Service Offerings

Customer Data Platform Product Guide - Legacy Packages


For additional information about Customer Data Platform, see its product documentation.

Last updated: March 30, 2024

Customer Data Platform is a customer data platform (CDP) for enterprise brands that uses machine learning to drive customer lifetime value, return visits, loyalty, time to convert, and more.

Acquia will provide the Customer Data Platform Service described below only if purchased by Customer, as indicated in the Order.

1. Customer Data Platform Capabilities

A subscription to Customer Data Platform includes elements that will enable the Customer to do the following:

  • Gain a single view of the customer: The Identity Resolution Engine cleans, de-duplicates, stitches, and enriches data from sources ingested into Customer Data Platform to create a unified customer record used for analysis and campaigns, which can then be accessed through a user interface or an API.
  • Reveal customer insights: Customers can gain key insights through fully configurable visual dashboards and reports. Custom reports can be created to examine the data that drives the customer’s business. Direct data query access and data sharing capabilities (which support external BI tools) are also available for an organization-accessible understanding of customers.
  • Activate data across engagement channels: Orchestrate messages and offers in real-time across all communications channels, including email, SMS/push, and direct mail. Coordination can extend to customer experience systems (such as website personalization engines and customer service and support systems).
  • Use machine learning to generate insights at scale: Customer Data Platform enables marketers to individually segment customers at any audience scale. Machine learning is configurable to allow for both custom and pre-configured models, such as likelihood to buy, likelihood to engage and next best offer.
  • Use CDP Studio Apps: This application includes the following self-service features:
    • Custom attributes
    • Custom calculations
    • Custom machine learning models

A subscription to Customer Data Platform includes the following elements:

  • Actions
  • Metrics
  • 360 Profiles
  • Connectors
  • Data Integration
  • Data Quality & Identity Resolution
  • Custom Attributes (CDP Studio Apps)

1.1. Actions

Actions is a customer segmentation and activation tool that enables orchestrating highly personalized marketing campaigns to specific audiences across engagement channels. Actions is built on top of the same data that powers Customer Data Platform’s 360 Profiles and allows for hyper segmentation and personalization based on all omni-channel customer, transaction, and engagement data. With Actions you can easily coordinate marketing touches across all downstream communication execution systems. Actions provides a guided campaign setup process that allows the customer to leverage their customer data in Customer Data Platform to deliver personalized content to one or more destinations.

1.2. Metrics

Metrics is a Customer Data Platform analytics reporting solution that can be used to analyze data by building reports and visualizations. Besides tabular format, the output of any Metrics report can also be visualized and analyzed in numerous chart views. Out-of-the-box, pre-calculated dimensions make Metrics a powerful business intelligence solution.

1.3. 360 Profiles

Customer Data Platform integrates all your customer data across source systems, processes the ingested records to cleanse and standardize them, de-duplicates the records into a single master customer, and enhances this master record with several out of the box aggregations and machine learning models. Customer Data Platform links customer activities into a single customer profile, and enhances the profile with behavioral and predictive analytics. This is collectively referred to as the 360 degree profile of a customer that Customer can leverage for Customer marketing activities and Customer interaction. The 360 Profiles application enables searching for and finding specific customers, and then accesses this 360-degree profile of the customer. The search queries personally identifiable information from the individual source systems, and links to the 360 Profile of the master customer record. This functionality is also available through APIs. Refer to the API documentation for more details. The 360 Profiles application is configurable to accommodate custom calculations and new data sources.

1.4. Connectors

Customer Data Platform provides access to numerous connectors, including to ESP (Email Service Providers), Digital Advertising, Customer Experience, Web Personalization, Web Analytics, and Cloud Storage providers. For additional information, see CDP Connectors.

1.5. Data Integration

Customer Data Platform is built around several entities such as Customer, Product, and so on. Data feeds provide a standard set of flat-file feeds to define how Customer can send the relevant data into the platform. They are designed to support the use cases Customer Data Platform applications provide.

