
Viewing and editing a campaign

End-of-sale notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-sale for Acquia Personalization effective July 1, 2024. Customers with active service contracts will continue to receive support. If you are interested in experimentation and optimization, contact Acquia Sales Team to get information about Acquia Convert powered by VWO.

End-of-life notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-life for the acquia_lift module effective December 31, 2025. Acquia recommends you to update your application to the current version of Acquia Personalization. For any assistance related to migration, contact Acquia Support.

In Personalization, you can both view a campaign summary or edit your paused and unpublished campaigns.

Viewing the campaign summary

The summary is an overview of the campaign details. Click the campaign name in either the dashboard or the campaigns page.

The first section provides the following information:

  • Campaign name.
  • The website the campaign is on.
  • Campaign Status (a green dot for published campaigns and a blue-gray dot for unpublished campaigns).
  • Analytic summary section, which includes the following items:

    • Times shown
    • Clickthroughs
    • Clickthrough Rate
    • Unique Visitors
    • Goals Met
    • Conversion Rate

    For details about campaign analytics, see Understanding campaign analytics.

  • Campaign information section, which includes the following items:
    • Campaign description.
    • The campaign’s Start Time and End Time.

The final section may have one or both of the following tabs:

  • Campaign Analytics: For information about this tab, see Understanding campaign analytics. Analytics are available for published campaigns.
  • Rules & Content: This tab displays information about the following items:
    • Title, which indicates the campaign type.
    • Preview Campaign button: Click the link to preview the campaign on the live website. If the campaign has no defined rules, the button is dimmed and is not available.
    • Test name: Defaults to My [Campaign type] personalization. For mixed campaigns, the default is displayed from the rule label.
    • Targeted to Persona: [Segment name]: The segment the test targets.
    • Number of items customized, and the number of pages containing customization.
    • Additional information, which can vary depending on the campaign type.

Mixed campaign summaries display the corresponding summary for each campaign type in use. For example, a mixed campaign including a Targeted personalization, an A/B test, and Content recommendation, will display the A/B test summary as follows:

  • Site Variations
  • Traffic split

The following is the Targeted personalization and Content recommendation summary:

  • The number of pieces of content, on how many pages.
  • The Contents available in the slots on the webpage. Each piece of content displays its name, the Slot it is in, and the URL where it displays. Click Preview to view the content in the slot as shown in the following screen:

If you have not configured any rules, Personalization displays a You have no rules configured. message. Click Configure to create rules.

Editing a campaign

Campaigns aren’t static. They can be updated at any point before publishing.


  • Published campaigns must be Paused before editing. There is no Edit option for running campaigns.
  • Rules which are invalid, due either to content deletion or other changes, display an error message. Resolve the issue with the rule to update the content.

To edit a campaign:

  1. Sign in to Personalization.
  2. Go to Personalize > Campaigns.
  3. In the List section, find the campaign you want to edit.
  4. If the campaign is already published, click Pause.
  5. Click Edit.

    The Campaign Details page displays. The top of the page will display Edit [Your campaign name].

  6. Edit the campaign information using the same methods as in Creating a campaign.
  7. Publish the campaign, or Save for later.

The < button takes you back to the preceding step.

Campaign full edit

From the Campaigns page, you can use the full edit workflow to change Campaign Details, Add or Edit Rules, and Preview & Publish Campaign. See Editing a campaign for more information.

To perform a full edit on a campaign:

  1. On the Campaigns page, click Edit for the campaign you want to edit.

    The Campaign Details page opens.

    A date and time stamp displays in local time indicating the most recent campaign data update:

  2. Make the required changes to your campaign’s information.
  3. Click Save and continue to move to Add or Edit rules, Save for later to hold, or Cancel to discard changes.

    If you clicked Save and continue, Personalization displays the Add or Edit rules page.

  4. Add rules or make changes to existing rules.
  5. To delete rules in a slot, click Delete for the rule in the slot you want to remove. The delete confirmation screen displays.

  6. Click Cancel to discard changes or Continue to remove the personalization.

  7. Click Save and continue to move to publish, Save for later to hold, or Cancel to discard changes.

    After the final Save and continue, Personalization will display the Preview and Publish screen, which summarizes the details for the campaign.

  8. Either click Publish to publish your changes to the campaign, or click Save for later to save your unpublished changes.

Campaign quick edit

Use the Quick edit workflow by directly clicking Edit Information or Edit Rules to change campaign or rule details without going through the full edit workflow.

To perform a quick edit:

  1. On the Campaigns page, click a campaign to display its Campaign Summary page.
  2. Edit your campaign’s rules using one of the following methods:
    • In the right pane, click Edit Rules to display the Add or Edit Rules page.
    • Add rules or make changes to existing rules.
    • To delete rules in a slot, click Delete for the rule in the slot you want to remove and then click Continue to confirm the rule removal.
  3. Click one of the following options:
    • Save and continue to continue.
    • Save for later to pause the process and save your changes.
    • Cancel to discard your changes.
  4. Either click Publish to publish your changes to the campaign, or click Save for later to save your unpublished changes.

Campaign quick archive or delete

Use the following Quick archive or delete workflow to archive or delete a campaign:

  1. Sign in to Personalization.
  2. Go to Personalize > Campaigns.
  3. In the List section, find the campaign you want to archive or delete
  4. In the Actions column, click Archive or Delete and a confirmation modal to Archive Campaign or Delete Campaign displays.

  5. Click Cancel to return to the List section or click Archive Campaign or Delete Campaign to confirm your selection.

The campaign is deleted or moved to the Archived tab.

Deleting or archiving a published campaign

To delete or archive a published campaign:

  1. On the Campaigns page for the published campaign you want to archive or delete, in the upper-right menu, click Archive or click to display Delete.

    A confirmation modal to Archive Campaign or Delete Campaign displays.

  2. Click Cancel to discard your selection or click Archive Campaign or Delete Campaign to confirm.

The campaign is deleted or moved to the Archived tab.

Deleting an unpublished or archived campaign

To delete an unpublished campaign:

  1. On the Campaigns page for the unpublished campaign you want to delete, in the upper-right menu, click Delete.

    A confirmation modal to Delete Campaign displays.

  2. Click Cancel to discard your selection or click Delete Campaign to confirm.

To delete an archived campaign:

  1. On the Campaigns page for the archived campaign you want to delete, in the upper-right menu, click Delete.

    A confirmation modal to Delete Campaign displays.

  2. Click Cancel to discard your selection or click Delete Campaign to confirm.

Cloning a campaign

Lift allows you to clone published and archived campaigns. By doing so, you can leverage the existing campaign configuration to create a new campaign and avoid recreating the campaign altogether.


  • You cannot clone unpublished campaigns.
  • You can update all details in the cloned campaign. For more information, see Campaign full edit.

Cloning a published campaign

To clone a published campaign:

  1. Sign in to Personalization.
  2. Go to Personalize > Campaigns.
  3. In the List section, find the published campaign you want to clone.
  4. Click Clone.

  5. Click Clone Campaign.

  6. Click Done.

    The Campaign Details page appears. The top of the page displays Edit[COPY] - [Existing campaign name].

    You can update the details in the cloned campaign. For more information, see Campaign full edit.

Cloning an archived campaign

To clone an archived campaign:

  1. Sign in to Personalization.
  2. Go to Personalize > Campaigns.
  3. In the Archived section, find the archived campaign you want to clone.
  4. Click Clone.

  5. Click Clone Campaign.

  6. Click Done.

    The Campaign Details page appears. The top of the page displays Edit[COPY] - [Existing campaign name].

    You can update the details in the cloned campaign. For more information, see Campaign full edit.

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