You can add users to Acquia DAM Classic in bulk (greater than 50 users) by doing a user import.
User import procedure
Be sure to complete the following steps to bulk import your organization’s users into Acquia DAM Classic:
Create any needed groups for your users.
Group roles will define the user role. For example, if a group role is Contributor, then the user will import into Acquia DAM Classic with a Contributor role type.
Complete the user import spreadsheet by providing the following information:
Username (required)
Email (required)
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Group(s) (required)
Company URL
Phone Number
Fax Number
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Contact your Acquia Account Manager, provide them your user import spreadsheet, and address the following additional items:
Do you want to import your users as active or inactive? Active users will be able to sign in and browse Acquia DAM Classic right away. Inactive users will not be able to sign in until an admin activates them. Upon activation, the admin can determine whether an email is sent to users. Unless you create a generic password for the import, users will must create their own password.
If you want your users to be active upon import, do you want your users to be notified by email? If yes, upon import users will receive a welcome email containing a link to set their own password. If no, you must notify your users regarding Acquia DAM Classic sign-in instructions. Users must create their own password, unless a generic password is created during the import process.
Do you want your users to set their own passwords, or do you want to create a generic password? If you want users to set their own passwords, active users imported with an initial email sent will be prompted to create a password. If an email is not sent to users or your users are being imported as inactive users, they will need to create their own password. If you want to create a generic password, all users will receive the password of your choosing. Users can change their password after signing in.