
Personalization file import reference

End-of-sale notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-sale for Acquia Personalization effective July 1, 2024. Customers with active service contracts will continue to receive support. If you are interested in experimentation and optimization, contact Acquia Sales Team to get information about Acquia Convert powered by VWO.

End-of-life notice!

Acquia announces the end-of-life for the acquia_lift module effective December 31, 2025. Acquia recommends you to update your application to the current version of Acquia Personalization. For any assistance related to migration, contact Acquia Support.

This feature is available to Personalization Omnichannel subscribers.

A Personalization upload file includes two sections to describe its data: a header section and a data section.

Header section

The header for the upload file consists of two lines:

  • A pipe-delimited ( | ) list of the import element fields you want to use. There are 4 headers (marked as Required in the following table) which must be on the same line. The other headers aren’t mandatory and can be excluded if not needed.


    The version header is now an optional line and will be ignored if not supplied.

Field nameDescriptionData typeRequired
event_dateEvent date and time in UTC (Example: 2014-08-27 11:25:00.155)Date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.sss)No
event_nameEvent name corresponding to the captured information. The event name must be already created in Personalization (see note) (Example: Content View)StringYes
event_sourceSource of the event (Example: Call Center)StringYes
identityVisitor’s identity information (Example: [email protected])StringYes
identity_sourceType of visitor’s identity information (Example: email)Specific string (account, email, facebook, name, twitter), or trackingYes
ip_addressVisitor’s IP address (Example: addressNo
referral_urlReferrer’s URL (Example:
touch_idInternal identifier for the touch (Example: CALL1920)StringNo
urlEvent’s URL (Example:
user_agentVisitor’s user agent (Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0)StringNo
engagement_scoreNumber you have chosen to signify the importance of a visitor’s interest in this event (Example: 100)IntegerNo
site_idcustomer site ID; must match to the external ID of an entry in the customer site tableStringNo
personalization_goal_nameThe name of the goal reachedStringNo
personalization_goal_valueThe value of the goal reachedIntegerNo
personalization_nameName of personalization associated with an eventStringNo
personalization_machine_nameMachine name of personalization associated with an eventStringNo
personalization_chosen_variationThe variation (decision) chosen for an eventStringNo
personalization_audience_nameThe name of the audienceStringNo
personalization_decision_policyThe decision policy used (Examples: explore or target)StringNo

You can also use the import file to enter information into user-defined fields, where <i> is the user-defined field you want to use, such as touch_udf3:

Field nameDescriptionData typeExample
person_udf<i>User-defined field for a person; accepts up to 50 values (Optional)Stringfrequent shopper
touch_udf<i>User-defined field for a touch; accepts up to 20 values (Optional)Stringdefect
event_udf<i>User-defined field for an event; accepts up to 50 values (Optional)Stringfollow up

You can use any ordering for your user-defined fields in the import file and can also omit unused user-defined fields.

You can use the file to import information into custom fields you have added to the Personalization service. Add each custom field’s name to the end of the pipe-delimited list.


  • event_name - To import visitor information without associated events or touches, enter updatePerson for this field in the data section. When using updatePerson, Personalization imports the following fields for the record: identity, identity_source, and person_udf<i>.
  • If the actual data you are importing includes pipes, enclose the data in double quotes to avoid misinterpretation of column values. For example, My company | a great company is interpreted as two column values, and "My company | a great company" is interpreted as a single column value. If the data you are importing already includes double quotes, add a second set of double quotes to each double quote. As an example, while "My company | a "great" company" is interpreted as two column values, "My company | a ""great"" company" is interpreted as one column value.


The following example is the header section of an upload file with the 4 required import element fields and an optional field (in this example, engagement_score):


Data section

Enter each event you want to upload to Personalization on a separate line in the file, with each of the event’s field separated by a pipe ( | ). The event_name, event_source, identity, and identity_source fields are required to be in the data section and must have associated values. The identity_source field must be a specific string as described in the Header section section. Even though Personalization requires three fields in the data section, you must include pipes to indicate the data is null for unused core headers.

Upload file examples

The following page_example upload file is the most basic upload file template and has only the required data fields.

Content View|[email protected]|email|web

The following is an example of a more complete import file with more fields set. Blank lines are included for ease of reading. Providing more information for each field helps you to analyze events more comprehensively.

Content View|2014-08-27 11:25:00.155|web|[email protected]|email|||Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)||sport|soccer
Campaign Action|2014-08-27 11:25:00.162|web|My Name|name|||Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)|||baseball
Content View||web|1565224|tracking|||Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.94 Safari/537.36||fashion||

Purging a person from the database

The File Import API includes a purgePerson event type you can use to remove a person from your database. For more information about how to use purgePerson, see Purging a person from the database.

Importing goal and decision events

The File Import API allows you to import goal and decision information into Personalization. For more information about how, see the Profiles API event_import documentation.

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