Service Offerings

Cloud Platform Product Guide


For additional information about Cloud Platform, see its product documentation.

Last updated: October 31, 2023

Cloud Platform is a managed Platform as a Service for customers’ Drupal application(s). Cloud Platform is offered in four tiers depending on desired features and functionality, Standard, Plus, Premium, and Elite. Cloud Platform Premium and Cloud Platform Elite contain all the features of Cloud Platform Standard and the following additional features:

ProductAdditional Features
Cloud Platform PlusPlus level Support*, On-Demand Development Environments
Cloud Platform PremiumPremium level Support*, Enterprise Security Package, Team TAM, On-Demand Development Environments
Cloud Platform EliteElite level Support*, Enterprise Security Package, Team TAM, On-Demand Development Environments

* Cloud Platform Standard, Cloud Platform Plus, Cloud Platform Premium and Cloud Platform Elite are subject to the Service Level Policy, and includes the product features set forth below.

Product Version Notice:

On March 24th, 2021, Acquia released an enhanced version of Cloud Platform named “Cloud Next”. This version of the product is available to newly provisioned applications that meet all eligibility requirements. For existing applications provisioned on the previous version of Cloud Platform, hereafter referred to as “Cloud Classic”, customers shall be notified in advance of any eligible applications or environments being upgraded to Cloud Next. All information in this document refers to both versions unless explicitly noted otherwise.

1. Platform Services

1.1. Cloud Platform Management Console and API

Acquia will provide access to the Cloud Platform management console and API for authorized users, enabling Customer to view and manage Drupal applications on Cloud Platform. Customer will be responsible for granting and revoking user access to the management console and API.

1.2. Platform Monitoring Services

Acquia will monitor Platform availability for Customer production environments with standard monitoring checks performed on a regular interval. Such monitoring may exclude degradation resulting from Customer’s application. Acquia reserves the right to remove a Customer application from such monitoring in the event of a recurring problem(s) where Customer rejects the Acquia Support recommendation for remediation. Downtime incurred while Customer application(s) are out of monitoring will be excluded from service level policy Availability calculation.

1.3. Drupal Application Management Services

Acquia will provide the following services for the Customer’s Drupal application(s) on the Platform:

1.3.1. Source code repository service

Enables Customer’s developers to track and manage multiple versions of the application.

1.3.2. Build and deployment services

Enables Customer’s developers to build Drupal applications and copy code, data and files between environments.

1.3.3. Development environments

Drupal environments for development activities by Customer’s Cloud Platform users.

1.3.4. Staging environments

Drupal environments for content staging activities by Customer’s Cloud Platform users.

1.3.5. Production environments

Drupal environments for production deployment of Customer’s Drupal applications for use by Customer’s end users.

1.3.6. On-Demand Development Environments

Drupal environments for development use that can be created on demand by Customer’s Cloud Platform users.

1.4. Node.js Services

Cloud Platform provides application platform services for Node.js applications. Deploying Node.js applications on Cloud Platform requires that the Customer purchase a Node.js platform package along with their Cloud Platform Enterprise subscription.


The Node.js Service has four main components:

  1. Source code repository service: Enables developers to track and manage multiple versions of the application.
  2. Automated build and deployment service: Deploys build artifacts to the development and production environments.
  3. Node.js development environment: For development activities by Customer’s Cloud Platform users.
  4. Node.js staging environment : For testing activities by Customer’s Cloud Platform users. This environment is not available for Classic Node.js customers.

5. Node.js production environment: For production deployment.


The Node.js Service includes support for the services listed above and the underlying platform infrastructure. Support for Customer’s Node.js application code and any third-party dependencies deployed by the Customer is not included.

1.5. Drupal Application Support Services

Acquia will provide technical support as described in the Support Users Guide for Customer’s Drupal applications on the Platform during the Subscription Term as indicated in the Order.

