Drupal Starter Kits

Upgrading Drupal core to the latest version of 11.x

To upgrade Drupal core to the latest version of 11.x, complete the following tasks:

Upgrading Drupal Starter Kits to the latest version

Run the following command to upgrade the Drupal Starter Kits module to the latest version so that all its dependencies are also updated:

composer update "acquia/acquia_cms" -W

Removing incompatible modules

If the following modules are installed, remove them as they are not compatible with Drupal 11:

  • Config Filter
  • Google Analytics
  • Webform
  1. Uninstall and remove the Webform module:

    ./vendor/bin/drush pmu webform
    ./vendor/bin/drush cex
    composer remove "drupal/webform"
  2. Install the Google Tag module, update your tag accordingly, and then uninstall the Google Analytics module:

    ./vendor/bin/drush pmu google_analytics 
    composer remove "drupal/google_analytics"
    ./vendor/bin/drush cex

Removing BLT

To remove BLT from your codebase:

  1. Run the following command to remove BLT:

    composer remove "acquia/blt"
  2. Update the settings.php file to remove the following lines specific to BLT settings:

    require DRUPAL_ROOT . '/../vendor/acquia/blt/settings/blt.settings.php';
     * Do not include additional settings here. Instead, add them to settings
     * included by `blt.settings.php`. See BLT's documentation for more detail.
     * @link https://docs.acquia.com/blt/

To add the DRS to your codebase:

  1. Run the following command to add the latest version of DRS:

    composer require "acquia/drupal-recommended-settings"
  2. (For Site Factory customers only) Run the following command to add the DRS ACSF plugin to your codebase:

    composer require "acquia/drs-acsf"
  3. (For existing sites only) Verify that the settings.php file contains the following lines specific to DRS settings.

    require DRUPAL_ROOT . "/../vendor/acquia/drupal-recommended-settings/settings/acquia-recommended.settings.php";
     * Do not include additional settings here. Instead, add them to settings
     * included by `acquia-recommended.settings.php`. See DRS's documentation for more detail.

    If the settings.php file does not contain these lines, add them manually.

Updating Drupal core to 11.x

To update Drupal core:

  1. Run the following command to add the latest version of the core module:

    composer require "drupal/core-composer-scaffold:^11" "drupal/core-recommended:^11"  "drush/drush:^13"  --no-update --no-install
  2. Run the following command to update Drush and PHPUnit to the latest versions:

    composer require "phpunit/phpunit:^10" --dev --no-update --no-install
  3. Run the following command to install the latest Drupal core and its required dependencies:

    composer update -W
  4. Perform the following post upgrade tasks:

    ./vendor/bin/drush cr
    ./vendor/bin/drush updb -y
    ./vendor/bin/drush coh:import
    ./vendor/bin/drush coh:rebuild
    ./vendor/bin/drush cex
  5. Commit all the changes, deploy them to your development environment, and then run the following commands:

    ./vendor/bin/drush cr
    ./vendor/bin/drush cim --yes
    ./vendor/bin/drush updb --yes
  6. Verify that the site in your development environment works as expected.

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