In Acquia DAM Classic, audit logs provide specific information about assets, folders, and permissions and the updates made to each.
Audit logs are available to subscribers on the Professional subscription plan.
Acquia DAM Classic includes the following logs:
To begin using the Acquia DAM Classic logs, complete the following steps:
From the top navigation, click Reports and then click Audit Logs to select the log you would like to review.
Asset logs
Asset logs provide information on individual asset updates.
The log shows the following asset information:
User - the name of the user making the update
Asset - the name of the asset updated (click to open the Asset Details page)
Action - the update performed
Field - the metadata field updated, if applicable
Previous value - the previous metadata value or folder ID, if applicable
Current value - the new metadata value, or folder ID, if applicable
Action taken on - the date and time the update took place
Other options:
Filter results and sort column by ascending or descending order.
Limit search range with list options. Stack these options for narrower searches, for example, choose a User and Action.
Reset fields in the list by selecting Action or Field - All or by leaving and returning to a log.
Use Search to locate specific items.
Generate a
report in Excel.
Folder logs
The log shows the following folder information:
User - the name of the user making the update
Folder - the name of the folder updated (click to open the folder)
Action - the update performed
Previous value - the previous status or parent folder ID, if applicable
Current value - the new status or parent folder ID, if applicable
Action taken on - the date and time the last action took place
More options:
Filter results and sort column by ascending or descending order.
Limit search range with list options. Stack these options for narrower searches, for example, choose a User and Action.
Reset fields in the list by selecting Action or Field - All or by leaving and returning to a log.
Use Search to locate specific items.
Generate a
report in Excel.
Permission logs
The log shows the following permissions information:
User - the name of the user making the update
Action - the update performed
Group - the group updated or added to the user
Folder - the folder where the permission was updated, if applicable
User - the name of the user having their permissions updated, if applicable
Permission - the type of permission granted or removed
Action taken on - the date and time the last update took place
More options:
Filter results and sort column by ascending or descending order.
Limit search range with list options. Stack these options for narrower searches, for example, choose a User and Action.
Reset fields in the list by selecting Action or Field - All or by leaving and returning to a log.
Use Search to locate specific items.
Generate a
report in Excel.