
Changing an asset’s status

You can change the status of assets depending on who you want them available to. Active assets and folders are visible to all users with appropriate permissions. Inactive assets and folders are visible to admins and contributors with appropriate permissions and only admins can download inactive assets. The statuses also work with publish status. Read more about publishing folders and assets.

Set an asset or folder status

The status of an asset will display in the asset and folder details panel. A green icon indicates the asset is active, while a red icon indicates it’s inactive. Admins and contributors with edit asset permission to a folder may edit the status of assets.

  1. Sign into Acquia DAM Classic and select the asset(s) or folder(s) you’d like to set the status for.

  2. Click the pencil icon on the actions toolbar and select Activate or Deactivate. You can also click the green or red icon to update the status.

Set the default status

You can configure the default status of assets upon upload and folders when they’re created. Typically, the status of assets and folders will be active.

  1. Sign into Acquia DAM Classic.

  2. Click the settings icon and select System Preferences.

  3. Configure the settings:

    • In the Assets section, Default status of assets on upload: Set the status of newly uploaded assets to Active or Inactive.

    • In the Folders section, Default status of folders on create: Set whether you want the status of newly created folders to be Active or Inactive.

  4. Click Save.

More information

In other sections of Acquia DAM Classic, a green icon indicates the user or rule is active and in working order, while a red icon indicates the user or rule is inactive and not in use. Learn more about statuses for users, registration rules and download rules.

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