Acquia DAM

Embeddable: Downloads

This feature is available only to Acquia DAM Classic Professional subscribers.

Embeddables are bundles of code that embed assets on third-party platforms like WordPress, Drupal, Brand Connect, and anywhere else you can embed code.

Embeddable downloads give you the added option to embed a thumbnail plus a link to download the asset. You can track where the assets are embedded and how many times the asset has been downloaded.

Example: You display your products on your website, including downloadable brochures that explain the product in more depth. With embeddable downloads, you grab an embed code for a brochure directly from your DAM. This code is then embedded on your website, allowing you to embed a thumbnail of the selected brochure.

The code also lets subscribers download the brochure on your website while hosting it in your DAM—no more staging servers, and FTP sites required. If you update or change the brochure in your DAM, the changes are reflected on your website so that visitors are always downloading the latest version or seeing the latest thumbnail.

Creating an embeddable download

You can create an embeddable download from the asset details page.

Creating from the asset details page

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM.

  2. Double click the asset you want to embed to get to the asset details page.

  3. Click the Link icon on the actions toolbar and select Asset.

  4. Select the option to embed the asset Thumbnail only, a Download of the asset only, or Both.

  5. Set the preferred size, then copy the embed code.

  6. Paste the embed code wherever you want to post the download.

Embeddable download reporting

Administrators can track how many times an embeddable has been downloaded. An embeddable download won’t display in this report until it has been downloaded at least once.

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM as an admin.

  2. Click Reports in the top navigation and select Embeddable Downloads.