1.6. Platform CDN Service

Acquia provides an integrated content delivery network (CDN) that customers may use to accelerate the delivery of web assets. The Platform CDN leverages global points of presence (POPs) to help customers deliver faster experiences, no matter where their users are located. Use of the Platform CDN requires customers to make authoritative DNS configuration changes to direct visitor requests to the Customer domain through the CDN. The CDN is managed by Acquia and does not support any custom configuration. Customers may control the caching behavior of the Platform CDN through HTTP Cache-Control headers and Drupal tag-based invalidation, and full purge of the CDN cache. The Platform CDN does not support the customer’s custom VCL configurations at the CDN or the Cloud Platform Varnish tiers, or “stacked” CDN implementations where a reverse proxy-based CDN or WAF service is configured in front of or behind the Platform CDN.

For all Cloud Platform customers who have elected to utilize the Platform CDN, the following Resource Limits policy will apply:

  • Bandwidth: Monthly bandwidth usage on Platform CDN is limited to 200 GB. If a Customer exceeds this limit for two or more consecutive months, then that Customer must engage with an Acquia Account Manager to explore Acquia Edge CDN as an alternative solution to Platform CDN. Should Acquia Edge CDN fail to meet the needs of the customer, additional bandwidth may need to be purchased.
  • Domains: Customers may configure up to ten (10) domains for the Platform CDN per subscription. If a Customer exceeds this limit for two or more consecutive months, then that Customer must engage with an Acquia Account Manager to explore Acquia Edge CDN as an alternative solution to Platform CDN. Should Acquia Edge CDN fail to meet the needs of the customer, additional domains may need to be purchased.
  • SSL certificates: Customers may install up to ten (10) SSL certificates for the Platform CDN per subscription. If a Customer exceeds this limit for two or more consecutive months, then that Customer must engage with an Acquia Account Manager to explore Acquia Edge CDN as an alternative solution to Platform CDN. Should Acquia Edge CDN fail to meet the needs of the customer, additional certificates may need to be purchased.
  • No usage: If a Customer enables the Platform CDN but does not make the DNS configuration changes required to direct visitor traffic through the CDN resulting in the Customer domain receiving no Platform CDN traffic for two or more consecutive months, Acquia will remove the Customer domain receiving no traffic from Platform CDN.
Bandwidth200 GB/monthAcquia Account Manager will engage with the Customer to explore upgrade to Acquia Edge CDN
Domain10Acquia Account Manager will engage with the Customer to explore upgrade to Acquia Edge CDN
SSL certificate10Acquia Account Manager will engage with the Customer to explore upgrade to Acquia Edge CDN
Cache file size20 MBExceeding this limit when trying to cache a file results in a 503 Response object too large error
Vary objects count200 soft, 400 hardExceeding the soft limit results in no error. Newer variants displace the oldest. Active fetches from backend are limited to 400 variants. Exceeding this hard limit results in a Too many variants response. Once the fetches complete, objects will be removed until the soft limit is reached.
URL size8 KBExceeding the limit results in a Too long request string error
Cookie size32 KBExceeding the limit results in Platform CDN stripping the cookie and setting req.http.Fastly-Cookie-Overflow = 1
Request header size69 KBDepending on the circumstances, exceeding the limit can result in Platform CDN closing the client connection abruptly, or it can result in the client either receiving a 502 Gateway Error response with an I/O error in the body, or receiving a 503 Service Unavailable response with a Header overflow error in the body.
Response header size69 KBExceeding the limit results in a 503 backend read error. See Common 503 errors for more info.
Request header count96Exceeding the limit results in a Header overflow error. A small portion of this limit is reserved for internal Platform CDN use, making the practical limit closer to 85.
Response header count96Exceeding the limit results in a Header overflow error. A small portion of this limit is reserved for internal Platform CDN use, making the practical limit closer to 85.
req.body size8 KBExceeding the limit results in the req.body variable being blank. Request body payload is available in req.body only for payloads smaller than 8 KB. req.postbody is an alias for req.body.
Surrogate key size1 KBExceeding the limit results in purging API failures stating “Surrogate key too long, must be less than 1024 bytes.” Any keys that exceed the limit will be dropped instead of truncated.
Surrogate key header size16 KBExceeding the limit results in no error and any keys past the one that exceeds the limit will be dropped.

