially large and unintuitive.


AGO-12181, AGO-12242

We have adjusted how household, cross-brand customer, and machine learning filters are visualized in the AgilOne audience selection screen. This should make it easier for to find these filters and see what options are available to you.

Actions: Campaigns+

AGO-11951, AGO-12237

In this release we are adding a significant new addition to Campaigns+, the ability to selectively withhold certain segments from being included in the campaign output. Now you can mark segments as ‘Do not send’. This will cause the segment to be suppressed from the execution and not be sent to the destination. In the future we will expand the ‘do not send’ functionality to variants.

Actions: Campaigns+


We introduced the variants feature to Campaigns+ last release, but with this release we are expanding that feature so that you can build variants off of segments. Now you can randomly split any segment you’d like into an A/B variant and holdout.

Platform: Bronto Output Connector

AGO-12172, AGO-12189

For clients that use Bronto, we have introduced the ability to rename the AgilOne Actions output columns. This will enable you to push content from AgilOne Actions to existing columns so that you can reuse them and reduce the number of columns you need to purchase from Bronto.

Platform: Webtag


Since Google Chrome is about to block third party cookies by default, we have enhanced our webtag (a1.js) to avoid being blocked.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1922 Release - 2019-06-17


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



We have patched a bug in the 360 Profiles Overview tab that was incorrectly allowing each sub-section (recent events, recent transactions, etc.) to be scrollable.



Actions just became much more user friendly because now we are surfacing detailed descriptions of many Actions filters and content right in the application. No longer do you need to go to Zendesk to review what ‘Average Discount Rate’ means. Now you can just click the information button on ‘Average Discount Rate’ to get a more detailed description.

Actions Campaigns+


The Campaigns+ listing page has been updated to properly show if a Campaign+ is scheduled.

Actions Campaigns+

AGO-11957, AGO-12039, AGO-12062, AGO-12188

A significant portion of this release was dedicated to developing two new features for Actions Campaigns+. The first of which is the ability to create and test randomly assigned variants of communication creatives via Campaigns+. In Campaigns+ we have gone even further than A/B tests in existing Campaigns. Previously, A/B tests were limited to the SFTP and A1Mailer destinations, but now they can be used across all destinations. Additionally, A/B testing used to be limited to variants randomly assigned by a percentage (e.g. 45% in A, 45% in B, and remaining 10% as Holdout), but now you can also randomly assign individuals into variants based on a quantity (e.g. first 100 in A, next 1000 in B, and drop the remainders).

Actions Campaigns+

AGO-12037, AGO-12038, AGO-12054, AGO-12055, AGO-12084, AGO-12173

The second significant Campaigns+ enhancement we are releasing with this sprint is the ability to on-demand refresh the count of members per segment. If you have a segmented Campaign+ you can now go to the Content screen and request that the count of members per segment be refreshed. Then you can click another button to see the most recent refresh of counts per segment. This allows you to review how your segments are populated, and then adjust them as needed, before you execute the campaign.

Platform: Euromessage Output Connector


For clients that push Actions Campaigns to Euromessage, we previously required that every DW table start with A1_ and end with the Campaign ID (e.g. _5213). With this enhancement we have made these prepended and appended values optional. Therefore if you have an existing DW table you would like several Actions Campaigns to push to, you can.

Platform: Machine Learning

AGO-12001, AGO-12003

In this release we are simplifying how we integrate the result of our machine learning models into each AgilOne application. Now each 1:1 machine learning model (1 customer belongs to only 1 segment, such as LTC, but not U2P) will be summarized on a new Machine Learning Summary table that is easier to integrate into Actions, Metrics, and 360. Previously, each new model required an additional integration effort before they became useful to the user.

Platform: Responsys Input Connector


For clients that ingest data from Responsys and perform A/B testing within Responsys (meaning that LAUNCH_STATE CAMPAIGN_VERSION_ID is populated), AgilOne can now map this data and any other custom attributes from Responsys into AgilOne. This allows AgilOne to better accommodate custom data models in Responsys.

In addition, we have made behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1920 Release - 2019-05-30


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



We have greatly improved the performance of the 360 Search API. You should experience a ~10x performance improvement when searching for customers in 360.