While the feeds are presented as a fixed set of entities and attributes, they can be extended with client-specific attributes and client-specific entities as needed.

The Customer Data Platform WebTag Library is specifically designed to capture data from Customer customer’s interactions with Customer’s website or application. This data can be consumed by the Customer Data Platform to build 360-degree customer profiles, empower the predictive models and engage with the customer based on these interactions.

1.6. Data Quality & Identity Resolution

For companies relying on several systems to store and enhance customer data, linking customers through the various platforms can quickly become a challenge. The Identity Resolution Engine allows Customer Data Platform to identify the profiles within and across systems that are linked to the same person. Whether a customer has created 2 different online profiles or whether your customers are tied to different IDs in your systems (POS, ecom, CRM, customer care center, scoring tool, event-inscription software, email or SMS execution systems), the IRE will help you get the 360 view and understanding of your customer.

Once your customer data is unified into one system of record to fuel all customer and prospect interactions, you can gain insights and deliver consistent, orchestrated experiences.

Custom Attributes (CDP Studio Apps) is a tool that allows the self-service creation and deployment of custom fields of different data types such as string, decimal, integer, and date to Campaign+, Metrics, and 360 Profiles.

2. Subscription Packages

Subscriptions to Customer Data Platform include the elements described above, as well as support described in sections 4 through 5. Subscriptions of Customer Data Platform are based on active customers:

  • Active Profile Customer Definition (formerly “Active Customer”): An Active Profile is a unique buyer who has conducted a Transaction within the prior 12 months and with an identified email address, postal address, phone number, or a combination. Anonymous buyers are tracked but not counted as an Active Profile until they have identified themselves with an email address, postal address, phone number, or a combination.

Default Retention Values

CategoryDefault RetentionNotes
Email send events6 months-
Email events (excludes sends)13 monthsIncludes: Email opens and clicks.
Anonymous events6 monthsNot stored outside of the sessionization window.
Direct mail events2 yearsDirect mail campaign files including list of final recipients of the direct mail campaign as well as those reserved as holdouts from the campaign.
Campaign, template reports, campaign history, cohort analysis6 monthsCampaign history is only utilized for those customers using legacy campaigns.
Exports6 monthsUtilized to diagnose errors.
Kafka (webtag)7 daysUtilized to diagnose errors.
TransactionMessageXRef13 monthsUtilized to track the source transaction number.
Web events13 monthsCapture data from your customer’s interactions with your website or application.
Non-event entities (DW, BI)3 yearsAny other entities not specified above.
FTP30 daysData placed onto Acquia’s FTP server.
Sparse30 daysInternal source for intermediate processing.
Exports in S3, RedshiftN/AClient responsibility.

3. Subscription Add-On Packs

Customer Data Platform customers can also subscribe to the following elements, at additional cost:

  • Interactive Queries
  • Data Export
  • Cohort Analysis
  • Custom Calculations (CDP Studio Apps)
  • Machine Learning Studio (CDP Studio Apps) 

3.1. Interactive Queries

Interactive Queries provides full SQL access to cleansed, processed and enriched data in Customer Data Platform. This includes customer summaries, transaction details at the line-level, atomic events and much more. All data is automatically refreshed daily with zero setup and maintenance on the customer end.

3.2. Data Export

The Data Export feature can be used to export cleansed, processed, and enriched data across all entities in Customer Data Platform . This includes individual customer records, associated attributes and transactions placed by customers. Each exported entity can include standard attributes calculated within Customer Data Platform or client-specific attributes. Customer Data Platform also supports exporting records from client-specific entities such as customer wish-lists or store geo-hierarchies, if they have been configured for your account.

Customer Data Platform exports data in flat-file CSV format to an Amazon S3 location provided by the client. Customer can configure Data Export to do a one-time run or set it on a Weekly or Monthly schedule.

