
SKU attributes, product options, and product categories

The SKU entity contains a multi-value field for attributes (field_attributes) from your commerce platform. These fields contain attribute names to attribute values in a key:value pair arrangement. The value is typically the untranslated version of an attribute from the commerce platform.

For example, Color is an attribute; in Drupal it will be displayed as color: 444, where 444 is the attribute ID for the color value.


  • By default, the attributes field is hidden from display by the user interface. To add the field_attributes field to the form display, edit the configuration for the SKU types.

  • Disabled SKUs are not stored in the system.

Product Options and Product Categories have special handling applied. Additional fields are added to the SKU that reference Drupal taxonomy terms in Product Option and Product Category vocabularies.

Special handling for other SKU attributes

If you want to apply similar special handling to attributes, you can do so.

Although all attributes synchronize to Drupal in the field_attributes field, you may need to expose some attributes directly as fields. The main reason for doing this is to index actual values to provide faceted search.

Add fields by extending the SKU entity definition in a custom module by completing the following steps:

  1. Add the new schema definitions to the default configuration of your custom module.

  2. Provide an install hook to attach the definitions to the SKU entity.

  3. Provide an entity pre-save hook to ensure the fields get populated during the import.


As an example, refer to the following example to create a color special attribute.

  1. Create a base fields configuration file (the schema).

    Here is an example that adds a color attribute to the SKU. You should save the file as my_module.sku_base_fields.yml. This is how you will access the configuration in the next steps).

       parent: 'attributes'
       label: 'Color'
       description: 'Color attribute for the product.'
       cardinality: -1
       type: 'attribute'
       configurable: 0
       visible_view: 0
       visible_form: 1

    Ensure the base field definitions are correct before adding them. All properties are required.

  2. Create an install hook.

    The install hook is required to call the acq_sku_add_base_fields function with the configuration values that are stored in the configuration files mentioned in the previous step. An example install hook can appear similar to the following:

    function my_module_install() {
     $fields = \Drupal::config('my_module.sku_base_fields')->get('fields');
  3. Create a pre-save hook to update your fields.

    If everything is correct, the new fields will display when editing a SKU entity, and any new products which synchronize will update the fields based on their attributes. For less complex attributes, the base commerce module suite will update any values you have added to the SKU entity. You can define an entity pre-save hook to handle more complex attributes (for example, configurable attributes). This gives you complete control of the entity before it saves, and you will have access to the response from the Commerce Connector Service. To continue with the example, the hook implementation displays like the following:

    function my_module_acq_sku_presave(SKUInterface $sku) {
      $configurable_attributes_data = unserialize($sku->get('field_configurable_attributes')->getString());
          $fields = \Drupal::config('my_modules.sku_base_fields')->get('fields');
          $opts = \Drupal::service('acq_sku.product_options_manager');
          foreach ($fields as $field_key => $definition) {
             $field_key = "attr_$field_key";
             foreach ($configurable_attributes_data as $attribute_data) {
                if ($attribute_data['code'] !== $key) {
                foreach ($attribute_data['values'] as $index => $value) {
                  $sku->get($field_key)->set($index, $value['value_id']);
                  if ($term = $opts>loadProductOptionByOptionId($key, $value['value_id'],
                        $sku->language()->getId())) {
                        $sku->get($field_key)->set($index, $term->getName());

You should now have custom attributes added to the SKU object and be able to use them when displaying information or creating product indexes.


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