
Data warehouse Person field types

End-of-sale notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-sale for Acquia Personalization effective July 1, 2024. Customers with active service contracts will continue to receive support. If you are interested in experimentation and optimization, contact Acquia Sales Team to get information about Acquia Convert powered by VWO.

End-of-life notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-life for the acquia_lift module effective December 31, 2025. Acquia recommends you to update your application to the current version of Acquia Personalization. For any assistance related to migration, contact Acquia Support.

The data warehouse uses the Person field layout to describe visitors that have been uniquely identified with first-party cookies, their email addresses, or some other identifier.

The Person field layout uses the following tables to describe your visitors:

person table

Field nameData typeSortableDescription
activeBOOLEAN𐄂The person is a unique entity; false indicates this person was merged into another person during identity resolution (touches and events remain linked to the original person)
anonymous_visitorBOOLEAN𐄂Person without any identity information, such as an email address or account ID
articles_remainingINT (4 bytes)𐄂Number of articles available for person to access, usable with free previews or limited subscriptions—optional and provided externally
do_not_trackBOOLEAN𐄂Indicates whether or not the person has opted out of tracking and personalization
engagement_scoreINT (4 bytes)𐄂Numeric representation of this person’s engagement with the brand that is calculated by customer-specific rules (for example, a visitor with a newsletter subscription is more engaged than a periodic visitor); calculated here as the sum of all engagement scores at the event level over a 90-day period
external_scoreINT (4 bytes)𐄂Rating value not created or defined by Personalization
first_time_visitorBOOLEAN𐄂Indicates whether person is a first-time visitor
first_touchDATETime and date of the person’s first touch
idINT (4 bytes)Unique person ID: Personalization internal value; person_id fields in other tables refer to this value
identifiers_jsonVARCHAR (65535)𐄂A JSON representation of all the identifiers associated with the person
last_modified_dateTIMESTAMP𐄂Time and date the row was last modified
last_subscription_planVARCHAR (50)𐄂Immediately previous subscription plan for the person (for example, Unlimited, Monthly, or Yearly)—optional and provided externally
last_touchDATETime and date of the person’s last touch
personaVARCHAR (100)𐄂The top persona of the person, based on their consumed content
primary_identifierVARCHAR (200)𐄂Tracking ID assigned to a website visitor and stored in their cookies; if there are multiple identifiers, this field reflects the first assigned identifier
primary_identifier_type_idINT (4 bytes)𐄂Person’s identifier type—this will always have a value of 2 to reflect the first tracking ID assigned by Personalization
subscriber_statusVARCHAR (50)𐄂The person’s subscription status—optional and provided externally
subscription_end_dateDATE𐄂Date the person’s subscription expires—optional and provided externally
subscription_planVARCHAR (50)𐄂Current person’s subscription plan—optional and provided externally
subscription_start_dateDATE𐄂Date the person’s subscription started—optional and provided externally
db_last_modified_dateTIMESTAMP𐄂The UTC time and date when the row was last modified in the database
custom_field_1VARCHAR (1000)𐄂

User-defined field

Since this field is also used by Personalization, Acquia recommends you don’t use the field for your custom values.

custom_field_2VARCHAR (1000)𐄂

User-defined field

Since this field is also used by Personalization, Acquia recommends you don’t use the field for your custom values.

custom_field_3VARCHAR (1000)𐄂

User-defined field

Since this field is also used by Personalization, Acquia recommends you don’t use the field for your custom values.

custom_field_4VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_5VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_6VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_7VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_8VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_9VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_10VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_11VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_12VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_13VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_14VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_15VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_16VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_17VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_18VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_19VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_20VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_21VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_22VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_23VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_24VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_25VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_26VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_27VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_28VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_29VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_30VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_31VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_32VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_33VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_34VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_35VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_36VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_37VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_38VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_39VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_40VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_41VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_42VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_43VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_44VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_45VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_46VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_47VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_48VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_49VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field
custom_field_50VARCHAR (1000)𐄂User-defined field

person_identifier table

Field nameData typeSortableDescription
activeBOOLEAN𐄂The person is a unique entity; False indicates this person was merged into another person during identity resolution (touches and events remain linked to the original person)
db_last_modified_dateTIMESTAMP𐄂The UTC time and date when the row was last modified in the database
identifierVARCHAR (200)Person’s identifier information, based on the person_identifier_type_id
last_modified_dateTIMESTAMP𐄂The timestamp of the last modification of this record
person_idINT (8 bytes)Points to a specific person in Personalization records
person_identifier_type_idINT (4 bytes)

Person’s identifier type, from the following options:

1 - email 
2 - tracking identifier 
3 - account id 
4 - Facebook account 
5 - Twitter account 
6 - name


If you have added one or more custom identifiers to your customer information, those non-standard identifiers will have values greater than six. Currently, there is no method to determine a custom identifier’s descriptive name from its person_identifier_type_id value.

person_ranking_item table

Field nameData typeSortableDescription
db_last_modified_dateTIMESTAMP𐄂The UTC time and date when the row was last modified in the database
item_dateINT (4 bytes)Date for which the ranking item’s value has been accumulated
item_nameVARCHAR (200)Name of the ranking item—for example, DESKTOP for the device ranking
item_valueINT (4 bytes)𐄂Value assigned to the ranking item
last_modified_dateTIMESTAMP𐄂Time and date that the row was last modified
person_idINT (8 bytes)𐄂Points to an associated ranking item
person_ranking_idINT (8 bytes)Points to an associated ranking item

person_ranking_summary table

Field nameData typeSortableDescription
db_last_modified_dateTIMESTAMPNoThe UTC time and date when the row was last modified in the database
column_meta_data_idINT (4 bytes)YesPoints to the column meta data associated with the ranking in Personalization records
column_meta_data_nameVARCHAR (50)NoDisplay name of the column meta data
customer_site_idINT (4 bytes)YesPoints to the customer’s website in Personalization records
frequencyINT (4 bytes)NoValue assigned to the ranking summary (for example, the sum of the daily values for the last period)
freq_rankINT (4 bytes)NoThe rank, by frequency, when compared to other ranking summaries with the same person_id, customer_site_id, and column_meta_data_id
item_nameVARCHAR (200)NoName of the ranking summary—for example, DESKTOP for the device ranking
last_modified_dateTIMESTAMPNoTime and date the row was last modified
person_idINT (4 bytes)YesPoints to a specific person in Personalization records
site_external_idVARCHAR (20)NoExternal identifier of the customer’s website
site_nameVARCHAR (50)NoName of the customer’s website

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