Site Factory

Managing site groups

Site Factory groups allow you to separate your websites and site collections into organizational units that mirror your organization’s structure. For example, you can create groups that contain Site Factory-hosted websites from different organizational units (such as Finance, Marketing, or Support) or geographic regions (including North America, Europe, or Asia/Pacific).

For information about naming your Site Factory elements, see Organizing your websites, collections, and groups.

You can manage site groups (including editing and deleting groups, and adding or removing websites and site collections) from the site group detail page.


Although groups and subgroups are slightly different in the Site Factory Management Console (groups exist only at the top level and have no parent group, and subgroups have a group or subgroup parent), this page uses the general term of groups unless there’s a need to be specific.

To view a group’s detail page:

  1. Sign in to the Site Factory Management Console.

  2. Click the All my groups link to view a detailed list of the groups you’re a member of and their contents.

  3. Find the group for which you want to view its detail page, and then click its name from either the menu on the left, or from the detailed listing.

Group detail page interface

  1. Site group name

  2. Number of websites and site collections and number of group members in the group

  3. Methods to change the group name or location

  4. Website sorting and group management options

  5. Subgroups of the group

  6. Websites and site collections in the group

  7. User accounts that can access and view the group

Changing the group name

To change the name of a group that you previously created:

  1. Go to the group’s detail page.

  2. Click Edit group.

  3. Enter the new name for the group in the Title field.

  4. Click Save.

The group detail page displays the new group name.

Moving the group

To change a group’s parent group to another group, or to change a subgroup to a top-level group:

  1. Go to the group’s detail page.

  2. Click Edit group.

  3. In the Parent list, click the new parent group or level of the current group.

    Users with the platform admin role can click No parent group to move the group to the top level.

  4. Click Save.

The group (along with its websites, site collections, and any subgroups it contains) is moved to its new location with a new parent. The group that you moved does not inherit group members from its new parent group.

Promoting a subgroup to a group

You can also make a subgroup a top-level group from the parent group’s detail page. To do so:

  1. Go to the parent group’s detail page.

  2. In the Sub-groups section, find the subgroup that you want to set as a top-level group.

  3. Click the minus icon to the right of the subgroup name.

  4. Click Remove.

The subgroup (along with its websites, site collections, and subgroups) is moved out of its existing parent group and is now a top-level group.

Adding sites and site collections

To add a previously created website or site collection to a group:

  1. Go to the page in the Site Factory Management Console that contains the websites or site collections that you want to add to a group (such as the All my sites page or the All my groups page).

  2. Select the websites or site collections that you want to add to the group.

    Site Factory enables the Move and Remove buttons.

  3. Click Move.

  4. In the To these groups list, select the group or groups to which you want to add the selected websites and site collections.

  5. Click Next.

Site Factory moves the selected websites and site collections to the group or groups you selected and returns you to the All my sites page.

Removing sites and site collections

To remove a website or site collection from a group:

  1. Go to the group’s detail page.

  2. Select the websites or site collections that you want to remove from the group.

    Site Factory enables the Move and Remove buttons.

  3. Click Remove.

  4. To confirm the removal of the selected websites and site collections from the group, click Confirm.

The websites and site collections that you selected are no longer in the group. This process does not remove the selected websites and site collections from other groups that they belong to. If this was the only group that contained the removed website or site collection, you can now find only the removed website or site collection on the All my sites page.

Deleting a group

To delete a group from Site Factory:

  1. Sign in to Site Factory as either the Group owner member of the group you want to delete or a user with the platform admin role.

  2. Go to the group’s detail page.

  3. Click Edit group.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. To determine what Site Factory does with the group’s websites, site collections, and group member accounts, select from the following options:

    • Nothing, just remove the group - Websites and site collections not contained by any other group are now displayed only on the All my sites page.

    • Merge all the group’s sites with the group below - Select a Destination group to which you want to move the websites and site collections contained by the group that you’re deleting.

    • Merge all the group’s sites and members with the group below - Select a Destination group to which you want to move the websites, site collections, and group member accounts contained by the group that you’re deleting.


      When you move user account permissions, the user accounts do not gain group administrator privileges for the group, even if they were group administrators of the deleted group.

  6. Click Delete group.

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