Service Offerings

Personalization Product Guide


For additional information about Personalization, see its product documentation.

Last updated: May 17, 2023

Personalization unifies Customer content and profile data from multiple sources to deliver in-context, personalized experiences natively on any website and across any channel or device using the API.

Acquia will provide the Personalization Subscription Service described below only if purchased by Customer, as indicated in the Order.

1. Personalization Capabilities

A subscription to Personalization includes the following elements that will enable the Customer to assist with its content personalization and content distribution goals:

  • Personalization: Capture and unify customer data into a single visitor profile, and create and execute personalized digital experiences.

1.1. Visitor Profiling and Data Management

Personalization unifies person profile data collected from Customer’s Drupal or non-Drupal websites and, if the Customer purchases Acquia Personalization - Premium or Personalization Starter - Premium, other sources, such as CRM and email. It tracks the behavior of anonymous and identified customers throughout their customer journey; from first point of interaction as an anonymous person through to becoming a repeat, loyal customer. Personalization creates a unified profile for each person based on their historical and real-time behavior, described as follows:

  • Real-time profiling and segmentation
    • Real-time collection of data for anonymous and identified people
    • Person profile configuration and search
    • Segment builder and size estimation tool
    • Real-time person segmentation
    • JavaScript API
    • Ability to export up to 31 days of person-data using the user interface
  • Analytics
    • Pre-built reports and dashboards that provide information about people’s behavior and trends, including person, touch and events, segments, conversion, and engagement.
  • Data retention
    • Person profile behavioral data (touches and events) is retained during the applicable Subscription Term for 13 months.
    • Data warehouse raw event data is retained for 13 months.
  • Up to 100,000 monthly unique people. Additional people require add-on packs.

The data collected by Personalization is non-personal information typically about user’s online activity and interests, similar to web analytics (for example, a user read a specific article, opened an email newsletter, or prefers content related to movies). The IP address of the person is stored in order to determine their geography, but optionally can be masked by the customer before it is stored. Additional information can be collected about a person solely at the discretion of Customer.

In order to unify profile data from other sources such as marketing automation, identifiers such as email addresses or user ids can also optionally be stored. It is solely at Customer’s discretion to determine which identifiers they wish to store in Personalization, if any. Identifiers can also optionally employ a one-way encryption hash.

Personalization visitor data is stored in the cloud in order to support the real-time profiling, segmentation, and analytics functions described previously. Depending on the Subscription purchased, this data can be viewed using the Personalization user interface and optionally accessed using API and data warehouse connection. All Personalization data is owned by the Customer.

1.2. Personalization Campaigns

Personalization unifies content and profile data from multiple sources to deliver in-context, personalized experiences on Drupal or non-Drupal websites. It provides a user interface that overlays on top of any website to allow a user to build rules that define which content to test or target to different segments of users. The content that is available to a user for building personalizations is based on all content published to Personalization from one or more content sources.

  • Testing and targeting of web visitors
    • Web based user interface for defining campaign rules and content on any webpage
    • A/B testing
    • Content targeting
    • Goals and events management

2. Subscription Packages

Personalization is available in four editions:

  • Personalization - Standard
  • Personalization - Premium
  • Personalization Starter - Standard
  • Personalization Starter - Premium

2.1. Personalization - Standard

Personalization - Standard includes:

  • Visitor Profiling and Data Management capabilities, as previously described
  • Personalization Campaigns capabilities, as previously described

2.2. Personalization - Premium

Personalization - Premium extends the capabilities of Personalization - Standard for omni-channel use cases. It provides all of the functionality of Personalization - Standard plus the following:

