
Data warehouse Segment field types

End-of-sale notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-sale for Acquia Personalization effective July 1, 2024. Customers with active service contracts will continue to receive support. If you are interested in experimentation and optimization, contact Acquia Sales Team to get information about Acquia Convert powered by VWO.

End-of-life notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-life for the acquia_lift module effective December 31, 2025. Acquia recommends you to update your application to the current version of Acquia Personalization. For any assistance related to migration, contact Acquia Support.

The data warehouse uses the Segments field layout to describe segments associated with each event for a given person.

The Segments field layout includes the following tables:

segment table

The Segment table contains a list of the segments in Personalization and synchronizes with the configuration database.

Field nameData typeSortableDescription
idINT (4 bytes)βœ“Unique segment ID: Personalization internal value
nameVARCHAR (100)𐄂Name of the segment (for example, All article pages)
tracking_idVARCHAR (100)𐄂Shortened machine name of the segment name, from the Personalization segment builder

matched_segment table

The Matched_segment table contains a list of the events and segment information associated with each segment and links the Segment table to the Event table.

Field nameData typeSortableDescription
event_idINT (8 bytes)βœ“Link to an existing ID for an event in the Event table: Personalization internal value
person_idINT (8 bytes)𐄂Link to an existing id for a person Personalization internal value
segment_idINT (4 bytes)βœ“Link to an existing ID for a segment in the Segments table Personalization internal value
db_last_modified_dateTIMESTAMP𐄂The UTC time and date when the row was last modified in the database

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