
FAQs and troubleshooting

Despite our best efforts, there may be occasions when Acquia Commerce Manager may not perform as you would expect. Use this troubleshooting guide as you attempt to resolve any issues that you encounter, and to better prepare for a conversation with Acquia Support if you continue to experience issues.

Cart block/checkout mismatch

If the cart session with the commerce solution times out or is unable to connect, the cart block and the checkout process will display a data mismatch, which can be represented in the following ways:

  • Updating a cart does not successfully update the display for all cart blocks

  • Having a cart that displays less items at checkout than it should have (for example, a cart with 20 items having only 2 items at checkout)

This mismatch can be a result of the following:

  • The commerce solution returns a 404 Not Found HTTP response to a request during the checkout process.

  • You have navigated to the shipping page without an active cart session.