
Acquia Commerce Manager checkout flow plugins

By default, the Acquia Commerce Manager checkout (acq_checkout) module defines the MultistepDefault checkout flow as the enabled checkout flow for your Drupal website. There is nothing in the user interface to change this behavior, so you will need to manually update the configuration value for checkout_flow_plugin in the acq_checkout.settings configuration object.

Checkout pane plugins

Checkout pane plugins are responsible for defining form operations. A pane should define both a buildPaneForm method and a submitPaneForm method. The build method is responsible for returning a render array that will be used to collect user information. The submit method should update the session cart object with relevant information.

When defining the checkout pane plugin, be aware of the defaultStep annotation property, as this determines in which step the pane will appear.

Shipment plugins

After the customer provides their billing information, a request is made to the Commerce Connector Service to fetch a shipping estimate. It is at this stage that a cart is initialized.

Your commerce platform uses the customer information, the billing address, and the default shipping method to build an initial estimate. The customer can then update the cart by providing a separate address and selecting a shipping method. The default shipping method is retrieved by the Commerce Connector Service from your commerce platform, and needs to be configured in your commerce platform.

Payment pane and default payment methods

The acq_payment module defines a checkout pane that will be visible on the payment step. When the pane is building the form, it will make a request to the Commerce Connector Service to retrieve the configured payment gateways from the commerce platform.

Payments operate using tokens. When a customer makes a payment from the Drupal website, the website sends a request to the Commerce Connector Service to generate a payment token.

Payment methods and payment method plugins

Payment methods are defined using a payment method plugin (ACQPaymentMethod) which is defined in the acq_payment module. The default payment method for all orders is the Checkmo payment plugin, and this method does not accept payment information.

When defining a custom payment method, the identifier of the plugin should match the response from the commerce platform.

The payment checkout pane will display all available payment plugins to allow customers to determine which payment method with which they want to pay.


The payment gateways defined in the commerce platform require a corresponding Drupal payment plugin.


The review pane displays a summary of all active panes in the checkout flow. The pane will call a buildPaneSummary method to get a representation of each pane that the customer filled out during the checkout process.

To change how the review pane displays, you can use hook_form_multistep_default_alter and inspect the form to determine which step you are on, and alter the forms render array. Depending on the customizations it may be better to define custom panes and a custom flow to ensure the checkout process matches your use case.

Checkout progress indication

The acq_checkout module provides a block that displays the customer’s progress through the checkout process. This block is named Checkout progress and is not placed when the module is enabled.

If required, this block should be added and made visible on /cart/checkout and /cart/checkout/*.


The acq_checkout module defines a template for the checkout progress block. This can be overridden by adding the following template file to your custom theme:


Route customization

By default, the acq_checkout module defines the following routes:

  • /cart/checkout

  • /cart/checkout/[step id]

If you need routes to differ, you can define a custom route using /cart/checkout as a guide.

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