  • Real-time profiling and segmentation
    • Ability to export unlimited amount of data using APIs in addition to the 31-day export that is available in the user interface.
  • Full access to Personalization platform APIs to exchange person data with marketing automation tools, and third party data sources
    • File import API
    • File export APIs
    • Push API
    • REST APIs
  • Prebuilt integrations with complementary marketing systems
    • Marketo
      • Marketo leads imported to Personalization as People
      • Marketo activities imported to Personalization as Events
      • Configurable lead field and activity mappings
    • Eloqua
      • Eloqua contacts imported to Personalization as People
      • Eloqua activities imported to Personalization as Events
      • Configurable field mappings and activity types
  • Dedicated data warehouse
    • Dedicated Snowflake database, containing Personalization unified profiles (person, touch, event, rankings, segments, identities).
    • One provisioned user account for connecting to the database, optionally secured with a self-signed certificate.
    • The standard configuration for the database connection provides up to 2 TB of storage in one Region for up to five concurrent queries.
  • Analytics
    • Utilizes dedicated data warehouse above for faster performance compared to Personalization - Standard.

2.3. Personalization Starter - Standard

Personalization Starter - Standard is a component of Personalization - Standard edition, purchased as a stand-alone subscription. Personalization Starter - Standard is intended for data collection from the web channel, and includes:

  • Visitor Profiling and Data Management capabilities as indicated above.

2.4. Personalization Starter - Premium

Personalization Starter - Premium is a component of Personalization - Premium edition, purchased as a stand-alone subscription. Personalization Starter - Premium unifies profile data from any channel or system. It provides all of the functionality of Personalization Starter - Standard plus the following:

  • Real-time profiling and segmentation
    • Ability to export unlimited amount of data using APIs in addition to the 31-day export that is available in the user interface
  • Full access to Personalization platform APIs to exchange person data with existing sources such as CRM systems, marketing automation tools, and third-party data sources
    • File import API
    • File export APIs
    • Push API
    • REST APIs
  • Prebuilt integrations with complementary marketing systems
    • Marketo
      • Marketo leads imported to Personalization as People
      • Marketo activities imported to Personalization as Events
      • Configurable lead field and activity mappings
    • Eloqua
      • Eloqua contacts imported to Personalization as People
      • Eloqua activities imported to Personalization as Events
      • Configurable field mappings and activity types
  • Dedicated data warehouse
    • Dedicated Snowflake database, containing Personalization unified profiles (person, touch, event, rankings, segments, identities).
    • One provisioned user account for connecting to the database, optionally secured with a self-signed certificate.
    • The standard configuration for the database connection provides up to 2 TB of storage in one Region for up to five concurrent queries.
  • Analytics
    • Utilizes dedicated data warehouse above for faster performance compared to Personalization Starter - Standard option.
  • Non-production use of Experience Builder: Customers can utilize testing and targeting functionality for non-production use upon request (for example, development and testing, or evaluation).

2.5. Developer Account

Customers who require a separate developer account (Personalization Account) for development and testing can have one upon request for non-production use. This developer account does not include a dedicated Redshift or Snowflake connection. Objects like rules, slots, events, segments, and content are not synchronized between a customer’s production account and the developer account.

3. Subscription Add-on Packs

All subscriptions of Personalization are licensed based on:

  • The number of total monthly unique people, across all channels and websites, as measured by Personalization analytics, based on the monthly average over the previous 12 months. 100,000 monthly unique people are included with each edition.

3.1. People add-on packs (for Data Collection and Personalization use cases)

Unique people add-on packs are available in the following allotments:

  • add-on 100,000 additional monthly unique people
  • add-on 500,000 additional monthly unique people
  • add-on 1,000,000 additional monthly unique people
  • add-on 5,000,000 additional monthly unique people

4. Support Services

Customer’s subscription to Personalization includes unlimited diagnosis support for Personalization as described in the Personalization product support scope in the Support Users’ Guide. Customer can contact Acquia Support in accordance with the Support Users Guide and in accordance with stated Urgency Levels. Initial response times for support requests vary on the urgency level and Customer’s Subscription tier as described in the Support Users Guide.

