Campaign Studio


Lead scoring is a way for marketers to measure which of their contacts are the most engaged based on their interactions and behavior. A contact with a higher score indicates a greater likelihood to reach your goal for the contact - most commonly, becoming a customer. Add or remove points as global actions in the Points section from the panel on the left side, as form submit actions, or within campaigns. Users may also add or subtract points using the API, or import a point total with a CSV import. Import of points does not add or subtract the CSV’s value to/from the value on the record. Instead, importing overwrites the value.

Preparing for lead scoring

Before you implement Points in Campaign Studio, create a plan for lead scoring. Some questions to consider include:

  • What key goals do you want your contacts to reach?
  • How do contacts interact with your brand? Are you trying to change that?
  • Which pieces of content are the most valuable? Which ones are most aligned with your goals for your contacts?
  • What do you want to do with contacts who engage with your content?

These discussions should happen within your organization. Then, you will be ready to start awarding points to your contacts based on their behaviors.

Point Actions

Campaign Studio can score contacts based on several behavior types.

To add a point action:

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Points.
  3. Click Manage Actions
  4. On the Points page, click +New.

  5. Fill in the appropriate fields on the New Point Action page:
    • Name: The name of your action. This is how the action displays in your list of actions, so choose an identifiable name.
    • Description: Add a description to help you find certain actions. There may be more actions which are similar or more in-depth.
    • Change Points (+/-): The value change to set for the action. The + is not necessary when adding points. When subtracting points, add the - symbol.
    • When a contact…: Select a behavior or action the contact must complete to receive the points.


      Acquia does not recommend using Opens an email as this option counts emails as opened even if the contact does not open them due to the nature of the email tracking pixel included in them.

      To avoid inflated point scoring, use the Clicks email campaign decision followed by the Adjust contact points campaign action for a more accurate metric for tracking email engagement. For more information, see actions and decisions in Campaigns.

    • Category: Organize your point actions based on their goals, campaigns, etc. For more information, see Global Categories. All points accumulate on a contact record, regardless of category. There is one score or Points model for each contact.
    • Published: Set the Yes/No toggle bar to publish or unpublish a point action. After you publish a point action, Campaign Studio awards points when a contact completes the action. When an action is unpublished, points are not awarded. If you have target behaviors that you want to award points for within a certain time period, you can set the publish and unpublish dates.
    • Is repeatable: To award points each time a contact completes an action, select Yes. If you want to award points the first time someone completes the action, select No (default).
    • Publish at (date/time): Set the date and time you want the point action to publish. This helps to control relevance, and does not require you to manually publish a point action at the right time.

      To schedule a point action to publish at a specified date and time:

      1. Click the Publish at (date/time) box and select your preferred date and time from the Date and Time picker.
      2. Set Published to Yes.

      Campaign Studio marks the point action as Pending and publishes it at the scheduled date and time.

    • Unpublish at (date/time): Set the date and time you want the point action to unpublish. This helps to control relevance, and does not require you to manually unpublish a point action at the right time.

      To schedule a published point action to unpublish at a specified date and time:

      1. Click the Unpublish at (date/time) box and select your preferred date and time from the Date and Time picker.

        Campaign Studio unpublishes the point action at the scheduled date and time.


      The Date and Time picker shows the date and time according to the default timezone set for your user’s profile in System Settings. Therefore, before scheduling a point action to publish or unpublish, you must check the default timezone.

  6. Click Apply or Save & Close.

Behavior options

For some options, you will see Limit to these selected _____. When that appears, you can select one or more items to apply the point action to. Some items may have a greater value or indicate greater likelihood for a contact to buy; include those in a separate point action from lower-value items.

If you include more than one item on a single point action and want to award points for each item a contact interacts with, set Is repeatable to Yes. Otherwise, Campaign Studio awards the points for the first engagement with any one of those items. If you do not select an item, Campaign Studio awards the points when a contact engages with any item of the selected type.

Asset actions

Downloads an asset: Any time a contact downloads one of your assets, you can award points.

Email actions

Is sent an email: Select the emails you want to award points for, based solely on the fact that you are sending the email to the contact. You may be basing this on someone meeting the criteria to receive an email, such as segment or campaign membership changes. In those cases, you can also add points within the campaign as an alternative method for scoring. If you are sending the same email from several different sources, such as campaigns or form submit actions, the global point action for that email eliminates some steps.

Opens an email: To only award points once a contact actually opens an email or a set of emails, select the messages that you want to include in the point action.

Form actions

Submits a form: Once a contact submits a form, you may award points. You may have set up separate point actions for some form submit actions, including asset downloads, sending emails, or visiting landing pages/specific URLs (on form redirects). Sometimes, you may want to double those points. In most cases, you want points awarded once rather than multiple points for essentially doing the same thing.

Landing page actions

Visits a landing page: Like most actions, this is a selection of landing pages you have built in Campaign Studio.

