Content Hub

Common Data Format


Content Hub 2.x will reach end-of-life on December 31, 2024. Acquia recommends that you update your Content Hub version to Content Hub 3.x by using the composer require instructions available on the acquia_contenthub project page.

Acquia Content Hub uses the Common Data Format (CDF) for communicating data between the Acquia Content Hub storage service, and the end-user client layer comprising all the applications connected to the hub. Acquia Content Hub serializes the CDF in JSON format, and every piece of data is typed to ease its indexing for search purposes.

Understanding the entity structure

Acquia Content Hub supports custom data typing of CDF entities, and include default Examples.

More entity types can be defined as necessary by exporting systems. In Drupal, do this by subscribing to the proper event, and creating custom CDF types to correspond to the data.

Each entry in a CDF document is an unrestricted entity, allowing the transmission of a heterogeneous collection in a single file.

The entities key of the CDF object stores each entry separately. Each entity must have the following key/value pairs:

  • uuid: Unique, required identifier for each entity. Each client application should map its internal storage to the Unique Universal Identifier (UUID) to enable data synchronization over time.
  • type: An arbitrary string usable by the client to find the entity’s type, and trigger appropriate behavior. Examples include drupal8_content_entity and rendered_entity.
  • created: The created date in ISO 8601 format.
  • modified: The modified date in ISO 8601 format.
  • origin: The UUID of the client application which originally created an entity and owns it. This field can decide if a client application is allowed to perform actions, such as editing an entity.
  • attributes: Localizable collections of values keyed by the attribute name. Each attribute is typed for storage in Acquia Content Hub and indexed for search purposes.
  • assets (Optional): A list, in the form of tokens, of resources referenced in the attributes of the entity. url points to the Asset. Token strings will be replaced in every attribute which has an occurrence in their value.
  • metadata (Optional): A list of data about the entity which remains unindexed in all circumstances.


Attribute data drives the CDF communication behavior. Each entity type can support its own attributes, but those attributes must not conflict in either name OR type to other attributes defined for other entities.

As an example, both the drupal8_content_entity and drupal8_config_entity use a data attribute to hold their entity data. This attribute can be shared because its expectations are uniform across all use cases.

Create more attribute as necessary for custom entity types. Common attributes include:

  • data: Stores string level data representing an entity, in serialized json, yaml, or html format.
  • tags: Used to promote all the related tags of a given entity into a single indexable attribute of the CDF.
  • bundle: Used with the drupal8_content_entity entity to document the bundle associated with the content for indexing purposes. Examples include article, product, and tags.
  • entity_type: Used with the drupal8_content_entity and drupal8_config_entity entities to document the entity type associated with that content or configuration for indexing purposes. Examples include node, taxonomy_term, or file.
  • source_entity: Used by the rendered_entity CDF to document the entity from which HTML was generated.
  • default_language: The language of the entity.
  • view_mode: Used by the rendered_entity to document the view mode of the render.
  • language: Used by the rendered_entity to document the language of the render.


Express dates in the ISO 8601 format, as shown in this example:


In PHP, display dates using date('c') instead of date('Y-m-d H:i:s'). Formatting dates with date('Y-m-d H:i:s') will return results in the format 2016-02-09 23:04:20, which is wrong.


Copy the samples as needed.