We patched a bug in Campaigns+ that was causing an incorrect folder to be displayed on the Campaigns+ Setup and Summary pages.



The Campaigns+ Segment Builder UI now shows you the segmentation criteria for each segment when hovering over a segment’s name. You no longer have to click into each segment to see how they are defined.



The Campaigns+ Segment Builder UI can now auto-create segments from the existing segment values. For example, if you would like to build out all of the Likelihood to Buy segments in Segment Builder, you now only need to click a single button, instead of building out all 10 segments by hand.



The Campaigns+ Destination UI now surfaces detailed descriptions about each destination channel. Please reach out to your Client Success Manager, Support, or Implementation Consultant if you would like to improve any of the descriptions.



We have improved the performance of Campaigns+ that execute without creating segments.

Connectors: Facebook Offline Conversions


Facebook updated their Offline Conversions API, so we have updated our integration to accommodate their changes. Previously, transaction count related metrics may have been inflated.



In this release we added GDPR support for some new Campaigns+ and Cohort Analysis features. Once thoroughly vetted we will explore making these early adoption features available for some EU clients.

In addition, we have made several behind the scenes enhancements that may include improvements to stability, performance, and/or internal or unreleased features.

1918 Release - 2019-05-16


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



We have improved the Campaigns+ destination selection user interface.



In the Campaigns+ Segment Builder you can now clone segments definitions. This should be helpful if you have several segments that you want to reuse within a single campaign. For example, if you split an audience into Male and Female, and then want to split each segment by every Likelihood to Buy (LTB) decile, you will now only have to build the LTB deciles once, and then clone them.


AGO-12059, AGO-12014

We are making the filter and content descriptions in Actions more useful. In addition to providing more verbose and detailed standard descriptions, Implementation Consultants can now override standard descriptions in order to provide their own.


AGO-11758, AGO-11959

We have patched two bugs with our data quality checks:

  • Salutation - previously a non-null (i.e. not empty) first name could merge with the salutation result of a null (i.e. empty) first name, leading to an inaccurate salutation. This has been fixed.

  • Phone number validation - previously a non-null (i.e. not empty) phone number could merge with the phone validation result of a null (i.e. empty) phone number, leading to an inaccurate phone number validation result. This has been fixed.



With this release AgilOne is introducing a new Actions destination option: Google Customer Match. We have built a tight API integration with Google Ads to enable our clients to upload a list of individuals to target within the Google ecosystem or to build a lookalike audience of similar individuals. This integration is just entering an Early Adoption Program (EAP). Please reach out to your Client Success Manager if you are interested in joining the EAP.



During the Early Access Program (EAP) for our newly introduced Settings > Users List page, we found a permissions issue that prevented a wider rollout of this feature. We have now fixed that bug. If you are the business sponsor for your account and would like to enter the EAP for the User List page, please reach out to your Client Success Manager for more information.

1916 Release - 2019-05-02


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



In this release we have improved Actions Advanced Segmentation to enable the use of the ‘In’ and ‘Contains’ (i.e. Like) operators when segmenting an audience.



Previously, when trying to use the ‘Address Type - Residential or Business’ filter in Actions, you were incorrectly provided with the option to filter by ‘Unknown’. The correct value in the data for unknown is actually ‘U’. We have fixed this bug so that you are presented with the accurate filter options of: ‘R’, ‘B’, and ‘U’.



We have patched a bug in Actions that was causing the ‘Were included in an AgilOne campaign’ filters to incorrectly display the campaign ID instead of the campaign name after saving. These filters now properly surface the campaign name.



The Actions audience count filter was previously not taking the optimizer into account when choosing to read from cache (fast) or refresh the counts from the data (slow). We have fixed this issue so that the optimizer is considered when deciding whether to read from cache or the underlying data.



In addition, we fixed a separate bug with our Actions audience count refresh cache that was causing the cache to not be read properly on certain occasions. For scalability reasons there are two separate cache services maintained behind the scenes. Before 1916, the two services could have gotten out of sync, but now they will remain in sync and return the same values.



We have fixed a bug in Campaigns+ that was preventing users from naming the output file for SFTP destinations.



