Service Offerings

DAM Product Guide

Last updated: July 26, 2024

Acquia DAM is a web-based centralized solution that simplifies how brand, marketing, and product content is organized, accessed, and delivered to market. It combines the power of digital asset management (DAM) and product information management (PIM) in one platform, enabling teams to find what they need, coordinate content related workflows, and publish up-to-date content across digital and print channels.

Acquia DAM

Acquia DAM includes the following capabilities. Features marked with (*) are not included at all subscription levels, but may be included as add-ons.

Acquia DAM features

1. Access

  • Branded login page
  • Unlimited roles with custom user access levels
  • Login end-user license agreement (EULA)
  • Custom role-based dashboard messages
  • iOS and Android mobile application
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Unlimited Support
  • Uptime SLA
  • Unlimited users (*)
  • SAML single sign-on (*)
  • Simple one-way HTTP single sign-on (*)
  • REST API (*)
  • Vanity URL (*)
  • HIPAA-ready version with signed BAA (*)

2. Administration and control

  • Asset release and expiration dates
  • Asset groups based on user permissions
  • Asset version control
  • Asset download EULA
  • Rights management
  • Watermarking
  • Digital watermarking (requires Digimarc account) (*)

4. Distribution

  • Share assets via email order
  • Share assets via collections
  • Asset share links
  • Asset embed codes
  • Global content delivery network (CDN)
  • True HD video streaming
  • Metadata and search result exports
  • Configurable conversion formats
  • Share assets via Standard Portals including:
    • Portal creation with WYSIWYG editor
    • Asset sections with curated lists of assets
    • Access controls including public, passcode protected, or login required
    • Shareable via embed codes or share links

5. Automation

  • Customizable email notifications with Paths
  • Image conversions on the fly
  • Video conversions on the fly
  • Unlimited upload profile workflows
  • Bulk metadata importer
  • Included Connectors (activated by request only)
    • AI-powered Clarifai auto-tagging of image files
    • Associate Assets and Entries
    • DAM to DAM Connector
    • Filename to metadata mapping
    • Drupal Connector
    • Syndic8
  • Acquia DAM native integrations with more than 25 applications (*)
  • Partner integrations with more than 30 applications (*)

6. Insights

  • Asset-level performance analytics including downloads, shares, and views
  • Video analytics including loads, plays, and retention
  • Site-level analytics including site metrics, search patterns, user engagement, referral sources, and location

7. Entries (*)

  • Import product data via drag and drop, FTP, or API
  • Filter and search product lists
  • Customizable category hierarchy
  • Customizable text attributes with rich text editor, controlled vocab fields
  • Single and multi-select controlled vocabulary attributes
  • Product variants
  • Product history
  • Automatic email notifications with Paths
  • Channels with filterable product lists and attributes
  • Channel export via download, FTP, or API
  • Share product and asset information with Channel Portals

8. Portals (*)

Includes all features of Standard Portals, and the following: 

  • Brandable, stylized headers
  • Custom navigation
  • Multiple-column layout
  • Auto-updating asset sections with collections or dynamic galleries
  • Video playlists
  • Brand color picker

9. Workflow (*)

  • Upload images, PDFs, or videos as proofs
  • Multi-stage configurable and reusable workflows
  • Route proofs to users or multi-user workgroups
  • Custom workgroup request forms
  • Review, comment, and annotate proofs
  • Project and deliverable due dates, priorities, and comments
  • Dashboard with visual timelines and usage insights
  • Workflow AI Assistant

10. Templates (*)

  • InDesign plugin to personalize template text, contact information, and images
  • Upload customizable templates from InDesign to Acquia DAM
  • Customizable template categories
  • Permissioned template groups by user roles
  • HTML5 live editor to customize templates
  • Image customization with curated list of admin-approved assets
  • Image customization with user-uploaded images
  • Download or share customized templates as a web-to-print high-res PDF, or web-to-web JPG or PNG

11. Services (*)

  • Guided and full-service implementation services
  • Strategy, change management, and process improvement consulting services
  • Design services for dashboards, portals, and templates
  • Managed services including site administration, data migration, and metadata entry

12. Reductions

Line item and/or bundle subscription discounts are based on maintaining the configuration of services purchased on the same Order Form. Thus, no reductions in subscriptions can occur during any subscription term that has already begun. The prohibition of subscription reductions during any then current also applies to multi-year subscriptions terms.

CI-HUB Connectors may not be refunded, they require annual renewal, and any reduction in the number of Connectors requires that the Customer notify Acquia in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the annual renewal date.

13. Storage Capacity and Overages

An authorized user (“User”) is defined as a specific individual belonging to a role defined by an Acquia DAM administrator (whether administrator, uploader/contributor, power User or general User) and any User associated with an API key. The administrator may create or remove Users at his or her discretion; however, creation of User accounts intended for use by more than one specific individual is not permitted.