1.7. Data Centers

The Cloud Platform is physically remote from Acquia’s office facilities. A disaster affecting one or more of Acquia’s offices would not impact the availability of Customer website(s) or Customer Data. The Cloud Platform environment consists of major Regions and Availability Zones. Availability Zones are separate yet interconnected data centers within major Regions in Acquia’s global infrastructure. Cloud Platform uses a highly available redundant architecture that distributes replicated redundant server types (load balancing, caching, web and database servers) across multiple Availability Zones within the same Region. Acquia will use commercially reasonable efforts to restore the services in an alternate Availability Zone within the same Region (or alternate Region if Multi-Region Failover service has been purchased) in the event service in Customer’s assigned Availability Zone (or Region) is severely impacted.

1.8. Backups

Acquia will maintain a comprehensive backup solution which includes website code, static assets or files, and databases. Acquia will create Customer database backups one time per day and retain these backups for three days. Acquia will also provide Customer the ability to create on-demand database backups. During the Subscription Term, Acquia will retain these on-demand backups for Customer until Customer chooses to delete them. Backups will count against the storage space purchased in Customer’s Order. Customer may download these database backups and restore a previous backup on the backups tab of the Cloud Platform interface.

A version history of all changes to Customer’s Drupal code will be maintained in the source code repository service as described above.

Acquia conducts daily backups of each website file, which will be used in the event Acquia must restore the website due to a failure of the Service. Backups are retained daily over the previous week, weekly over the previous month, and monthly thereafter.

1.9. Disaster Recovery

The Cloud Platform will make hourly internal disaster recovery snapshots of Customer Data. Acquia will retain these snapshots on a diminishing schedule for three months. These backups will be used to restore Customer website(s) at another location within the same Region in the event of a total data center loss or a loss of multiple disk systems. Acquia will not provide Customer access to these snapshots and will not use these snapshots to restore websites due to data-loss or deletion by Customer.

2. Capacity Management

2.1. Traffic Capacity

Each Cloud Platform subscription includes a traffic capacity entitlement to support traffic up to the number of monthly views and unique visits (each as defined below) specified in the applicable Order Form (per SKU) (collectively and individually “Traffic Limits”). Such traffic, both actual and capacity limits, shall be viewable in the Cloud Platform Management Console.

  • View means a request that is made to the Customer’s application on the Acquia Platform, excluding static files (CSS, image, etc.)
  • Unique Visit means one or more requests to the Customer’s application from the same client device within the same hour. Acquia will use industry-standard methods that may include headers or browser cookies to identify client applications.

Acquia may remove, where applicable and identifiable, at Acquia’s sole discretion, certain common types of bot traffic from the customer’s Views and Unique Visits calculation. Customer will be responsible for any Views and Unique Visits consumed by a Denial of Service attack. Should customers exceed their current limit by 20%, then they will be charged. Should Customer’s usage exceed their limit by less than 20% for a single month and subsequently usage is reduced below limit, Customer will not be charged for those overages.

Should the Customer exceed subscription limits by any amount for two consecutive months, then overages will be applicable at the stated rate. Customer will also have to pay the backdated amount. Acquia reserves the right to invoice the Customer at the end of each month if they are over 20% and have not responded to communications from Acquia or engaged with their account team directly. Fees for overages will be calculated and invoiced monthly in arrears at the then-current rate card.

If Customer exceeds subscription limit and is using New Relic Synthetics monitoring, the baseline Views per month required for application uptime monitoring will be excluded from the subscription usage calculations at a rate of 45,000 Views or 13,500 Visits per month for each application monitored by New Relic Synthetics, up to 10 applications per subscription.

