
Configuring Content Hub 1.x

After installing Content Hub client modules, configure the module user permissions to administer and use the service, and then use the Drupal admin interface to configure them to connect your website to the Content Hub repository.

Content Hub modules must connect to the Content Hub service to publish from and subscribe to content.

  1. To obtain the information that you need to be enter in the Personalization Credential section:

    1. Open a new browser tab.

    2. Sign in to Personalization using an account with administrative permissions.

    3. Click the Configure tab.

    4. Click the Customer Data link.

    5. If you are a Personalization - Standard user, click Content Hub Admin User.

    6. Click the customer name with the Content Hub settings that you want to inspect.

    7. In the Content Hub Module section, note the following values:

      • Acquia Content Hub Hostname

      • API Key

      • Secret Key

      • Client Name


      • Personalization Standard subscribers must contact Acquia Support to retrieve their API Key and Secret Key.

      • If you uninstall and reinstall Content Hub at any point, you cannot reuse the previously used client name. However, you can use a similar name by appending the previously used name with a unique number. For example, if the previously used name is PERSONALIZATIONSITE, you can use PERSONALIZATIONSITE2.

      • The ach-connect Drush command requires the same inputs, allowing you to register a client using Drush instead of in the form.

  2. In the Drupal administration menu, click Configuration > Web services and then click the Acquia Content Hub link (http://[site_URL]/admin/config/services/acquia-contenthub).

  3. Update the Content Hub configuration values based on the matching values from the Personalization interface.

  4. Click Save Configuration.

Repeat the steps for each new website or environment to register new clients with Content Hub.

Store all the settings found in the configuration acquia_contenthub.admin_settings as a configuration split, or set them in the settings.php file. See the example files for suggestions.

Download and configure a per-environment settings file to ensure the data from your production environment isn’t corrupted by data from non-production environments.

To check this using drush, run the following command on each site in each environment:

drush cget acquia_contenthub.admin_settings --include-overridden


API and secret keys set in the production environment match the API and secret keys stored in non-production environments.

Your website is now connected to the Content Hub content repository, and can begin to share content with your other connected websites.

For examples using more than one website for publication and syndication, see Registering multiple Content Hub 1.x clients.

Upgrading Content Hub

You can use the following commands to update Content Hub:

drush upc drupal
composer require drupal/acquia_contenthub:~1.0
drush cr

Configuring user permissions

To manage Content Hub settings (including the values on the Connections controlling your Content Hub assignment), signed-in users must have the appropriate permissions. To set the access permissions for Content Hub:

  1. In the admin menu, go to People, and then click the Permissions tab.

  2. Assign the appropriate permissions to your website’s roles from the following list:

    • Content Hub: Administer content hub

    • Acquia Content Hub Connector: Administer content hub connector

    By default, all users with the Administrator role have these permissions.

  3. Click Save permissions to save your permission changes.

Configuring content sharing (publishing)

Next, see Sharing content in Content Hub 1.x to learn how to use the Entity Configuration and Settings tabs to configure how you share or publish content from your website to Content Hub, where the content is discoverable by other members of your content network.

Disconnecting from Content Hub

Administrators can disconnect a website from Content Hub. You can reconnect the website at a later time. Any content already published to the hub from the website you are disconnecting will remain on the hub, but it becomes orphaned. Reconnecting your website to the hub won’t reconnect the copy of the content on the hub to its original source.

Depending on your installed version of Drupal, use the one of the following methods to disconnect your website from Content Hub:


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