Service Offerings

Acquia Search Product Guide

For more information about Acquia Search, see its product documentation.

Last updated: July 15, 2020

Acquia Search is a Solr search service delivered as SaaS (Software as a Service) for Cloud Platform and Site Factory enabling Drupal website visitors to find and discover relevant content faster.

Acquia Search features are available within the following Cloud Platform Standard, Cloud Platform Enterprise, and Site Factory subscription tiers. The Product and Services Guide governs such Acquia Search features.


Subscription Tiers

Cloud Platform Standard

Starter, Basic, Business, Premium

Cloud Platform

Standard, Plus, Premium, Elite

Cloud Platform Enterprise

Starter, Basic, Business, Premium, Elite

Site Factory

Standard Entitlements, Elite Entitlements

1. Definitions

For purposes of this section, the following definitions will be used:

  • Acquia Search: A Solr search service for Drupal delivered to Customer as SaaS in either Shared or Dedicated form.

  • Shared Acquia Search: A version of Acquia Search where the Customer’s Solr service and website Index resides on server infrastructure shared with other Customers. By default, Customer will begin with shared Acquia Search.

3. Service Level Policy

This service level policy governs the use of Acquia Search under the terms of the applicable order between Acquia and customer available at Service Level Policy - Product Guide, with the exception of the following other service commitment exclusions:

  • Any unavailability caused by customer exceeding their Acquia Search entitlement

  • Any unavailability caused by the customer’s Drupal modules

  • Any unavailability in the customer’s non-Production Acquia Search indexes

  • In the event of any outages described above, Acquia will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any disruption, inaccessibility and / or inoperability of the website in connection with outages, whether scheduled or not.

For any partial calendar quarter during which the customer subscribes to the services, availability will be calculated based on the entire calendar quarter, not only the portion for which the customer subscribed.

3.1. Support Services

Customer’s subscription to Acquia Search includes unlimited diagnosis support as described in the Acquia Search Support Scope in the Support Users Guide. Customer can contact Acquia Support in accordance with the Support Users Guide and in accordance with stated Urgency Levels. Initial response times for support requests vary on the urgency level and customer’s subscription tier as described in the Support Users Guide.

4. Disaster Recovery

4.1. Data Centers

Acquia Search is delivered to the customer from the following Data Center:

  • US East (Northern Virginia)

The data center region is physically remote from Acquia’s office facilities. A disaster affecting one or more of Acquia’s offices would not impact the availability of Acquia Search. Acquia Search supports single-region deployment for each customer.

4.2. Backups

In the event of a data-loss event, the customer must reindex their site to regenerate the index and ensure their index is up-to-date.

5. Capacity Management

5.1. Search Queries Limits

Acquia reserves the right to enforce maximum search queries per month limits on customer applications as set forth in the product documentation (each a “Search Queries Limit”).

5.2. Emergency Search Queries Limit Increase

In the event Acquia becomes aware a customer’s application is exceeding its allocated search queries limit as described in Section 5.1 above, Acquia will notify the customer and will take reasonable actions to increase such search queries limits in an effort to maintain website search availability. Customer agrees that Acquia, in its reasonable discretion, may unilaterally increase search queries limits to the best appropriate Acquia Search tier, including moving the customer site(s) from shared Acquia Search to dedicated Acquia Search, available at Acquia’s then current rates. Unless otherwise agreed, such additional search queries limits will remain provisioned for the remainder of the subscription term. Customer agrees to pay for such additional limits for the remainder of the term.

Acquia reserves the right to:

  1. For Shared Acquia Search, rate limit or disable Acquia Search if the customer has exceeded their search queries limit and has any outstanding amounts due.

  2. For dedicated Acquia Search, not increase search queries limits if the customer has any outstanding amounts due.

  3. Remove customer’s indexes from monitoring in the event that a recommended or completed search queries limit increase is refused or otherwise disputed by the customer. Search downtime incurred while the customer is out of monitoring will be excluded from service level policy calculations.

5.3. Index Size Limits

Each Acquia Search entitlement includes specified limits on the maximum size of the Index.

5.4. Emergency Index Size Increase

In the event Acquia becomes aware that the customer has reached, or may reach, its maximum index size limit as described in Section 5.3 above, Acquia will notify customer and will take reasonable actions to increase the index capacity in an effort to maintain website availability. Customer agrees that Acquia, in its reasonable discretion, may delete data from the customer’s non-production Indexes and / or unilaterally increase index size limits to the best appropriate Acquia Search tier available at Acquia’s then current rates. Such increased index size limits will remain provisioned for the remainder of the applicable subscription term and the customer agrees to pay for such increased index size limits for the remainder of such subscription term. Acquia reserves the right to not increase index size limits if the customer has any outstanding accounts receivable due under its account.

6. Data Portability and Deletion

Upon request made by Customer within 7 days of termination or expiration of the Subscription Services, Acquia will make Customer Data and Customer Applications available to Customer for export or download. At the end of such 7-day period, Acquia will delete or otherwise render inaccessible any Customer Data and Customer Applications, unless legally prohibited. Acquia has no obligation to retain the Customer Data for Customer purposes after this 7-day post termination period.

Acquia Inc. reserves the right to change the Products and Services Guide based on prevailing market practices and the evolution of our products. Changes will not result in a degradation in the level of services provided during the period for which fees for such services have been paid.

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