Typically, Data Export is used to satisfy example use-cases such as:

  • Ingest cleansed, processed Customer Data Platform data into a client-managed on-premise / cloud data-warehouse for interactive queries, forecasting, analysis and reporting.
  • Build in-house custom models based on Customer Data Platform’s cleansed data.
  • Send processed data to external vendors such as DirectMail Co-ops.

3.3. Cohort Analysis

Customer Data Platform Cohort Analysis empowers marketers with the direct ability to define cohorts, analyze cohort performance, and gain business insights so marketing teams can get the customer intelligence they need to drive business decisions. Data is available for analysis from the moment it is ingested into the Customer Data Platform system.

3.4 CDP Studio Apps

CDP Studio Apps is designed to empower your Data Science and Data Analytics teams with a self-service approach that offers the capability to create custom insights. This enables your marketing team to rapidly leverage two distinct features for strategic advantage:

  • Custom Calculations (CDP Studio Apps): It allows the self-service creation and deployment of custom calculations so that you can surface the custom calculations it in Campaign+, Metrics, and 360 Profiles.

  • Machine Learning Studio (CDP Studio Apps): This machine learning IDE allows you to write Python and SQL code and also build and deploy client maintained custom machine learning models so that you can surface the custom machine learning models in Campaign+, Metrics, and 360 Profiles.

4. Support Services

The Customer will have access to the Support Services team at Customer Data Platform. Support Services operates Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM PST excluding Acquia observed holidays. Support Services provides Customer with a broad range of invaluable resources including:

  • FAQs and assistance with the platform;
  • Address any errors or problems the Customer may experience;
  • Manage any reported performance issues;
  • Escalate product feature requests on behalf of the Customer; and
  • Proactively monitor data processing jobs.

5. Service Level Policy

5.1. Service Level Commitment

Acquia will use commercially reasonable efforts to make production Customer Data Platform services available for 98% during any calendar month during the applicable Subscription Term (“Service Level Commitment”).


Availability will be calculated per calendar month, as follows:

[(total - non-excluded - excluded) x 100] ≥ 98%

  total - excluded


  • total means the total number of minutes for the calendar month
  • non-excluded means downtime / unavailability that is not excluded
  • excluded means the Service Commitment exclusions defined below:

Unavailability means that the Customer Data Platform services are unresponsive or respond with an error.

Downtime for Availability shall not include time that the Customer Data Platform services were inaccessible due to: (a) nightly processing (which may last between 2 to 8 hours) during which certain features of the services are unavailable for some modules (actions, reports, dashboards, etc.) until data has been fully processed; (b) system maintenance and minor upgrades, to occur upon 72 hours’ prior notification to Customer; (c) major system upgrades, regardless of duration but for which Customer will be informed of the specific time and date of the occurrence, and (d) circumstances beyond Acquia’s reasonable control (for example, technical malfunctions in a third party’s website systems, internet delays or problems, and / or network congestion, ISP malfunctions, or a force majeure event).

In the event Acquia does not meet the Service Commitment (a “Service Availability Shortfall”), Customer will receive a credit calculated by multiplying the percentage of the Service Availability Shortfall times Customer’s monthly Fees attributable to provision of the applicable Customer Data Platform services for such month. To properly claim a Service Availability Shortfall credit, Customer must inform Acquia within fifteen days of the purported outage and provide a full description of the service interruption, including logs if applicable. The remedy set forth in this paragraph shall be Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy in connection with any Service Availability Shortfall.

In addition, unavailability of some specific features or functions within the website while other features remain available will not constitute unavailability of the website, so long as the unavailable features or functions are not, in the aggregate, material to the website.

Standard Professional Services include additions to existing feeds, minor revisions to identity resolution (IRE), minor additions or revisions to Actions, minor additions or revisions to Metrics, custom scripting against existing information, revisions to implemented scripts (for example, changes to calculations), validation of current mapping and calculations, account cleanup, retraining Machine Learning model, adding a new output connector, ad hoc data reconciliation, revisions to feeds (for example, adding new data sources), simple template reports, and ad hoc data extracts. Customer will respond to requests for information needed to complete the services in a timely manner.