  • drupal8_config_entity.js

            "entities": [
                    "uuid": "9a47a495-02da-44b4-9385-b704b2982715",
                    "type": "drupal8_config_entity",
                    "created": "2018-07-12T16:20:57-05:00",
                    "modified": "2018-07-12T16:20:57-05:00",
                    "origin": "3bc7f45e-4e18-3117-99a8-df724068ea81",
                    "attributes": {
                        "data": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "uuid: 9a47a495-02da-44b4-9385-b704b2982715\nlangcode: en\nstatus: true\ndependencies:\n  config:\n    - core.entity_view_display.comment.comment.default\n    - field.field.node.article.body\n    - field.field.node.article.comment\n    - field.field.node.article.field_image\n    - field.field.node.article.field_tags\n    -\n    - node.type.article\n  module:\n    - comment\n    - image\n    - text\n    - user\n_core:\n  default_config_hash: ChmU3AVqDKU32A_fyChG0W9dTRKmVBR58B6OClCLvZI\nid: node.article.default\ntargetEntityType: node\nbundle: article\nmode: default\ncontent:\n  body:\n    type: text_default\n    weight: 0\n    region: content\n    settings: {  }\n    third_party_settings: {  }\n    label: hidden\n  comment:\n    type: comment_default\n    weight: 110\n    region: content\n    label: above\n    settings:\n      view_mode: default\n      pager_id: 0\n    third_party_settings: {  }\n  field_image:\n    type: image\n    weight: -1\n    region: content\n    settings:\n      image_style: large\n      image_link: ''\n    third_party_settings: {  }\n    label: hidden\n  field_tags:\n    type: entity_reference_label\n    weight: 10\n    region: content\n    label: above\n    settings:\n      link: true\n    third_party_settings: {  }\n  links:\n    weight: 100\n    region: content\n    settings: {  }\n    third_party_settings: {  }\nhidden:\n  langcode: true\n"
                        "label": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": null
                        "entity_type": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "entity_view_display"
                    "metadata": {
                        "dependencies": {
                            "0": "baf709a9-a0ce-4ca9-94ab-65346861f72d",
                            "1": "52fa5867-ec57-46b4-9d74-a9beca7105a5",
                            "2": "868fb79d-57c4-4a8b-8de8-97482dca0722",
                            "3": "1b358565-5032-4c10-be86-a7da2dea2404",
                            "4": "54e2242b-3eca-40e3-bd4f-153a06fed693",
                            "5": "0a22d01c-98f6-48d4-9f2f-effd40c1edb5",
                            "6": "a1185cca-f67b-4e77-8875-5f71e65b2fc5",
                            "7": "547e6427-f605-4145-9e01-90eef7873311",
                            "8": "14be7e54-c19a-4a62-a392-838e5480a308",
                            "9": "21720c54-839e-403a-81af-e6194aa9c221",
                            "10": "63d90b0d-8f65-4d07-9d7b-fa5122b2fd04",
                            "11": "dae28869-9b2d-41ed-b6eb-b319bc5efdd3",
                            "12": "f10299cc-f520-4ed7-90e6-34fc6584aa34",
                            "13": "4d951526-ac41-4017-974e-8216e403e1ce",
                            "14": "e95a5718-4849-4b45-968c-600b50a28180",
                            "module": {
                                "comment": "comment",
                                "text": "text",
                                "node": "node",
                                "file": "file",
                                "image": "image",
                                "content_translation": "content_translation",
                                "taxonomy": "taxonomy",
                                "user": "user"
                        "default_language": "en"
  • drupal8_content_entity.js