2.2. Traffic Overages

If Customer’s actual usage exceeds the capacity entitlement purchased in the applicable Order Form, Acquia shall be entitled to invoice Customer, and Customer agrees to pay the applicable additional fees for such usage (“Overage Fees”) in accordance with the terms set forth in the Agreement. Unless otherwise specified in an applicable Order Form, any such Overage Fees shall be determined by the applicable fee schedule set forth in Acquia’s then current commercial price book. Should customers exceed their current limit by 20%, then they will be charged. Should Customer’s usage exceed the limit by less than 20% for a single month and subsequently the usage is reduced below limit, Customer will not be charged for those overages. Should customers exceed subscription limits by any amount for two consecutive months, then overages will be applicable at the stated rate. Customers will also have to pay the backdated amount. Acquia reserves the right to invoice customers at the end of each month if they are over 20% and have not responded to communications from Acquia or engaged with their account team directly. Fees for overages will be calculated and invoiced monthly in arrears at the then-current rate card.

Traffic associated with New Relic Synthetics usage as outlined in this document will only be taken into account upon receipt by Acquia of written confirmation from Customer that New Relic Synthetics was configured to monitor application uptime on one or more applications in the subscription during the period of elevated utilization.

2.2.1. Overage Forgiveness

Overage Forgiveness provides an overage forgiveness period during which Customer will not be invoiced for any Overage Fees resulting from monthly Views or Unique Visits exceeding Customer’s entitlement. Unless otherwise specified in an applicable Order Form, the Overage Forgiveness Period is defined as three (3) months from the beginning of production traffic in the initial term of a Cloud Platform Subscription Term (“Overage Forgiveness Period”), unless inaccurate information was provided to Acquia for sizing.

2.3. Resource Limits

Acquia reserves the right to enforce (i) per-View resource limits on Customer applications, which may include maximum memory (including any configurable memory allocations), CPU, data transfer/bandwidth, and/or IOPS and (ii) maximum use limits on Customer application background processes, which may include frequency of scheduled processes and resources per scheduled process, all as set forth in the product Documentation (each a “Resource Limit”).

For subscriptions with applications running on Cloud Next*, Resource Limits are defined as follows:

ViewsVisitsCloud Capacity Units (CCU)Bandwidth
100,00030,000102 TB
250,00075,000122 TB
500,000150,000142 TB
750,000225,000162 TB
1,000,000300,000182 TB
1,250,000375,000202 TB
1,500,000450,000212 TB
1,750,000525,000222 TB
2,000,000600,000232 TB
2,500,000750,000252.5 TB
3,000,000900,000273 TB
3,500,0001,050,000293.5 TB
4,250,0001,275,000324.25 TB
5,000,0001,500,000355 TB
6,250,0001,875,000406.25 TB
7,500,0002,250,000457.5 TB
8,750,0002,625,000508.75 TB
10,000,0003,000,0005510 TB
12,500,0003,750,0006512.5 TB
15,000,0004,500,0007515 TB
17,500,0005,250,0008517.5 TB
20,000,0006,000,0009520 TB
20,000,000 +6,000,000 +For subscriptions in excess of 20 million Views and 6 million Visits, CCU limits will be stated on Order Forms.Increases by 2.5 TB for each 2,500,000 increase in Views

* For customers with applications running on Cloud Classic, Resource Limits are identical to those outlined in the preceding table with the exception of CCU. For CCU limits, Resource Limits are set at 1.8 times of the values in the preceding table. These CCU values provide customers with the same available resources to run their applications; higher values on ACC reflect architectural differences between Cloud Next and Cloud Classic configurations.


For Order Forms signed after January 1, 2023, where CCU limits are not outlined on a Customer’s Order Form, the CCU Resource Limit is assumed to be 100 CCU.

In this model, Cloud Capacity Units are calculated by Acquia based on CPU utilization, memory utilization, and data transfer within and between Cloud Platform infrastructure layers. A formulaic calculation of CCUs can be found in Cloud Platform FAQ.

