The Depcalc events are present in the \Drupal\depcalc\DependencyCalculatorEvents
class and are listed as follows:
Skipping cache invalidation¶
When an entity is saved, the system invalidates the Depcalc cache. Before invalidating the cache, the system fires an event to make the invalidation process more flexible. New event subscribers can be written by subscribing to this event with a logic to skip Depcalc cache invalidation for a particular entity.
Description | Path |
To use this event, subscribe to | Drupal\depcalc\DependencyCalculatorEvents::INVALIDATE_DEPCALC_CACHE
Dispatch event | Drupal\depcalc\Event\InvalidateDepcalcCacheEvent
Example implementation | Drupal\acquia_contenthub_subscriber\EventSubscriber\InvalidateDepcalcCache\SkipDepcalcInvalidationOnSubscriberSites