To display folders and assets in Brand Connect, they first need to be published by an admin or contributor with publish permission. For more information about permissions, see Managing users and groups.
This documentation page covers:
Manually publish folders and assets to Brand Connect
To manually publish folders and assets, perform the following steps:
Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, and then navigate to the folder or asset you want to publish.
Click the Publish icon. You can also click the Pencil icon and select Publish / Unpublish. Light gray Publish icons indicate that the folder or asset is not published, while a dark gray Publish icon indicates that the folder or asset is published.
Select the Brand Connect portal that you would like to publish to, and whether you would like to also publish subfolders.
Click Save.
Unpublish folders and assets
If you no longer need an asset, you can remove it from display.
Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, and then navigate to the folders or assets that you want to unpublish.
Click the Publish icon. You can also click the Pencil icon, and then click Publish / Unpublish. Light gray Publish icons indicate that the folder or asset is not published, while a dark gray Publish icon indicates that the folder or asset is published.
Select the X next to the Brand Connect portal that you would like to unpublish to and whether you would like to also unpublish subfolders.
Click Save.
Publishing folders and assets upon activation
Admins may set their folders and assets to publish to Brand Connect upon activation.
Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, then click Brands in the top navigation.
Click the brand you want to configure.
In the top navigation, select Settings.
Check the box to publish folders and assets upon activation.
Now when you activate an asset or folder, it is published. In order for folders and assets to be published upon upload, ensure that the default status of folders and assets is Active under the System Preferences.
Publishing folders and assets by date
This feature gives admins and contributors with publish permissions the ability to schedule a day and time to publish an asset or folder to Brand Connect. As an example, you’re launching a new product. The campaign materials and product photos are uploaded, but they cannot be launched to the broader audience until a specific date.
Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic and navigate to the folder(s) or asset(s) you’d like to schedule.
Click the Publish icon. You can also click the Pencil icon and select Publish / Unpublish.
Select the Brand Connect portal that you’d like to publish to and whether you’d like to also publish subfolders.
The folders/assets will default to publishing immediately. Click Change.
Enter the day and time that you’d like to have the folder(s) or asset(s) published. The time zone used is based on your computer’s time zone settings.
Click Schedule.
Click Edit to update the publish day and time, or click Cancel to delete.
Publish rules
Published folders and assets follow specific rules.
Newly uploaded, created or moved assets and folders inherit publish status from its parent folder. Exceptions can occur in Brand Connect Basic accounts when the asset publish limit has been reached.
You can manually publish an asset or nested folder residing in an unpublished folder. This action will display only the selected asset (or nested folder) and its parent folder(s) in Brand Connect.
Individual assets in a published folder cannot be manually unpublished.
Inactive assets and folders won’t be published in Brand Connect. If you deactivate a published folder or asset, it will be unpublished.