
Viewing reports in Personalization

End-of-sale notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-sale for Acquia Personalization effective July 1, 2024. Customers with active service contracts will continue to receive support. If you are interested in experimentation and optimization, contact Acquia Sales Team to get information about Acquia Convert powered by VWO.

End-of-life notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-life for the acquia_lift module effective December 31, 2025. Acquia recommends you to update your application to the current version of Acquia Personalization. For any assistance related to migration, contact Acquia Support.

In the Analyze tab, Personalization displays reports that present information relating to visitors’ interaction with and behavior on your websites and optionally on other channels, such as email.

Detailed report list

Personalization reports are organized into the following sections:

  • Content

    The Content section has several reports which display data related to visitors’ viewing of content on your website. By default, all the reports in the Content section display data from the previous 30 days.

    Content by content titleContent view events, organized by the titles of the pieces of content most viewed by visitors.
  • Conversion

    The Conversion section has several reports which display the campaign’s actions and click-throughs.

    DashboardDescriptionReporting period
    People who reached an eventNumber of unique people who reached a specified event, and average amount of time needed to reach it.Previous 90 days
    Rules summaryTable of all running rules based on collected events, including decision segment, goal name, number of decisions, number of goals, total value of goals.Previous 30 days
  • Engagement

    The Engagement section contains several reports that display data relating to visitors’ engagement with your website. By default, all the reports in the Engagement section display data from the previous six months.

    Engagement score trendAverage engagement score, organized by month.
    Time on site trendAverage touch duration in seconds, organized by month.
  • Events

    The Events section contains several reports that display data related to visitor events on your website. By default, reports in the Events section display data from the previous 30 days.

    Events by segmentNumber of events by segment, organized by event name.
  • People

    The People section contains reports about your visitors, including information about their identities and their preferences on your website. Each report is based on a different organization scheme or reportable item, and uses the number of visitors captured by Personalization per day. By default, reports in the People section display data from the previous 30 days.

    People by regionNumber of visitors per day, organized by country and region.
    People by segmentNumber of visitors per day, organized by the segments into which each visitor falls.
    People trendNumber of unique visitors, organized by month.
  • Segment

    The Segment section contains several reports that display data relating to the segments into which your visitors fell when they accessed your website. By default, the reports in the Segment section display data from the previous 30 days, except the Segment trend and Segments in use trend reports, which display data from the past six months.

    Segment performanceEngagement score, average goal value and total goal value by segment, organized by event name and segment name.
    Segment trendNumber of website visitors falling into a specific segment, organized by month.
    Segments in common with peopleNumber of unique visitors who matched both to a specified segment and to all other segments. In the Segment Name filter, replace Specify a segment name with the name of a segment and click Run.
    Segments in common with touchesNumber of unique visitors who matched both to a specified segment and to all other segments within the same touch. In the Segment Name filter, replace Specify a segment name with the name of a segment and click Run.


    The Segments in common with people and Segments in common with touches reports can’t be run with their default values. You must enter new values to be able to run these reports.

  • Touches

    The Touches section contains several reports displaying data relating to the touches your visitors perform and their methods of accessing your website. By default, the reports in the Touches section display data from the past 30 days.

    Touches by browserNumber of touches per day, organized by the browsers that visitors used to access your website.
    Touches by referrer domainNumber of touches per day, organized by the host name of the external domain that referred the visitor to the first webpage visited on your website.
    Touches by UTM contentNumber of touches per day, organized by the Google Tag parameter for A/B testing and content-targeted ads.
  • Campaigns

    The Campaigns section contains several reports displaying data about the types of campaigns running on your website. By default, the reports in the Campaigns section display data from the past 30 days.

    A/B Test CampaignExamine the performance of an A/B test campaign. In the Campaign Name filter, replace Specify a campaign name with the name of a campaign and click Run.
    Content Recommendation CampaignExamine the performance of a content recommendation campaign. In the Campaign Name filter, replace Specify a campaign name with the name of a campaign and click Run.
    Targeted Personalization CampaignExamine the performance of a targeted personalization campaign. In the Campaign Name filter, replace Specify a campaign name with the name of a campaign and click Run.

Modifying report filters

You can filter the information displayed in each report by configuring certain settings. For information about how to do this, see Configuring report filters in Personalization.

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