
Metadata mapping in Acquia DAM Classic

You can add or update metadata to your assets in bulk using our metadata mapping service, where we map your desired metadata to the assets you have stored in Acquia DAM Classic.

Metadata mapping process

  1. Request a metadata export from your Account Manager — it will include a list of all your assets and associated metadata in a .csv file.

  2. Open the file and make the necessary edits.
    Metadata field names are listed at the top of each column. The values for fields in Title Case cannot be changed, as they are system specific. Fields in CAPS can have their values edited, as they are based on the IPTC/XMP metadata standard.
    For example, the values under the metadata field CUSTOMFIELD1 can be edited; however Filename and Path cannot.
    To change the name of a metadata field, insert a new row at the top of the sheet and enter the new name in the cell above the field name you’d like to replace. For example, you might want to capture brand information as a metadata field. To do so, you can rename CUSTOMFIELD1 by inserting a new row at the top of the spreadsheet and entering Brand Name above CUSTOMFIELD1.

  3. Add or update metadata in the cells under the metadata field names.
    For example, a group of assets are from the Superfly brand, and you want that information reflected in the assets’ metadata. Using the example above, under the Brand Name/CUSTOMFIELD1 metadata field on the spreadsheet, include Superfly for each appropriate asset.

  4. After your edits are complete, send the file back to your Account Manager to map into Acquia DAM Classic. Acquia will provide an ETA for completion.

Acquia will provide success/failure logs and an email confirmation after the process is complete.

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