Resource Limits can also be increased by purchasing Performance Boosts.

Resource Limits apply to all subscriptions, applications, and environments running on Cloud Next technologies. Stated limits may be higher for customers with increased entitlements otherwise formalized in Customer’s contract or Acquia’s Support Users Guide.

For Resource Limits not readily visible to Customer in the Cloud Platform user interface, Customer will not be held responsible for Resource Limits violations occurring before formal notification is sent to Customer by Acquia. Notifications will be sent when Acquia, during routine audits of Cloud Next platform utilization, becomes aware of excessive usage beyond Resource Limits. Upon receipt of notice, Customer will be provided with a 60 day window to reduce usage or else purchase a Performance Boost to increase Resource Limits.

2.4. Emergency Resource Limit Increase

In the event Acquia becomes aware that Customer’s application is exceeding its allocated Resource Limits as described in Section 2.3 above, Acquia will notify Customer and will take reasonable actions to increase such Resource Limits in an effort to maintain website availability. Customer agrees that Acquia, in its reasonable discretion, may unilaterally increase Resource Limits to the next standard size available, dynamically allocate additional temporary capacity, or else allocate a Performance Boost add-on, at Acquia’s then current rates. For applications running on Cloud Classic infrastructure, such additional Resource Limits will remain provisioned for the remainder of the Subscription Term, unless otherwise agreed. For applications running on Cloud Next infrastructure, additional Cloud Capacity allocated beyond Resource Limits guidelines may be removed or limited at any point in time. Customer agrees to pay for any such additional capacity for the remainder of the Term. Acquia reserves the right to not provision additional resources if Customer has any outstanding amounts due. Acquia reserves the right to remove Customer from monitoring in the event that a recommended or completed Resource Limit increase is refused or otherwise disputed by Customer. Downtime incurred while Customer instances are out of monitoring will be excluded from service level policy calculations.

2.5. Storage Capacity Limits

Each Cloud Platform subscription includes specified limits on Filesystem Storage and Database Storage resulting in an established “Storage Capacity Limit.” Customer may allocate this storage capacity to any application covered by the subscription. Database and file backups, excluding Disaster Recovery snapshots, will count toward Storage Capacity Limits.

2.6. Emergency Storage Capacity Increase

In the event Acquia becomes aware that Customer has reached, or may reach, its Storage Capacity Limit, Acquia will notify Customer and will take reasonable actions to increase the storage capacity in an effort to maintain website availability. Customer agrees that Acquia, in its reasonable discretion, can unilaterally increase storage to the next standard storage size available at Acquia’s then current daily rates. Such additional storage capacity will remain provisioned for the remainder of the applicable Subscription Term and Customer agrees to pay for such additional storage capacity for the remainder of such Subscription Term. Acquia reserves the right to not provision additional storage capacity if Customer has any outstanding accounts receivable due under its account.

3. Enterprise Security Package

The Enterprise Security Package includes the following features and capabilities:

3.1 Dedicated infrastructure at the edge layer

With the Enterprise Security Package, the Customer’s primary technology stack in Cloud Platform Enterprise is provisioned on unique, logically distinct infrastructure, including the edge layer. Dedicated infrastructure is free from other applications consuming server resources. For more information, see Shared or dedicated infrastructure.

3.2. Log Forwarding

Log Forwarding entitles Customer to securely forward logs from Cloud Platform to up to two remote destinations. Supported log file types and remote destinations are listed in the product documentation. Acquia reserves the right to remove access to Log Forwarding, in its sole and reasonable discretion, if Customer’s application generates excessive volumes of logs and Customer refuses to reduce logging. Customer is responsible for uptime and network connectivity of the remote destination.

3.3. IP Address allowlisting

IP Address allowlisting entitles the Customer to specify the IP addresses from which Customer’s application on Cloud Platform will accept inbound HTTPS traffic through a Custom Varnish ACL.

