
Connecting to Content Hub


Personalization no longer leverages the Content Hub module. This content is for those troubleshooting the Lift module and archival purposes only.

After you finish your Experience Builder installation, you have a personalization interface on your website, but you need content for Experience Builder to use. Content Hub is part of the overall Personalization product, so you can connect your website to a single Content Hub domain to access your websites’ published content in the Experience Builder sidebar.

For complete instructions on how to install and connect your website to Content Hub, see Installing the Content Hub client.


Personalization 4 with multilingual support requires module versions Content Hub 8.x-2.x and Personalization 4.1 or later.

After you install Content Hub modules, and connect your website to Content Hub, your publisher websites’ content should be available for you to use with your website.

Configuring your Content Hub settings

If you have a Drupal website and are using the Drupal client modules, you can configure your Content Hub settings by using the following procedure:

  1. Sign in to your website as a user with the Administrator role.

  2. In your website’s admin menu, click Configuration, and then click the Acquia Content Hub link.

  3. Sign in to Personalization in a new browser tab, and then click the Configure tab.

  4. From the left menu, click the Customer Sites link.

  5. Click the customer name with the Content Hub settings that you want to inspect.

  6. In the Content Hub Module section, obtain the following values:

    • Content Hub Hostname

    • API Key

    • Secret Key

    • Client Name

  7. Return to your website, and then update the values based on those from the Personalization interface.

  8. Click Save configuration.

Limiting content to a single website

If you use the current Drupal version with several configured Content Hub websites, but you want to import from only one website, you can limit discovery to that single website.

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your website as a user with the Administrator role.

  2. In the admin menu, click Configuration, and then click the Personalization link.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and then expand the Advanced configuration section.

  4. In the Experience Builder Content Restriction field, enter the UUID of the Content Hub website for which you want to restrict data importing.


    If you do not know the Content Hub origin UUID, you can obtain it using one of the following methods on the website you’re restricting to:

    • As an administrator of the Drupal website, navigate to Configuration > Content Hub.

    • From a command prompt on the Drupal website, type: drush cget acquia_contenthub.admin_settings

  5. Click Save Configuration.

Troubleshooting Content Hub and Experience Builder

If Content Hub is not configured correctly, no content will appear in the Experience Builder sidebar. Experience Builder displays the following message when this situation occurs:

Publish content to Content Hub in order to begin creating Rules. Check your
Content Hub configuration page or contact your site administrator for
additional details.


If you uninstall and reinstall Content Hub at any point, you will not be able to use the Client Name that you used during the previous configuration process. In that case, append a unique number to the Client Name that you used previously. For example, if you previously used LIFTSITE2, enter LIFTSITE3.


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