Cloud Platform

About Cloud Platform permissions

A permission allows a user to perform specific operations in a Cloud Platform organization or application. Permissions are grouped into roles. Roles are then assigned to team members. All the team members who have the same roles have the same permissions.

Acquia defines over 40 separate, grouped permissions, listed in the following Permissions list table. You can also view all the available permissions by opening the Roles page for an organization and viewing a role, as described in Working with roles and permissions.

Many permissions distinguish between production and non-production environments. You can allow team members to only work on non-production environments, or grant access to both production and non-production environments. For example, the Senior developer role includes the permissions to pull and deploy code in production and non-production environments, while the Developer role only grants these permissions for non-production environments.

Permissions in Cloud Platform don’t control actions users take on your Drupal website, such as:

  • Creating content
  • Enabling and configuring Drupal modules
  • Adding or removing Drupal users

Use the Drupal permissions administration to control access to Drupal functions.

Notes for Site Factory subscribers

Site Factory subscribers must use the Site Factory domains functionality to add more domains to their subscriptions. Domains added using the Cloud Platform user interface won’t work, and automated processes may delete them.

Permissions list

The following types of permissions are available to Cloud Platform users:

Administration permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Access the Cloud Platform API 
This permission is not applicable to Cloud Platform API v2.
Add or remove a user of a team 
This permission enables users to assign themselves any user’s role, including the Team Lead role.
Add application tags
Delete application tags
Edit Remote administration
View Remote administration
Access to legacy product keys 
This permission gives you access to legacy product keys.

Cron permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Modify cron tasks for non-production environments
Modify cron tasks for the production environment

Database permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Add a database
Create database backups for non-production environments
Create database backups for the production environment
Download database backups for non-production environments
Download database backups for the production environment
Remove a database
Restore database backups for non-production environments
Restore database backups for the production environment
View database connection details (username, password, or hostname)

Domain permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Add or remove SSL certificates for non-production environments
Add or remove SSL certificates for production environments
Add or remove domains for non-production environments
Add or remove domains for production environment
Managing Platform CDN (provisioning/deprovisioning the CDN) for production environment
Managing Platform CDN for non-production environment

Logs permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Administer log forwarding for non-production environments𐄂
Administer log forwarding for the production environment𐄂
Download logs for non-production environments
Download logs for the production environment

Pipelines permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Execute Pipelines

SSH key permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Add SSH key to Git repository
Add SSH key to non-production environments
Add SSH key to the production environment

Search permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Edit the search schema on a subscription with Solr 4.5
Increase the search index limit on a subscription with Solr 4.5
Create, update, and delete indexes and configuration sets within an application with Solr

Infrastructure administration permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Configure infrastructure𐄂
Reboot infrastructure𐄂
Resize infrastructure𐄂
Suspend infrastructure𐄂

Support permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Create a Support ticket
Include as a collaborator on all tickets by default 
(Permission is assignable to no more than 20 users. Administrators have priority for inclusion.)
View and edit any Support tickets for a subscription

Workflow permissions

PermissionCloud Platform EnterpriseCloud Platform Professional
Add an environment𐄂
Clear caches for non-production environments
Clear caches for the production environment
Configure non-production environments
Configure production environment
Create and manage own remote IDEs
Delete an environment𐄂
Deploy code, files, or databases to the production environment
Manage any remote IDEs
Manage environment variables on a non-production environment𐄂
Manage environment variables on a production environment𐄂
Move files from non-production environments
Move files from production environments
Move files to non-production environments
Move files to the production environment
Pull and deploy code, files, or databases to non-production environments 
Also grants the ability to enable or disable Live Development.
Pull files or databases from the production environment
View environment variables on a non-production environment𐄂
View environment variables on a production environment𐄂

Cloud Platform API endpoints for permissions

The Cloud Platform API provides endpoints for permission management, including:

Deprecated permissions

Acquia deprecates permissions when the associated feature or API endpoint is deprecated or scheduled to be deprecated.

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