3.4 GeoIP integration

Customers with the Enterprise Security Package can enable GeoIP for their application. GeoIP entitles the Customer to identify the country of origin of HTTP requests, which can be used to diagnose issues arising from traffic spikes, help identify unusual access trends, or assist in crafting targeted content. For more information, see Using GeoIP information.

3.5 Ability to conduct Load testing on Cloud Platform

Customers with the Enterprise Security Package can conduct their own performance and vulnerability testing as required for their security requirements. Customers must notify Acquia Support prior to conducting testing. Acquia does not conduct this testing for the Customer. For guidelines and requirements about conducting testing on Cloud Platform, see Load testing on Cloud Platform.

3.6 Ability to modify the Varnish Configuration Language (VCL) file

Customers with the Enterprise Security Package can modify their VCL file by following the instructions at Custom Varnish configuration. Cloud Platform installs Varnish Cache, a caching reverse proxy, in front of all Cloud Platform load balancing infrastructure. To modify the behavior of Varnish, you must create a custom Varnish configuration using Varnish’s domain-specific programming language, VCL. Acquia does not test a Customer’s custom VCL file. Customers can purchase an engagement with Acquia Professional Services for assistance with their custom VCL implementation.

4. Cloud Platform Performance Boost Add-on

The Cloud Platform Performance Boost add-on provides additional CCUs to the resource limits (described in Section 2.3) for the duration of the Subscription Term. The Performance Boost add-on does not impact storage capacity limits. The specific quantity of CCUs added through the addition of a Performance Boost is specified on customers’ Order Forms.

5. Site Studio

Acquia may make available, for Customer provisioning, a one site license for Site Studio with each Cloud Platform subscription.


Such provisioning requires the Customer to provide Acquia (via their Account Manager) with their Cloud Platform subscription and environment name.

6. Cloud IDE

Acquia may make available, for Customer provisioning, a single IDE entitlement with each Cloud Platform and Site Factory subscription.


Cloud IDE may not possess the necessary controls to satisfy a Customer’s specific regulatory or compliance requirements.

7. New Relic APM Services

New Relic Application Performance Monitoring (“New Relic APM”) licenses are included with Cloud Platform Professional, Cloud Platform Enterprise, and Site Factory subscriptions. New Relic APM provides Customer with access to New Relic APM Pro. New Relic APM Pro includes Lite access to Synthetics, Insights, and Browser. Access to such services is subject to change.

Use Restrictions: Use of New Relic APM is restricted to applications hosted on the Cloud Platform and cannot be utilized by non-Acquia services.

Use Limitations: Use of New Relic is subject to the following resource limits:

Cloud Platform Professional subscriptions are limited to 100 GB of data ingest per month per subscription, and 100,000 APM Pro Events per month per subscription. All customers are limited to 1 Full User per subscription.

Should Customer’s usage exceed the resource limits for their subscription by 20% for a given month, they will be charged an overage fee determined by the applicable fee schedule set forth in Acquia’s then current commercial price book. Should Customer’s usage exceed a limit by less than 20% for a single month and subsequently usage is reduced below limit, Customer will not be charged for those overages. Should the Customer exceed subscription limits by any amount for two consecutive months, then overages will be applicable at the stated rate. Customer will also have to pay the backdated amount.

8. Data Portability and Deletion

Upon request made by Customer within 7 days of termination or expiration of the Subscription Services, Acquia will make Customer Data and Customer Applications available to Customer for export or download. At the end of such 7-day period, Acquia will delete or otherwise render inaccessible any Customer Data and Customer Applications, unless legally prohibited. Acquia has no obligation to retain the Customer Data for Customer purposes after this 7-day post termination period.

Acquia Inc. reserves the right to change the Products and Services Guide based on prevailing market practices and the evolution of our products. Changes will not result in a degradation in the level of services provided during the period for which fees for such services have been paid.

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