5. Service Level Policy for Personalization

Acquia will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Personalization infrastructure available for 99.95% during any calendar month during the applicable Subscription Term (“Personalization SLA”). Availability and Unavailability shall be calculated in accordance with the formula set forth in Acquia’s Service Level Policy. In the event Acquia does not meet the Personalization SLA for a calendar month, the parties shall be entitled to the rights and remedies set forth in the Service Extensions section, subject to the following Service Commitment Exclusions.

5.1. Service Commitment Exclusions

The Service Commitment does not apply to any unavailability, outage, suspension, or termination of any Acquia SaaS performance issues:

  1. due to factors outside Acquia reasonable control
  2. that resulted from Customer’s or third party hardware or software
  3. that resulted from actions or inactions of Customer or third parties
  4. caused by Customer’s use of the Personalization Service after Acquia advised Customer to modify its use of the Service, if Customer didn’t modify its use as advised
  5. during beta and trial Services (as determined by Acquia)
  6. attributable to the acts or omissions of Customer or Customer’s employees, agents, contractors, or vendors, or anyone gaining access to Acquia’s Service by means of Customer’s Authorized Users’ accounts or equipment

6. Included Enablement Packages

6.1. Personalization Quick Start

This quick start provides an introduction to Personalization. Acquia will train Customers’ Drupal development teams to get started with using Acquia Personalization. The quick start training cover the following topics:

  • Personalization concepts and usage
  • Personalization best practices and expectations for your Drupal sites
  • Process to Install and configure the Personalization modules and scripts.
  • Data Collection - setting up user segments, custom events, and taxonomy mapping.
  • Personalization - methodology to create basic personalization and execute critical path testing to ensure content is exporting and a campaign can be created.
  • Analytics & Reporting - Personalization reporting capability, focusing on KPIs for personalization campaigns.

The total duration of these services is 10 hours and they are delivered remotely over a two-day period. Assumes the Customer has a technical team to implement and configure Personalization and personalization use cases identified.

6.2 Personalization Enhanced Onboarding

Experts from Acquia will work with Customers or Customers’ partners to guide them through best practices, strategies, and procedures for Acquia Personalization. Additionally, Acquia will provide office hours to support the Customers as they put the recommendations into practice. The initial quick start training helps Customers get a foundation on Personalization and covers the following topics:

  • Personalization concepts and usage.
  • Personalization best practices and expectations for your Drupal sites.
  • Process to Install and configure the Personalization modules and scripts.
  • Data Collection - setting up user segments, custom events, and taxonomy mapping.
  • Personalization - methodology to create basic personalization and execute critical path testing to ensure content is exporting and a campaign can be created.
  • Analytics & Reporting - Personalization reporting capability, focusing on KPIs for personalization campaigns.

With office hours, Customers will get an enhanced hands-on enablement to support the best practices and approaches delivered during the quick start phase. The activities involved are as follows:

  • Two one-hour, weekly meetings to review concepts and answer questions.
  • Email response to questions from the team.
  • Ad-hoc meetings (subject to availability of time).

Acquia will deliver a fixed capacity of 80 hours of onboarding over the course of eight consecutive business weeks. The first week consists of Acquia Personalization Quick Start. The following seven weeks consist of office hours. Acquia will provide the Customer with a written update on a weekly basis.

7. Data Portability and Deletion

Upon request made by Customer within 7 days of termination or expiration of the Subscription Services, Acquia will make Customer Data and Customer Applications available to Customer for export or download. At the end of such 7-day period, Acquia will delete or otherwise render inaccessible any Customer Data and Customer Applications, unless legally prohibited. Acquia has no obligation to retain the Customer Data for Customer purposes after this 7-day post termination period.

Acquia Inc. reserves the right to change the Products and Services Guide based on prevailing market practices and the evolution of our products. Changes will not result in a degradation in the level of services provided during the period for which fees for such services have been paid.

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