Drupal Starter Kits

Drupal Starter Kits content workflow

Rebranding notice!

Acquia announces rebranding of its “Acquia CMS” offering, which includes a collection of Drupal modules. “Acquia CMS” is now referred to as “Drupal Starter Kits”.

The Content Moderation module manages the content workflow in Drupal Starter Kits. The editorial workflow applies to the following content types:

Workflow states

The content workflow consists of the following states:

DraftThe Workflow and Content Moderation modules enable you to create content inside Drupal Starter Kits.The content in this state is unpublished.
In ReviewYou move your content into this state after the content is ready for verification from a reviewer.The content in this state is unpublished.
PublishedA reviewer moves the content into this state after they verify the content and confirm no other changes are required.The content in this state is published.
ArchivedYou can move any published content into this state to unpublish the content. You can restore any archived content back to the Published state.The content in this state is unpublished.

Workflow transitions

In addition to the transitions depicted in the workflow diagram, you can have the following transitions:

  • Archive: Transitions content from the Published state to the Archived state.
  • Restore from archive: Transitions content from the Archived state to the Published state.

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