Site Factory

Managing your Site Factory sites

To help you manage your Site Factory websites and their user accounts, Site Factory includes the Site Factory Management Console, a browser-based website management interface enabling you to effectively organize and work with large numbers of websites and users.

Using the Site Factory Management Console, you can administer user accounts, perform website management tasks, and administer overall Site Factory settings.

For instructions for signing in to the Site Factory Management Console, see Accessing the Site Factory Management Console.


For instructions on setting up Acquia Search with Site Factory, see Using Acquia Search with Site Factory.


The All my sites page offers an export CSV functionality, accessible through a button located at the bottom of the page. This feature generates a CSV file containing details of individual sites, excluding collections. The exported CSV includes information about both primary and secondary sites associated with the account.

User administration

User management on Site Factory involves both the roles, access, and permissions for your Site Factory Management Console, and the roles, access, and permissions for the individual Site Factory-hosted websites. You can perform the following user management tasks:

For information about the permissions matrix for roles on your Site Factory Management Console, see Site Factory Management Console roles.

Website management tasks

Creating, maintaining, and configuring the individual websites hosted by Site Factory is a straightforward process in the Site Factory Management Console, allowing you to complete the following common tasks:

For a full list of both the tasks and the metadata about individual websites available for your use, see Site actions and organization.

Platform administration tasks

As part of maintaining your platform, you must monitor how Site Factory handles your websites, both for normal use and during code deployments and updates. You can also make configuration changes affecting all of your Site Factory-hosted websites. The following list includes links to several resources describing how the Site Factory Management Console helps you meet these needs:

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