The Status Report summary page is a chart of all registered clients within a syndication network.
Status report summary
For a chart of registered clients in a syndication network:
- Sign in to your Acquia Content Hub publishing website.
- From the admin page, go to Configuration > Acquia Content Hub Settings to reach the Status Report summary page.
The following chart displays an example of registered clients:
- CLIENT: The registered name of the client.
- TYPE: A publisher, subscriber or both.
- WEBHOOK DOMAIN: The domain of the webhook registered for the client.
- STATUS: Not Available, In Progress or Complete.
- PERCENT EXPORTED: Percentage of all entities in the publisher tracking table with a status of queued or exported (not imported) over all entities in the status table.
- PERCENT IMPORTED: Percentage of all entities in the subscriber tracking table with a status of queued (not imported) over all entities in the tracking table.
- LAST UPDATED: The last updated time of the client. If the client is both a publisher and subscriber, the last updated time will be the most recent updated time of subscriber or publisher data.
- DETAILS: A link to the More Details page.
Status report details
The Status Details page displays a client’s webhook details, including the number of entities in each status, and a graph of the data.
To reach the Status Details page:
- Sign in to your Acquia Content Hub publishing website.
- From the admin page, go to Configuration > Acquia Content Hub Settings > Status Report.
- From the Client list, choose a client and click More Details.
The Status Details page opens displaying Webhook Details including:
- The Domain of the webhook registered for the client.
- The UUID or universally unique identifier of the webhook.
- The Publisher Status displaying the number of entities confirmed, exported and queued.
- The Last Updated time of the client. If the client is both a publisher and subscriber, the last updated time will be the most recent updated time of subscriber or publisher data.
- The Subscriber Status displaying the number of entities imported and queued.
- A Publisher Statuses graph displaying the percentage of entities confirmed, exported, and queued.
- A Subscriber Statuses graph displaying the percentage of entities imported and queued.