For some ML models (Likelihood to Buy, Behavior Clusters, and Product Clusters) we were not properly storing the cluster names of historical values: ‘as of this month’, ‘1 month ago’, and ‘2 months ago’, instead we were storing the raw data. For example, instead of storing the human readable name of ‘High LTB - Decile 1’, we were storing and surfacing the raw data of ‘1’. This has been fixed, so over the next 2 months the values for LTB, BC, and PC ‘as of this month’, ‘1 month ago’, and ‘2 months ago’ will be more human readable and usable.



Additionally, we have enhanced our LTB, BC, and PC ML models to enable them to train on even larger datasets (>2 billion records).



In this release we patched a bug with our customersummary.emailStatus logic that was causing both ‘Unverified domains’ and ‘Unknown’ emails to get assigned an email status of ‘U’. Now, only unverified domains will receive an email status of ‘U’ and unknown emails will be assigned a status ‘Unknown’.



For admin users, we have introduced a new user-interface for reviewing who has access to your AgilOne environment, and at a high level what access they have. It is our hope that this UI will better enable our clients to review who has access to the AgilOne application, and thereby request any necessary adjustments. This application is currently in a beta state. Access to this application will require a request from the business sponsor to before it will appear in the settings tab.

1914 Release - 2019-04-17


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix


AGO-11614, AGO-11632

We are happy to announce two new native destinations where our clients can send their data:

  • Facebook Offline Conversions

  • Google Ads Offline Conversions

Through these API integrations you can upload physical (i.e. offline) transactions and/or events to these marketing platforms so that they can calculate your return on ad spend for retail transactions.



We patched a bug in Actions that was causing numeric data entered into an ‘IN’ clause to disappear after saving.

Actions: Bronto


In this release we have fixed a bug with our Bronto Output Connector that could have caused product data pushed to Bronto to leak across campaigns within Bronto.



We have added the ability for clients to add descriptions to the AgilOne data model. We will surface these descriptions throughout the application to make AgilOne more self-describing.



You can now promote source data with the same name from two different source tables to the same reporting summary table. Previously, you could not add both the campaign and message name to the promotion table for reporting.



We have added the ability to filter what data enters AgilOne’s 360 Search datastore. If there are certain customers (e.g. Prospects) that should not be searchable in 360 Profiles Search we can now configure a filter that prevents them from being loaded into 360 Search.

1912 Release - 2019-04-04


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



We have patched a bug in the Actions Campaigns ‘contains’ operator that was causing it to not be case insensitive for foreign characters. The default behavior for the ‘contains’ operator is that it is case insensitive.



We fixed an issue with the Actions Campaigns ‘not equal’ operator. Previously the ‘not equal’ operator would incorrectly exclude empty (i. e. null) values.



After significant demand, we are introducing a new output connector: Azure Blob Storage. If you use the Microsoft Azure cloud, you will now be able to push data from AgilOne Actions or Reports to Azure. This feature is now entering an Early Adopter Program.



After significant demand, we are introducing a new output connector: Azure Blob Storage. If you use the Microsoft Azure cloud, you will now be able to push data from AgilOne Actions or Reports to Azure. This feature is now entering an Early Adopter Program.



Before 1912, Actions Campaigns were more likely to fail during the nightly batch data refresh process called the Business Intelligence (BI) Workflow. We have improved the BI workflow to reduce the likelihood that an Actions Campaign will fail during the BI refresh process.



In this release we added a ‘not in’ operator for comparing text attributes in Actions Campaigns.



We have fixed a bug in the 360 Refresh process that allowed data to be missed from being sent to 360 if the refresh process failed (or was killed) and was restarted.



After significant demand, we are introducing a new output connector: Google Cloud Storage. If you use the Google Cloud, you will now be able to push data from AgilOne Actions or Reports to Google. This feature is now entering an Early Adopter Program.



In 1912 we have improved the Actions Campaigns, Metrics Reports, and Data Exports listing pages to allow the user to easily review IDs, created by email, and last edited by email.


AGO-11938, AGO-11958, AGO-11960, AGO-11974, AGO-11979, AGO-11683, AGO-11743, AGO-11768, AGO-11773, AGO-11851, AGO-11924

After a significant design and development effort we are now releasing the first version of advanced segmentation in AgilOne Actions Campaigns. These features are just entering an Early Adopter Program (EAP). They will enable our clients to better target, personalize, and prioritize marketing treatments to their customer base.