            "entities": [
                    "uuid": "757ec2de-ec14-482c-95bf-f7b54415cbea",
                    "type": "drupal8_content_entity",
                    "created": "2018-07-12T21:20:57+00:00",
                    "modified": "2018-07-12T21:20:57+00:00",
                    "origin": "3bc7f45e-4e18-3117-99a8-df724068ea81",
                    "attributes": {
                        "renders": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "value": {
                                "en": {
                                    "full": "6ae82e20-8397-4b3c-9975-0003908f3ad0"
                                "ko": {
                                    "full": "84707969-ad69-45f8-b244-f76ae699ffde"
                        "label": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "Content and content type definitions"
                        "entity_type": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "node"
                        "bundle": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "article"
                        "tags": {
                            "type": "array<reference>",
                            "value": [
                    "metadata": {
                        "data": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "*** base64 encoded JSON string ***",
                        "dependencies": {
                            "0": "9a47a495-02da-44b4-9385-b704b2982715",
                            "1": "baf709a9-a0ce-4ca9-94ab-65346861f72d",
                            "2": "52fa5867-ec57-46b4-9d74-a9beca7105a5",
                            "3": "868fb79d-57c4-4a8b-8de8-97482dca0722",
                            "4": "1b358565-5032-4c10-be86-a7da2dea2404",
                            "5": "54e2242b-3eca-40e3-bd4f-153a06fed693",
                            "6": "0a22d01c-98f6-48d4-9f2f-effd40c1edb5",
                            "7": "a1185cca-f67b-4e77-8875-5f71e65b2fc5",
                            "8": "547e6427-f605-4145-9e01-90eef7873311",
                            "9": "14be7e54-c19a-4a62-a392-838e5480a308",
                            "10": "21720c54-839e-403a-81af-e6194aa9c221",
                            "11": "63d90b0d-8f65-4d07-9d7b-fa5122b2fd04",
                            "12": "dae28869-9b2d-41ed-b6eb-b319bc5efdd3",
                            "13": "f10299cc-f520-4ed7-90e6-34fc6584aa34",
                            "14": "4d951526-ac41-4017-974e-8216e403e1ce",
                            "15": "e95a5718-4849-4b45-968c-600b50a28180",
                            "16": "59631cec-1a88-4d3c-a4f5-38abf04b976d",
                            "17": "2c7a15bc-a106-4893-a9d6-514ab0e972c4",
                            "18": "842b502d-9304-450f-98fc-ffe35a29b340",
                            "19": "33835aab-ed76-4ddb-b162-fe7a63f3a9cc",
                            "20": "d63b73f0-77b5-414d-9c76-4b882d0ffc38",
                            "21": "f3897627-52a1-4fee-8f2a-8285d5a603ed",
                            "22": "d6212781-8fa5-4bc3-a3e7-74b6790ef25c",
                            "23": "ad66a332-6a9a-4b1b-811a-12a9b713b75e",
                            "24": "93a4aab3-2578-465e-8891-31f213e36b80",
                            "25": "97ef9862-d6e0-4f9b-9486-63408f856b5b",
                            "26": "96ee3b5c-00e7-450c-a64c-129f0dca439e",
                            "27": "6b878f4d-24bd-4c89-a4a8-46b6c5643e14",
                            "28": "2f7a0621-52e8-4d7f-8316-1ca984688bb7",
                            "29": "c25f0ad3-10d0-44e6-9385-cef252199f27",
                            "30": "7225f7ee-ff9c-4a9c-b483-000d3af5cec7",
                            "31": "266391fa-5cb2-4496-b188-77a589a67039",
                            "32": "33f00398-fd45-435e-a4fd-6e783236d7c4",
                            "33": "dcb245c2-aba6-46f1-b8e1-464e33c23b71",
                            "34": "725df087-cccd-4587-aa26-7053bcc16644",
                            "35": "02676183-126d-4f0b-ada9-1cc4f9db723f",
                            "36": "d961a36d-1acb-43bd-90f9-92b27f26b05f",
                            "37": "66da6c0d-a6cc-4ae7-9f25-ac78057b8b4f",
                            "38": "c751f2c8-69e8-4a3d-8e9e-b3e763c924bd",
                            "39": "f6baff74-c23e-439b-bf78-a76b92b34efa",
                            "40": "4ad8e36f-5e17-4117-89b9-ef916086dd91",
                            "module": {
                                "comment": "comment",
                                "text": "text",
                                "node": "node",
                                "file": "file",
                                "image": "image",
                                "content_translation": "content_translation",
                                "taxonomy": "taxonomy",
                                "user": "user",
                                "path": "path",
                                "language": "language",
                                "editor": "editor",
                                "ckeditor": "ckeditor"
                        "default_language": "en",
                        "field": {
                            "uuid": {
                                "type": "uuid"
                            "langcode": {
                                "type": "language"
                            "type": {
                                "type": "entity_reference",
                                "target": "node_type"
                            "revision_timestamp": {
                                "type": "created"
                            "revision_uid": {
                                "type": "entity_reference",
                                "target": "user"
                            "revision_log": {
                                "type": "string_long"
                            "status": {
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "title": {
                                "type": "string"
                            "uid": {
                                "type": "entity_reference",
                                "target": "user"
                            "created": {
                                "type": "created"
                            "changed": {
                                "type": "changed"
                            "promote": {
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "sticky": {
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "default_langcode": {
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "revision_default": {
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "revision_translation_affected": {
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "path": {
                                "type": "path"
                            "content_translation_source": {
                                "type": "language"
                            "content_translation_outdated": {
                                "type": "boolean"
                            "body": {
                                "type": "text_with_summary"
                            "comment": {
                                "type": "comment"
                            "field_image": {
                                "type": "image",
                                "target": "file"
                            "field_tags": {
                                "type": "entity_reference",
                                "target": "taxonomy_term"
  • rendered_entity.js

