Acquia DAM

Downloading assets in Brand Connect

Acquia DAM Classic enables you to download assets based on preset formats created by you or the Acquia DAM Classic administrator.

Download assets

Complete the following steps to download a single asset or a group of assets:

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic.

  2. Select one or more assets that you want to download. To select multiple assets, press the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (macOS) as you click each asset.

  3. In the actions toolbar, click Download.

  4. Set the desired presets.

  5. Click Submit.

Desired presets

You can convert assets during the download process by selecting a desired preset configured by the Acquia DAM Classic administrator or by creating your own custom preset. To create a custom preset, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Custom from the Desired preset dropdown.

  2. Choose the File Format from the File format dropdown.

  3. Enter values for the following fields as needed:

    • Resolution

    • Dimensions

    • Color space

    If any field is left empty, the file will retain its original setting for that field after it is downloaded.

  4. To save the preset for future use, click the Save these settings checkbox, and then enter a name for the setting.

Download requests

Occasionally, your Acquia DAM Classic administrator may require users to request access to download select assets. If you try to download an asset that requires approval before downloading, you may be prompted to submit a download request.