Visits specific URL:

  • Page URL: Other than Campaign Studio landing pages, you can add points when contacts visit certain pages. You may paste in the exact URL of the page you want to add points for. Or, use a wildcard (*) to include a set of pages. For example, if Campaign Studio, Inc. wanted to award a certain number of points for visiting a Help Center page, we would add Acquia Documentation URL. You can set up a separate point action, either with the same or different value, for visits to the Solutions pages with
  • Page hits: If you do not want to award points based on a single visit, you may require a contact to visit the page (or any in a set of pages) multiple times. Using the same example of Acquia Documentation URL, enter 3 in the box and award points after a contacte has visited three Help Center pages (or the same one three times).
  • Returns within: Use this option to award points for multiple visits within a certain period of time. For Campaign Studio, we may only award points if a contact returns to the Solutions pages ( within 24 hours. You may select minutes, hours, or days as your time periods, and enter any number value.
  • Returns after: To only award points if a contact visits a page multiple times with a defined time period between visits, use this option. You may want to measure continued engagement, rather than a one time visit.
  • Total time spent: You can add a period of minutes, hours, or days to ensure a contact is engaging and consuming the content before awarding points. You can set up multiple actions for different time periods. For example, you may want to award 5 points for 5 minutes of engagement. Then, once the contact has visited your pages for 60 minutes, you can have a separate rule for 1 hour and add 25 more points.

In using the specific URL option, you may also award points for link clicks in emails even if the page is not tracked. As an example, if a contact clicked the Twitter link in an email from Campaign Studio, you can still award points with an action for Visits specific URL with as the URL. Campaign Studio cannot add tracking code to Twitter pages, but it can still track the link click and add points to the contact.

Point triggers

Point triggers are used to trigger an event for a contact who has accumulated a pre-determined point total. The point trigger is based on a Minimum number of points and you can create multiple point triggers for different point values.

To add a point trigger:

  1. Log in to Campaign Studio.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Points.
  3. Click Manage Triggers.
  4. On the Point Trigger page, click +New.
  5. Fill in the appropriate fields on the Details tab:
    • Name: The name of your point trigger.
    • Description: Add a detailed description for your point trigger.
    • Minimum number of points: The minimum number of points required in order to trigger associated events.
    • Contact color: Contacts with at least the number of points above will be designated this color.
    • Trigger for existing applicable contacts upon saving (if published)?: Choose one of the following options:
      • Set the toggle bar to YES to apply the point trigger to all existing and applicable contacts as well as new contacts who have reached the minimum number of points when the point trigger is published.
      • Set the toggle bar to NO to apply the point trigger only to new contacts who have reached the minimum number of points when the point trigger is published.
  6. Click the Events tab.
  7. Click Add an event and select an option from the dropdown menu. This is the point trigger event that executes when the contact has reached the assigned minimum number of points.
    • Campaign triggers:
      • Modify contact’s campaigns: Add a contact to or remove a contact from any published campaign.
    • Contact triggers
      • Modify contact’s segments: Add a contact to or remove a contact from any published segments.
      • Modify contact’s tags: Add or remove any tags on the contact record. If a tag does not exist, you may create a new one in the edit window for this event.
    • Add-on triggers
      • Push contact to integration: To push contacts to an integration after they have reached the minimum number of points. After selecting this event, the system displays a dialog box where you can choose which integration to push the contact to.

        For example, if your definition of MQL (market qualified lead) is based on point values, you may hold non-MQL out of your CRM. Once a contact meets the points requirement to be an MQL, you can use this event to push the contact to your CRM.


        • You must have the Triggered action push contacts to integration option selected in the integration.
        • The Push contact to integration action is not supported with the Salesforce plugin.

    • Email triggers

      • Send an email: Send a template email to the contact based on their engagement.
      • Send an email to user: Tell a team member that a contact has reached a minimum number of points. There is an option in this event to send the email to the contact’s owner. You may either write a basic email in the editor, or use a template email.


      When an email is selected, the status of Send to unsubscribed contacts is displayed based on the setting on the Advanced tab on the Emails page. For more information, see Transactional and Marketing emails.

  8. Set the appropriate configurations on the right menu:
    • Category: Organize your point triggers based on their goals, campaigns, etc. For more information, see Global Categories.
    • Published: Set the Yes/No toggle bar to publish or unpublish a point trigger.
    • Publish at (date/time): Set the date and time you want the point trigger to publish. This helps to control relevance, and does not require you to manually publish a point trigger at the right time.

      To schedule a point trigger to publish at a specified date and time:

      1. Click the Publish at (date/time) box and select your preferred date and time from the Date and Time picker.
      2. Set Published to Yes.

      Campaign Studio marks the point trigger as Pending and publishes it at the scheduled date and time.

    • Unpublish at (date/time): Set the date and time you want the point trigger to unpublish. This helps to control relevance, and does not require you to manually unpublish a point trigger at the right time.

      To schedule a published point trigger to unpublish at a specified date and time:

      1. Click the Unpublish at (date/time) box and select your preferred date and time from the Date and Time picker.

        Campaign Studio unpublishes the point trigger at the scheduled date and time.


      The Date and Time picker shows the date and time according to the default timezone set for your user’s profile in System Settings. Therefore, before scheduling a point trigger to publish or unpublish, you must check the default timezone.

  9. Click Save or Save & Close.


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