Acquia DAM

Embedding assets

This feature is available only to Acquia DAM Classic Professional subscribers.

Acquia DAM Classic makes it easy to share links to assets in your digital asset manager, or embed those assets on a web page or email. Admins and contributors may access the links.

Embeddable downloads provide the added option to embed a thumbnail and a link to download the asset. You can track where the assets are embedded and how many times the asset has been downloaded.

For example, you can list your products on your website, including downloadable brochures that explain the product in details. With embeddable downloads, you can copy an embeddable code for a brochure directly from your DAM Classic. This code is then embedded on your website, allowing you to embed a thumbnail of the selected brochure.

Other sharing methods

In addition to sharing page links or embeddable links, you can also share assets in the following ways:

  • Carousel - code bundles to rotate the display of several assets on other websites or platforms

  • Embeddable Downloads - code bundles to display assets on other websites or platforms