
Handling your Acquia Commerce Manager cart form block

The cart form block displays an interactive overview of the items that have been added to the cart, and is displayed on the cart review page by default. The block displays information from the cart block, and also provides a quantity box to allow customers to alter the items in their cart.

The cart form block has the following attributes:

  • Summarizes the cart with an itemized list

  • Allows you to apply discounts and change item quantity

  • Shows a Checkout button to allow you to begin the checkout process

This block loads the Customer Cart Form which is a Form Controller. This may be used directly if you want a more complex cart than the one provided by the /cart controller in Acquia Commerce Manager (acq_cart).

This does not attach the current order to the form so when preprocessing or templating the block, you will need to access the cart by using the cart storage service.



You cannot have a cart block and a cart form block on the same webpage, as this will prevent the cart form block from updating correctly.


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