1910 Release - 2019-03-21


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



We have patched a bug in the 360 search API where previously any 360 search by email address would return many more email addresses than requested. This has been shown to improve 360 search performance by 15%.



In this release we fixed a bug where previously the SMS opt-out status could leak across one mobile phone to another if the customer has more than one mobile phone number. Now the SMS opt-out status of the phone will stay with the mobile phone number it belongs to.


AGO-11533, AGO-11545, AGO-11838

Several new machine learning features that are in an Early Adopter Program (EAP) are now available in the 360 Profiles user interface.

1908 Release - 2019-03-06


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



We have squashed a bug that prevented customers from being segmented into the ‘Upward’ or ‘Downward’ buckets for ‘Revenue Trend Segment’. These customers were instead falling into the ‘Stable’ bucket. This bug was introduced by a recent upgrade to our Hadoop environment.



We removed a step in the data warehouse (DW) workflow that was determined to add little functional value at a significant performance cost. Removing this step (of propagating the transaction’s organization ID down to the transaction items) should improve performance of our nightly refresh process when processing large volumes of transaction items.

360 Profiles


As part of the early availability of the product recommendations machine learning model, we have enhanced our 360 Profiles API to support surfacing production recommendations in the 360 API. We hope to add these recommendations to the 360 profile user interface soon.



To improve the performance of our Likelihood to Engage with Email and Likelihood to Convert machine learning models, we have updated the data model to support the partitioning of the result tables.


AGO-11895, AGO-11670, AGO-11752, AGO-11751

With this release we have finished the first version of the front end for Actions’ new Advanced Segmentation features. Advanced Segmentation is a new addition of Actions features that should enable our clients to better personalize their campaigns to their customers. Now that the front end is available, we would love to demo the new features to you. Advanced Segmentation will be available in an Early Adopter Program starting mid-April.

1904 / 1906 Release - 2019-02-25


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



We squashed a bug that sometimes resulted in duplicate master customer records being generated by the Likelihood to Buy machine learning model.

360 Profiles


In order to improve 360 performance (only minorly) and reduce response complexity, we have removed all ‘layout’ metadata from the 360 API response. This metadata previously was utilized by the 360 Profiles user interface, but is now stored elsewhere.



We squashed a bug in the ‘Purchased a Number of Products’ Actions filter that was deflating the number of products purchased. Previously, this filter could incorrectly de-duplicate transaction items that were in fact unique and should not be de-duplicated. This led to fewer customers being included in the audience since some purchased quantity was not included in the sum of purchased products.



If you use Google Ads for digital marketing, you can now use AgilOne to send offline transactions (i.e. conversions) and events to Google Ads for Google to attribute to your digital marketing efforts. This will provide you a more thorough picture of how often Google Ad campaigns influence offline (i.e. physical or retail) transactions.



We have introduced a new feature that eases the development of custom Actions audience filters and content models. There is still significant work to do here, but we are making incremental progress.



We have improved the performance of our nightly Identity Resolution Engine (IRE) that de-duplicates source customer records into master customer profiles. This should quicken the nightly batch refresh process as several downstream steps are dependent upon IRE.

1902 Release - 2019-02-06


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix

Actions: Bronto Connector


We have fixed a bug that was preventing AgilOne from exporting some Actions output attributes as a Bronto List Field. Since Bronto Field names have a limited maximum length, AgilOne has to hash our output columns to a reasonable length. Sometimes this hash was generating a result that included a character that was unacceptable to Bronto, a ‘-’ character. We are no longer allowing AgilOne-generated Bronto Field names to include a ‘-’ character.



This week we patched a bug that was preventing the execution calendar from loading for a small subset of clients. Previously if you opened the calendar but lacked read permissions for all schedules (e.g. you had Actions access, but not Metrics), then the calendar would get stuck in a ‘loading’ state. You can no longer try to view schedules for applications that you do not have access to.



We have added to our data model the ability to associate events to organizations (i.e. stores or websites). Now events you send to AgilOne can be linked to stores. For example, if you have an in-store loyalty program sign-up custom event you may want to keep track of which store the customer signed up in.



