Approval paths enable admins to build multi-step approval processes routing assets from one approver (or group of approvers) to the next.
Create approval paths
Sign in to Workstream, and then click Manage in the secondary navigation.
Click Approval Paths.
Click New Approval Path in the upper right, and then enter a name for your approval path.
To create the first step, click Add one, and then enter the step name.
Set the approver(s)
Asset’s original uploader: The approval request will be sent to the user who uploaded the asset.
Prompt Requester for approver: The requester can enter the name and email address of the approver or Team (read more about Teams) when the request is initiated. This option is often selected if the approvers change each time the path is used, such as working with different clients or partners, or if the approvers can’t be identified until the asset is ready for approval.
Identify approver now: Enter the desired approver or Team.
If the approver is an Acquia DAM Classic user or Workstream Team, enter their name, email address, or Team name, and then click the name when it appears in the list.
If the approver is not an Acquia DAM Classic user, enter their email address.
Approver Style: If you select Prompt requester for approver or Identify approver(s) now (with more than one approver listed), you must select the approver style:
Approval is required from all: All approvers in the step must approve the asset to move to the next step.
First response wins: Only one approval is needed for the asset to move to the next step. If an approver selects Reject or Approve with changes, the asset won’t move to the next step until it meets the requirements for approval in the current step.
Select one or more checkboxes to enable the appropriate permissions:
Approver can view comments: Enables the approver to view the comments made by other users, including comments made in earlier approval steps.
Approver can proof: Enables the approver to access to the proofing tool to provide more detailed feedback. (Read more about proofing.)
Approver can download: Enables the approver(s) to download the asset.
Toggle the slider to enable the other settings:
Remind: Sends a reminder to the approver after an interval a time. Select Repeat to send a recurring reminder using the set interval of time.
Escalate: Escalates the approval to another reviewer if no response is given after a set interval of time. If a reminder is enabled, the interval of time chosen to escalate an asset must be greater than the interval of time selected for the reminder. For example, if you send a reminder in two days, the escalation interval must be set at three days or longer.
Auto Decide: If no response is given after the selected interval of time, the asset will be marked as approved or denied. The interval selected in this step must be longer than the intervals selected in the Remind and Escalate settings, if enabled.
Click Add a step on the left of the page to add more steps, or click Continue to the next step in the approval setup pane. The system saves actions as you create new steps.
To view or change the available settings, click Settings at the bottom left of the approval path page.
Who can use this path: Select which Workstream groups can use the approval path. By default, any Workstream user can use a newly created approval path. To limit access, toggle the slider to the left and select the Workstream group(s) that should have access.
When a new version of an asset is uploaded: Choose what happens when a new version of an asset is uploaded.
Restart approval process from beginning if a new approval is required from every step of the approval path.
Restart current step if a new approval is required starting from the current step in the approval path. If selected, the user who rejected the asset will receive an email to re-approve.
Do nothing if the new version can continue through the approval process. The requester can also manually resubmit the approval.
Be sure to select the Upon final approval checkbox to activate assets after they’re approved by all steps.
Click Save after you’ve configured all steps.
To Enable an Approval Path, toggle the slider next to the path name to the right. By default, newly created approval paths are disabled.
Edit approval paths
Sign in to Workstream, and then click Manage on the secondary navigation.
Click Approval Paths.
Use one of the following methods to edit the approval path:
Click the approval path you want to update, and then click Edit next to the approval path name.
You can also click the options icon that appears when you point to an approval path name, and then click Edit.
Duplicating or deleting approval paths
Sign in to Workstream, and then click Manage on the secondary navigation.
Click Approval Paths.
Click the options icon.
Click Duplicate to make a copy of the approval path, or click Delete to delete the approval path.