            "entities": [
                    "uuid": "6ae82e20-8397-4b3c-9975-0003908f3ad0",
                    "type": "rendered_entity",
                    "created": "2018-07-12T21:20:57+00:00",
                    "modified": "2018-07-12T21:20:57+00:00",
                    "origin": "3bc7f45e-4e18-3117-99a8-df724068ea81",
                    "attributes": {
                        "data": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "\n<article data-history-node-id=\"4\" role=\"article\" about=\"\/node\/4\" typeof=\"schema:Article\" class=\"node node--type-article node--promoted node--view-mode-full clearfix\">\n  <header>\n    \n          <h2 class=\"node__title\">\n        <a href=\"\/node\/4\" rel=\"bookmark\"><span property=\"schema:name\" class=\"field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden\">Content and content type definitions<\/span>\n<\/a>\n      <\/h2>\n          <span property=\"schema:name\" content=\"Content and content type definitions\" class=\"rdf-meta hidden\"><\/span>\n  <span property=\"schema:interactionCount\" content=\"UserComments:0\" class=\"rdf-meta hidden\"><\/span>\n\n          <div class=\"node__meta\">\n        <article typeof=\"schema:Person\" about=\"\/user\/1\" class=\"profile\">\n  <\/article>\n\n        <span>\n          Submitted by <span rel=\"schema:author\" class=\"field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden\"><span lang=\"\" about=\"\/user\/1\" typeof=\"schema:Person\" property=\"schema:name\" datatype=\"\">admin<\/span><\/span>\n on <span property=\"schema:dateCreated\" content=\"2018-07-12T16:41:50+00:00\" class=\"field field--name-created field--type-created field--label-hidden\">Thu, 07\/12\/2018 - 11:41<\/span>\n        <\/span>\n          <span property=\"schema:dateCreated\" content=\"2018-07-12T16:41:50+00:00\" class=\"rdf-meta hidden\"><\/span>\n\n      <\/div>\n      <\/header>\n  <div class=\"node__content clearfix\">\n    \n            <div class=\"field field--name-field-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item\">  <img property=\"schema:image\" src=\"\/sites\/ch2x-pub.dd\/files\/styles\/large\/public\/2018-07\/1280_ApHs8AcgmiB2.png?itok=L2D0tQtQ\" width=\"480\" height=\"189\" alt=\"page layout diagram\" typeof=\"foaf:Image\" class=\"image-style-large\" \/>\n\n\n<\/div>\n      \n            <div property=\"schema:text\" class=\"clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item\"><p>Just as you would expect, the content of your website is the information you want to provide to your website\u2019s visitors.<\/p>\n\n<p>Content items \u2014 called\u00a0<em>nodes<\/em>\u00a0in Drupal \u2014 are always of a given\u00a0<em>content type<\/em>.<\/p>\n\n<p>A content type defines how content is collected and displayed. All content types have a title and a body, but this is not always enough to differentiate different kinds of content. To define specific characteristics of different kinds of content, you can add and change the fields on an existing content type and create a new content type with the fields needed to describe it.<\/p>\n\n<p>Different content types are created with different functions in mind, and therefore have different sets of fields. Defining your content by content type also gives you one more criterion that allows you to sort and publish your content in different ways and places on your website.<\/p>\n\n<p>Drupal allows site administrators to edit the standard settings of content types and define custom content types at\u00a0<strong>Structure &gt; Content types<\/strong>.<\/p>\n\n<p>For more information, see the\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/\/node\/21947\">Content types<\/a>\u00a0definition page on, or\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/\/getting-started\/6\/admin\/content\/types\">About content types<\/a>.<\/p><\/div>\n      <div class=\"field field--name-field-tags field--type-entity-reference field--label-above clearfix\">\n      <h3 class=\"field__label\">Tags<\/h3>\n    <ul class=\"links field__items\">\n          <li><a href=\"\/taxonomy\/term\/3\" property=\"schema:about\" hreflang=\"en\">Content types<\/a><\/li>\n          <li><a href=\"\/taxonomy\/term\/4\" property=\"schema:about\" hreflang=\"en\">Nodes<\/a><\/li>\n          <li><a href=\"\/taxonomy\/term\/5\" property=\"schema:about\" hreflang=\"en\">Drupal<\/a><\/li>\n      <\/ul>\n<\/div>\n  <div class=\"node__links\">\n    <ul class=\"links inline\"><li class=\"comment-forbidden\"><a href=\"\/user\/login?destination=\/node\/4%23comment-form\">Log in<\/a> or <a href=\"\/user\/register?destination=\/node\/4%23comment-form\">register<\/a> to post comments<\/li><\/ul>  <\/div>\n<section rel=\"schema:comment\" class=\"field field--name-comment field--type-comment field--label-above comment-wrapper\">\n  \n  \n\n  \n<\/section>\n\n  <\/div>\n<\/article>\n"
                        "source_entity": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "757ec2de-ec14-482c-95bf-f7b54415cbea"
                        "language": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "en"
                        "view_mode": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "full"
                        "view_mode_label": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "Full content"
                        "base_url": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "http:\/\/ch2x-pub.dd:8083\/"
                        "preview_image": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "http:\/\/ch2x-pub.dd:8083\/sites\/ch2x-pub.dd\/files\/styles\/acquia_lift_support_preview_image\/public\/2018-07\/1280_ApHs8AcgmiB2.png?itok=JkAwc5_t"
                        "label": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "Content and content type definitions"
                        "entity_type": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "node"
                        "bundle": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "article"
                        "bundle_label": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "Article"
                        "tags": {
                            "type": "array<reference>",
                            "value": [
  • client_cdf-example.json

                    "label":"Not specified",
                    "label":"Chinese, Simplified",
                    "label":"Not applicable",

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