Two new Machine Learning models are just entering early adoption:

  • Likelihood to Convert (LTC) - probability that a customer will transact after an email marketing touch

  • Likelihood to Engage (LTE) - probability that a customer will interact with an email marketing touch

If LTE and/or LTC are provided in your contract, stay tuned! Your Customer Success Manager will be reaching out when it is time to enable new machine learning models on your dataset.

Actions: Coupon Management

AGO-11508, AGO-11641, AGO-11644, AGO-11661, AGO-11662, AGO-11687, AGO-11695, AGO-11701, AGO-11707, AGO-11753, AGO-11774, AGO-11791

With the first major feature release of 2019 we are deploying several new coupon management features. With these enhancements AgilOne will be empowered to create individualized, omni-channel coupons for promotions, enable Actions users to link those coupons to a (master) customer, and then distribute the coupons to the customer across engagement channels. We are excited about the new coupon related use cases that these features will enable. Coupon management is just entering an early adoption program (EAP). Please speak with your Customer Success Manager if you are interested!

1851 Release - 2019-01-17

Currently a work in progress…


AgilOne JIRA

Description of functionality after the fix



Master customers with over 10,000 transactions are no longer labeled as ‘Non Buyer’, they are now labeled more appropriately as ‘NA - High Volume Buyer - 10k+ transactions’. AgilOne sets aside master customers that have over 10,000 transactions during our business intelligence calculations because they can delay (or prevent) the completion of our overnight refresh process, without adding any real value for our clients. Previously when we set them aside we did not label them properly.



When two child customers that have been de-duplicated together have conflicting information (such as two conflicting acquisition sources), we have to specify how to choose the winning acquisition source to promote to the master customer. For something like acquisition source we may want to promote the acquisition source of the earliest created customer profile. We have squashed a bug that, instead of promoting the earliest created acquisition source, was promoting the least recently updated acquisition source.

Actions: Facebook Output Connector


Due to a recent update to Facebook’s Custom Audience API, an AgilOne Actions Facebook campaign would fail during the 2nd+ execution of a campaign, when the audience being exported differed from the previous audience exported by <= 200 individuals. We have implemented a fix to prevent Facebook campaigns from failing during these specific circumstances.

Actions & 360


A few clients that use AgilOne Actions to export mailing addresses have complained that the apartment number (i.e. suite number) is sometimes stored in customersummary.suite (when the address is DPV confirmed), and at other times stored in Address1 or Address2 (when the address could not be DPV confirmed). This means that a complete mailing address in AgilOne is address1 + address2 + sometimes suite + city + state + zip + country. To avoid users from having to export suite and use it conditionally, we are now concatenating the apartment number to the end of address1. This means that a complete mailing address is now address1 + address2 + city + state + zip + country. Any information in CustomerSummary.Suite is now redundant and no longer be required for export from AgilOne Actions.



Some web events were not being counted properly during our customer summary calculations for FirstVisitDate, LastVisitDate, TotalVisitCountLast30Days, TotalVisitCount31_60Days. We are now properly counting all web events when performing these calculations.



We have greatly improved the performance of AgilOne Actions campaigns that reference transaction data. For example, the Purchased a Product audience filter or Last Products Purchased content model.



A bug was causing transactions for customers with really short customer IDs to either be missing from 360 or surface transactions from other customers. This bug has been fixed. Within 360, transactions should no longer be missing for individuals with short customer IDs.



We have added a new attribute to our household summary table: Do Not Mail. We now promote the direct mail opt-out status of the household address from the winning master customer’s profile to the household’s profile. Custom promotion logic can be implemented by AgilOne Services if you so desire.

Actions: Euromessage Output Connector


In order to support sending SMS campaigns via EuroMessage, we have added the ability to specify any customer-level attribute as the primary key (e.g. primary phone number) when pushing data from AgilOne to EuroMessage. Previously, AgilOne’s EuroMessage output connector only allowed email address as the primary key.



For clients that are integrated with AgilOne’s 360 API for call center or clienteling purposes, we have enhanced the 360 API to be able to return only the data types that are required. If your use case requires customer and transaction data only, and all of the event data is bloating your integration, you can request customers and transactions specifically as follows:<tenantID>/dw/a360/customers/<customerID>?fields=["customer","transaction"]

The possible field inputs include:

  • customersummary

  • customer

  • transaction

  • event

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you encounter any errors, contact Acquia Support.

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