Service Offerings

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

RCAs requested and approved for delivery will be provided in three to seven business days (exclusive of Acquia regional holidays) of the resolution of an issue. If Acquia Customer Support is reliant upon additional resources or a third party for critical RCA information, the delivery time may increase. In some cases, the RCA may be updated after delivery if and when additional information is discovered or third-party data becomes available. Product or platform interruptions impacting multiple customers tracked and communicated on: will be closed with an RCA (detailed post mortem) and will not receive separate customer-specific RCA documentation unless otherwise noted and agreed to.

Acquia does not provide an RCA for events or downtime for customer application issues or for third-party services not managed by Acquia. In these instances, Acquia will investigate and report using our standard customer request processes. In addition, Acquia may, at its discretion, provide an RCA for a sustained issue with a service or tool not reported on

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