Special Professional Services include new implementation work such as bringing in a new brand, business unit, or geography; adding a new channel (for example, adding POS for a customer that is previously digital-only); new Machine Learning models or major revisions to existing models; new functionality (for example, extensive BI summaries, calculated attributes); change of existing standard third-party connected to non-standard connector; ingesting new feeds; change of operational data source; other project work that cannot reasonably be completed within the scope of services.

A Transaction is a defined type of activity, such as a purchase, doctor’s appointment, lunch outing, form response, or other type of prescribed interaction, that is recorded in CDP’s Transaction table. More specifically, it is a combination of Transaction Lines that occur simultaneously.

A Transaction Line represents a row in CDP’s transactionitem table.

5.2. Error Resolution and Escalation

Acquia shall acknowledge and respond to errors in the Subscription Services according to the level of severity of the reported error (the “Severity Level”). Acquia shall use commercially reasonable efforts to correct the reported error (s) consistent with the Severity Level of the error as determined by Acquia in accordance with the following:

  1. Severity Level 1, critical business impact on Customer’s operations; Subscription Services are not usable. Response Time Goal: within 2 business hours.
  2. Severity Level 2, significant business impact where Subscription Services are usable but restricted; loss of functionality. Response Time Goal: within 8 business hours.
  3. Severity Level 3, some business impact where Subscription Services are usable with less significant or non-critical features unavailable. Response Time Goal: within 2 business days.
  4. Severity Level 4, minimal business impact where the issue is causing little or no impact to Customer’s use of the Subscription Services (for example, questions). Response Time Goal: within 4 business days.

6. Data Portability and Deletion

Upon request made by Customer within 7 days of termination or expiration of the Subscription Services, Acquia will make Customer Data and Customer Applications available to Customer for export or download. At the end of such 7-day period, Acquia will delete or otherwise render inaccessible any Customer Data and Customer Applications, unless legally prohibited. Acquia has no obligation to retain the Customer Data for Customer purposes after this 7-day post termination period.

For additional information about CDP data deletion, see data erasure compliance policies.

Custom Calculations (CDP Studio Apps)

Custom Calculations (CDP Studio Apps) Resource Limit (Package: Small)
Python instanceUp to 240 hours of the Python instance running per month
Query instanceUp to 50 hours of Snowflake query execution per month
Compute limitsUp to 4 vCPUs for Python and Snowflake instances
S3 StorageUp to 1 GB - S3 Storage only stores metadata. At no point, CDP data must not be stored in S3
Snowflake storageUp to 0.1 TB of Snowflake Storage
TenantsUp to one tenant
Output ColumnsUp to five columns for outputs
Custom Calculations (CDP Studio Apps) Resource Limit (Package: Medium)
Python instanceUp to 240 hours of the Python instance running per month
Query instanceUp to 50 hours of Snowflake query execution per month
Compute limitsUp to 16 vCPUs for Python and Snowflake instances
S3 StorageUp to 2 GB - S3 Storage only stores metadata. At no point, CDP data must not be stored in S3
Snowflake storageUp to 0.5 TB of Snowflake Storage
TenantsUp to one tenant
Output ColumnsUp to five columns for outputs
Custom Calculations (CDP Studio Apps) Resource Limit (Package: Large)
Python instanceUp to 240 hours of the Python instance running per month
Query instanceUp to 50 hours of Snowflake query execution per month
Compute limitsUp to 32 vCPUs for Python and Snowflake instances
S3 StorageUp to 3 GB - S3 Storage only stores metadata. At no point, CDP data must not be stored in S3
Snowflake storageUp to one TB of Snowflake Storage
TenantsUp to one tenant
Output ColumnsUp to five columns for outputs

Acquia Inc. reserves the right to change the Products and Services Guide based on prevailing market practices and the evolution of our products. Changes will not result in a degradation in the level of services provided during the period for which fees for such services have been paid.

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