  • For Workgroup (limited user subscriptions), in a month in which the total number of Users exceeds the number included in the relevant Order Form, additional per-User charges as identified in that same Order Form shall apply. Additional charges (if applicable) are calculated as follows: If the total Users on the last day of the month are greater than the included number, the difference is tracked by month and any increases are invoiced monthly in arrears.
  • In a month in which the total amount of data storage exceeds the amount included in the Order Form, additional per GB storage charges as identified in that same Order Form shall apply. Additional charges (if applicable) are calculated as follows: If the data storage on the last day of the month is greater than the included amount, the difference is tracked by month and any increases are invoiced monthly in arrears.
  • For Workgroup plans only, API calls not authorized through an Acquia OAuth client (“Applicable Calls”) are subject to a calendar monthly limit of 500,000. For Workgroup plans including the Entries application, the monthly limit is 1,000,000 calls. Applicable Calls above the stated limits in a calendar month are subject to additional fees. Excluded from API call limits: Acquia Managed and authorized 3rd party integrations.

For bundles where “Test Site - 1 year” is included, Customer is responsible for requesting the activation of the test site when needed.

End user agreements

If the CI HUB software is included in this SOW, Customer acknowledges that installation and configuration of the CI HUB software requires that each end user agree to the CI HUB Service License Terms (collectively, the “End User Agreement”), which is available for your review at CI HUB Service License Terms. Customer hereby agrees (a) that each employee of Customer who agrees to the End User Agreement is authorized to do so on Customer’s behalf, or (b) to have an authorized representative present to agree to the End User Agreement for each end user as required by the licensor thereof. Customer hereby warrants that any and all end users who agree to the End User Agreement will not in any way breach or be in default under the terms and conditions of the End User Agreement. A breach by any such end user of any term or condition of any such End User Agreement will be an event of default pursuant to the Agreement.

Native Integrations

Acquia develops and supports a variety of native integrations to connect Customer’s digital assets and/or metadata with Customer’s other software applications in order to streamline processes and automate repetitive tasks. All native integrations function by running continuously in the background, with no UI components, and require a trigger based on specific criteria in order to perform desired actions. Native integrations comprise predefined data integrations and process automations, and are included with retail pricing packages. For more advanced or custom integrations, the REST API is available for custom development by Customer.

For a full listing of available managed integrations, see Acquia DAM Integrations.

Roles, responsibilities and process for managed integrations

  1. Customer provides all access and requirement details as described in each integration requirements document as supplied by Acquia. Customer requests outside the scope of the current integration capabilities as described by the integration requirements document, will be considered a New Technology request and handled as such.
  2. Integration team confirms the details once received, and assigns the Customer’s project request in the next available 2-week development sprint.
  3. Integration team develops integration within the assigned development sprint.*

    *Changes to requirements during development may require rescoping and rescheduling.

  4. Customer tests to confirm integration conforms to agreed integration requirements document criteria.**

    **Additional changes and testing may require the project to move into the next available sprint.

  5. Integration team provides final documentation to include the details of Customer’s integration.
  6. Integration team transfers the ongoing integration maintenance to the Acquia Support team.
  7. Support team is alerted if and when integration errors occur and will either address such errors proactively, or reach out to the Customer as needed.
  8. Customer will reach out to the Support team for any requested changes.***

    ***If necessary, the Support team will reassign to the Integration team for further development.

Managed integration timing considerations

  1. Scoping call is dependent on Customer and Integration team availability.
  2. Development scheduling is dependent on when Customer is able to provide all access and requirements as defined in Roles, responsibilities and process, item #1.
  3. Development start date is scheduled in the next available development sprint.
  4. Development is approximately 10 business days excluding holidays.
  5. Completion of Customer testing is dependent on Customer engagement and any requested changes or identified issues that arise.

Native integration support

The Acquia Support team will engage the Integration team as necessary, but once the integration is live, the Support team can address Customer requests for updates to integration functionality and troubleshooting.

Partner integrations

These integrations are developed and supported by an Acquia partner. For a full listing of available native integrations, see Acquia DAM Integrations.

Roles, responsibilities and process for partner integrations

For any partner integration requests, Acquia will refer the Customer directly to the partner. The Customer will be under a separate contract with the partner, and all associated invoicing, scoping, support and maintenance will be handled by the partner.

Ongoing support

The partner handles all ongoing support and maintenance.

New technology

If the Customer requests an integration for a technology not currently available as either a native or partner integration, these are considered new technologies. New technologies will be investigated and considered for development if they align with the planned integration roadmap, customer demand, and technical feasibility.

Acquia DAM Service Level Agreement

This Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) governs the use of Acquia DAM (the “Service”) under the terms of the applicable Order between Acquia and Customer.

During the Subscription Term of any Order, the Service will provide a Monthly Uptime Percentage to Customer of at least 99.9% (the “Service Level Commitment”). If Acquia does not meet the Service Level Commitment, and if Customer meets its obligations under the SLA, Customer will be eligible to receive the Service Extensions as described below. The SLA states Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Acquia to meet the Service Level Commitment. Capitalized terms used in the SLA, but not defined in the SLA, have the meaning set forth in the Subscription and Services Agreement.

