
Handling your Acquia Commerce Manager cart mini blocks

The cart mini block displays limited information to the user, and is intended to give customers a quick cart overview, including the number of items they have in their cart and the total cost. Normal use of this block type is for inclusion in the header or sidebar of your website, to remind the user of their cart contents.

If there is no cart in the session, Acquia Commerce Manager will create a new cart when the block is rendered.

The information in the block is based on the contents from the session stored cart object, and does not make a request to the Commerce Connector Service when displaying its information. The cart mini block displays items that are stored in the session variable acq_cart.


No template suggestions are provided with the cart. To override the default theming, add the following code to the your theme:


The only variable to which you have access in the minicart template is price.

By default, the mini cart block attempts to format the price to a fixed number of decimals as defined by a configuration value. If this is not set, you can have price display issues, as the default behavior of number_format is to round to the nearest decimal.

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