Acquia DAM

Sharing assets

If you want to share assets with other individuals or users, you can email an asset link to another Acquia DAM Classic user, email a link to a download that is accessible by anyone, or send assets by using Box or Dropbox.

Emailing a download

Users with download permissions can email a download of the asset to other users. The recipient doesn’t need to be an Acquia DAM Classic user, but the recipient can only download the asset for a configurable amount of time.

  1. Sign in to Acquia DAM Classic, and then select one or more assets you want to share.

  2. In the actions toolbar of the Asset Details page, click the Share icon, and then click Email download.

  3. Enter the email address of the recipient. If you’re sending to several recipients, separate the emails with a comma.

  4. Enter a subject and message (optional), set the download expiration (how long the user has to download the asset), and choose the download size.

  5. Click Send.

Sharing several assets

Add the assets you want to share to a lightbox, and then follow the previous instructions to either email a link to the lightbox or to download the assets.