The following definitions apply to the SLA:

“Excused Downtime” means downtime to perform Scheduled Maintenance and downtime caused by circumstances beyond Acquia’s reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, acts of government, flood, fire, earthquakes, civil unrest, acts of terror, strikes or other labor problems (other than those involving Acquia employees, agents or contractors), computer or telecommunications failures or delays involving hardware or software not within Acquia’s possession or control, and network intrusions or denial of service attacks (other than those involving Acquia employees, agents, contractors or equipment).

“Monthly Uptime Percentage” means the total number of minutes in a month, minus the number of minutes of Service Interruption in a month, divided by the total number of minutes in a month.

“Service Interruption” means the properly configured Service is not able to serve any traffic directed to it, provided such interruption is not a result of any actions of Customer, its users or any third parties other than Acquia’s data center provider. Service Interruptions shall not include Scheduled Maintenance or SLA Exclusions.

“Scheduled Maintenance” means any scheduled outages or downtime for maintenance, upgrades, enhancements or changes to the Services. Acquia shall provide at least seven (7) days’ notice of any Scheduled Maintenance and at least two (2) days’ notice of any emergency maintenance. Scheduled Maintenance shall be performed during a maintenance window defined by Acquia infrastructure and development staff, during off hours (defined as evening or weekend hours, CT), provided that each such Scheduled Maintenance is expected to be no longer than approximately thirty (30) minutes.

“Unscheduled Maintenance” is urgent maintenance performed to ensure the security or performance of the Services. This maintenance may begin as soon as a security issue is announced or the Service becomes impaired and requires maintenance to return to its optimal performance. Acquia will notify you by updates to

1. Notification

Acquia will provide a generic notification message to users when the Services will not be available because of Scheduled Maintenance. All users may subscribe to and receive email, text message, Atom or RSS Feed notification regarding site issues and related updates.

2. Service interruption management

Acquia is responsible for managing Service Interruptions that are within Acquia’s control, that are discovered by Customer, Customer users, or by Acquia. Customers may notify Acquia of a Service Interruption via telephone, web submission or live chat to the Support Team during US/UK business hours as published in the Acquia DAM Community at, Monday through Friday (excluding US/UK national holidays). Once Acquia becomes aware of a Service Interruption, Acquia will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve the Service Interruption and provide reasonable periodic status reports regarding Service Interruption resolution.

3. SLA exclusions

The SLA does not apply to any errors: (i) caused by factors outside of Acquia’s reasonable control; (ii) that resulted from Customer’s software or hardware or third-party software or hardware, or both; (iii) that resulted from abuses or other behaviors by Customer that violate the Agreement; (iv) any outages resulting from Scheduled Maintenance; or (v) Service Interruption that relates to any malware, viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, worms or other malicious or harmful code in the website that (1) was not introduced by Acquia or (2) was not introduced as a result of Acquia’s failure to perform the Services in compliance with the standard included herein or in the Subscription and Services Agreement.

4. Service extension

If and to the extent Acquia fails to meet the applicable Service Level Commitment for a calendar month, for each one-half hour of Service Interruption Customer will receive a one-day extension of their Subscription (each a “Service Extension”); provided (i) Customer informs Acquia within fifteen days of the purported interruption providing a full description of the Service Interruption, including logs if applicable, and (ii) requests a Service Extension in writing (email acceptable). When Customer entitlement to a Service Extension is confirmed by Acquia in writing (via email or support ticket), Acquia will apply such Service Extension to the end of the then-current applicable Subscription Term. If Customer has accumulated Service Extensions during two consecutive months or three months in any six-month period, Customer may terminate the applicable Order upon seven days advance written notice to Acquia. In the event of a Service Interruption that is directly attributable to flaws in Customer’s environment (including the underlying code) where, despite reasonable notification from Acquia that such flaws are adversely impacting availability and Customer fails to correct such flaws, then Acquia may terminate the applicable Order upon 30-days written notice to Customer. The Service Extension and termination rights constitute Customer’s exclusive remedy and Acquia’s sole liability and obligation for any failure to maintain the Service Level Commitment.

The SLA represents a portion of the agreement between Customer and Acquia. Acquia reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of the SLA as well as add new SLAs by posting the updates on the Acquia Support Center website. Customer agrees that it will be deemed to have accepted such changes by continuing to use the Services. Customer will be notified in advance of any updates to the SLA or any new SLAs, and updates will take effect thirty (30) days after posting of the updated or new SLA. Changes will not result in a degradation in the level of services provided during the period for which fees for such Services have been paid.

5. Data portability and deletion

Upon request made by Customer within 7 days of termination or expiration of the Subscription Services, Acquia can make Customer Data and Customer Applications available to Customer for export or download. Acquia will provide the requested Customer Data and Customer Applications to Customer within 30 days after the request from Customer. Thirty (30) days after termination or expiration of the Subscription Services or after such 30-day period where Customer Data and Customer Applications have been provided to Customer, Acquia will delete or otherwise render inaccessible any Customer Data and Customer Applications, unless legally prohibited. Acquia has no obligation to retain the Customer Data for Customer purposes after this 30-day post termination period.

Acquia Inc. reserves the right to change the Products and Services Guide based on prevailing market practices and the evolution of our products. Changes will not result in a degradation in the level of services provided during the period for which fees for such services have been paid.

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